[ES!] The Crimson’s Pure Heart
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Kuro wants to learn more about a certain yuruchara from Midori…
This story is connected to the card [Carrot’s Relations] Kuro Kiryu.
Story Release Date: July 26, 2019
Casual suicide and drowning mention.
Season: Autumn
Location: Classroom 1-A

Wassup, Midori-kun! Since you’re hanging around in the classroom during lunch break, I’m guessing you’ve got nothing to do? You’re in the Basketball Club, so we should go and play some basketball.
Basketball…? Nono, I refuse…!
I’d rather stay in this air-conditioned room than suffer outside in the heat… And if I play basketball, I won’t be able to escape being reminded of how suffocating Morisawa-senpai is.
I wanna soothe myself with yuruchara during my break time, at least…
Uumyu… But you’re so tall; it’d be a waste not to make use of it through playing sports. Also, I’m just hanging around doing nothing ‘cuz I have nobody to exercise with, y’know~
Ah! We could do karate instead! We can do it indoors, and it’ll cool you down!
No, really, can we just move away from sports first…?
Yo, Tetsu.
T-Taishou!? Why’re you here?
Could it be… you noticed that I wanted to exercise, and came over to train me!?
Wow, you’re awesome, Taishou! I’m in awe!
That’s not why I’m here. Since you’re here, this must mean it’s classroom 1-A, right?
Hmm? Yeah it is, but… Wait, I’m not mixing things up, am I, Midori-kun?
U-Um. You’re not…
Oh, you were talkin’ to Tetsu, I see. I’m here for that first year boy.
Long time no see, Takamine. I got lotsa help from ya Ryuseitai folks back when I was practicin’ my role for the drama shoot.1
Ah, yes…
…Wait— D-D-Does that mean you have something to talk about with me…!?
‘Course I do. That’s the reason I came all the way here. Lemme borrow ya for a moment.
Ohhh!? I never would’ve expected Taishou to ask Midori-kun for anything…!
Are you gonna invite him to the Karate Club? But he’s already in the Basketball Club, y’know~! And I mean, like, look at him — He’s shaking all over!
Uuu… Am I going to be tied up and thrown into the ocean…? I’d rather die than be tortured alive… I wanna die…
Whaddya take me for…?
Chill, I’m not doin’ anything to ya — I just need to talk to you about somethin’ important.
You heard him, Midori-kun! You’ll be fine, Taishou’s much kinder than he looks. I’ll even be there to hear him out with you~♪
Oh, nah. Sorry Tetsu, but I’d rather you don’t join us.
Whaaa!? W-Why not…?
It’s a li’l complicated. Takamine, couldja come with me alone to the rooftop?
O-Okay… Ahh, this might just be where my life ends…
Location: Rooftop

Good, nobody’s around.
Let’s get right to it. I got a lotta things to ask ya — answer ‘em for me, aight?
U-Um… Did I ever do something to anger you?
…That’s not why we’re here.
I-I’m so sorry. I’m being a shameless first year, aren’t I? But I really, really can’t think of anything I’ve done to you…
No, really, that’s not what I’m tryna say.
My bad. I look like a punk, so I must’ve given you the wrong idea.
Takamine. I heard you know a lot ‘bout yuruchara. Tell me a thing or two about ‘em.2
Y’see, it’s a li’l hard to talk about this in front of Tetsu. He admires my masculinity, so it’ll hit me hard if he thinks I’m an obsessive or even overly affectionate big brother.
…I think you saw her last time, but I have a li’l sis, y’see. She told me that there’s a certain yuruchara that’s been popular around her school lately.
But I dunno a single thing ‘bout what’s trendin’ these days, so she snapped at me, tellin’ me I’m ignorant. She’s right though, I’m such a shameful big bro.
That’s when I remembered Tetsu tellin’ me that you know a lot ‘bout yuruchara.
I know this is sudden, but if it’s alright with ya, couldja tell me a li’l about ‘em? Please, I’m beggin’ ya here.
P-Please stop! You don’t have to bow…!
Nah, I gotta, or I won’t feel right ‘bout asking you for this.
…Or what? You think it’s weird that a punk-lookin’ tough guy like me wants to know more about yuruchara?
N-No. I’m a timid person with a height like this, so people often say that I’m different from what they expected…
Also, yuruchara are loved by everyone, regardless of gender. I refuse to excuse anyone who makes fun of a guy for liking them.
I could teach you anything if it’s going to be about yuruchara. But I always ramble on for days about them, so… Are you sure you want to know…?
Yup, that’s just what I wanted. You’re free to ramble for the rest of our lunch break.
O-Okay then…
Ummm… Which character is popular in your sister’s school…?
Ahh, I think it looks like this plushie here. You really can’t tell whether it’s meant to be an alien or a veggie, huh…3
Wha— You mean Carrotian!? Wait, isn’t this handmade?
Yeah. Made it by watchin’ how plushies are made. I was gonna give it to ya as thanks.
Tell me if it looks too shabby or nothin’ like the character. Sewin’ up a plushie requires a different method from outfits, y’see.
That’s amazing…!
I already knew that you make unit outfits, but I didn’t expect to see you manage to recreate Carrotian’s cuteness perfectly…!
Heheh, he looks adorable… I’m so happy…♪
Carrotian barely has any merchandise, so finding out that he’s not only popular among kids, but even has his own handmade plushie feels like a dream come true…♪
It makes ya that happy to know that this Carrotian dude is popular?
Yes. He’d been struggling for a long time as a low man— low yuruchara on the totem pole.
I’m from a greengrocer, so that’s another reason why I’ve been secretly cheering him on… I’m so, so happy to hear that he’s finally getting popular…♪
Haha, low on the totem pole? He sounds like one of us idols~♪
But it sounds like I could get to know him better than I thought. I feel like I get why he’s trendin’ now — and why yuruchara are a thing.
Aight then, how about you start tellin’ me his story from the time he was at the bottom?
Okay, I’d be glad to…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Tough Guy.
- ↑ Yuruchara; yuru meaning “loose,” “soft,” “laid-back,” + the word “character”. Yuruchara are a type of mascot characters, with their defining feature being that they have very peculiar designs, ranging from bizarre-cute to adorkable. They’re well-known for being used all across Japan for PR purposes for companies, prefectures, etc… For more information read more here.
- ↑ You can see how Carrotian looks on Kuro’s bloomed card (see the card images at the top of this page).