[ES!] Tough Guy

- Former Vestiges
- Cheering General

- Ball-spinning
- Cheerleader

- Thoughtfully Earnest
- Huge Embarrassment

- Admired Back
- Loud Cheer
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ep 1 - Ep 2 - Ep 3 - Translation Notes
We, the Rough and Tough 1
Season: Autumn
Location: Classroom 1-A

Takamine! Do you like gakuran!?1
What’re you on about all of a sudden…?
Also, could you please not casually come to my classroom to hang out…?
I don’t get what you’re asking about, anyway… Like, are we gonna perform a live show in gakuran or something…?
My uniform in middle school was a gakuran, so I do have it at home…
But I grew tall really quickly, so I think it’d be waaay too tight for me to wear now…
I see! That’s truly wonderful! Keep on growing just like that! Become a man large enough to reach the sun…☆
Umm, Morisawa-senpai… I don’t get what’s up with you, but I’m busy right now, so could you save it for later…?
Hm? What are you busy with!? If there’s anything I can help with, just let me know!
Aren’t we comrades in Ryuseitai, Takamine!? All for one, and one for all!
That’s what Ryuseitai is all about! Fuhahaha!! ☆
He’s seriously suffocating…
I’m so sorry, Anzu-san… If that guy’s being a bother, I’ll tie him up, tape his mouth shut, and lock him away in that storage room over there, okay…?
Whaaa!? You’d store me away like a room heater only used in the winter!?
But that’s fine with me! Being tied up and confined is exactly the sort of predicament that an ally of justice would go through…♪
Anyway, so Anzu was here too, huh!? Ossu! How are you!? The seasons changing hasn’t been making you feel ill, has it!?
I just said you’re being suffocating… Please quit clinging to people over every little thing… You’re making things awkward for Anzu-san, too…
Hm? Takamine, what were you doing with Anzu? Is this a drawing…?
She’s making me yuruchara designs. I’ve asked her to make a new one every time we have a Ryuseitai performance…♪
I’m always excited to see the next design, so it’s been motivating me to work hard in my idol activities lately…♪
Hoho, that’s amazing, Anzu! You’re getting good at handling Takamine! I really struggled to manage it, y’know!
As expected of our incredible producer! ♪
Eheheh… Anzu-san’s really good at sewing, too… So she makes me plushies whenever she can…
My bed is full of Anzu-san’s handmade plushies…♪
Really!? My bed is full of tokusatsu goods! We’re so similar, Takamine!
We Ryuseitai are brethren of the same soul! Fuhahaha…!! ☆
Uuu, please stop pestering me already… Just what did you come here for? You mentioned something about gakuran…?
The next job we have to do in Ryuseitai is the hero show that we regularly do at the park, right…
But are we doing something school-based this time…? You never mentioned this before…?
If we’re gonna perform on some school campus, then a yuruchara based on stationery… or something else that matches a school, might be a nice idea… Is it possible to make one, Anzu-san…?
Uwaah, Anzu-san’s designs are always so cuuute…♪
Takamine! Please listen to me! Show a little more interest in me instead of the yuruchara, please…!
Ooh, you’ll listen to me, Anzu? Thank you, I love you! ☆
This guy is such a damn pain…
Morisawa-senpai, you can’t just casually hug Anzu-san… Don’t come crying to me if you get sued for inappropriate behavior, ‘kay…?
Heh-heh-heh! This is wonderful timing; I’d love to get your help as well, Anzu! You transferred here from a normal school, right?
In that case, your thoughts on this matter may be useful…☆
For you see, the job in question is related to appearing in a school drama! ♪
Huh? A drama…? What’re you on about… I can’t act at all, y’know…?
Plus, Sengoku-kun would probably get really flustered, so it’s not possible for us, is it…?
Ah, no, it isn’t a job for Ryuseitai. A friend of mine mentioned that he’ll perform in a school drama.
As idols, we can also get jobs like that! He’s a supporting role, though!
I work as a stuntman, and often go to various filming locations because of it, so…
My friend asked for advice about acting and such.
Ahh, that’s right, you were doing stunt work… Not that I really care, but is that why you’re injured so often, Morisawa-senpai…?
Yep! Would you like to give it a try? It’s really fun! ☆
No way, it sounds dangerous…
But Morisawa-senpai, those filming locations you go to are just for tokusatsu shows, aren’t they…? Can you really coach someone on how to act in a school drama…?
There are tokusatsu shows set in a school, too.
But as you’ve pointed out, I’m not really sure if I can give the right advice… I may have experience as a stuntman, but I’m no actor.
However! It’s my duty to fulfill any requests presented to me!
Plus, we may one day get a job like this, so I thought we could practice acting with all of us in Ryuseitai! ♪
That’s why I’ve come here for you! You’re fine with it, aren’t you, Takamine!? Let’s band together as one and conquer this hardship side-by-side…☆
Ehhh, you’re just doing whatever you like… It sounds like a huge pain in the ass, so could I pass…?
Fuhaha, then I’ll throw that pass back at you!
If you don’t shoot, you won’t score! If you don’t score, you won’t win! Whether it’s in basketball or in life! So, Takamine, it’s time! Show me your slam dunk…☆
Morisawa-senpai, could you please stop saying whatever comes to your mind…? I don’t even get what that means… I wanna die…
We, the Rough and Tough 2
Anyway, where are the rest of us? Nagumo is already with the friend I mentioned, Kiryu… but what about Sengoku and Kanata?
Mm~… I think Sengoku-kun was asked by a Student Council member to do some work, so he’s busy…
I dunno about Shinkai-senpai, but I’m guessing he’s gone to the beach again or something…?
I see! How nice, everyone’s busying themselves with something! That’s what youth is all about…☆
We should go off and live our lives with full vigor too, Takamine! First things first, let’s make this mission a success! Let’s rush on over with our heads held high…☆
Woah— Please don’t drag me over with you by force…
I’m used to it by now, so I’m fine with it, but… It’ll be a bother to Anzu-san, y’know…?
Location: Dojo

Kiryu! I’m here! I brought over a reliable comrade! There is no need to fret…☆
“Oh nooo, I’m gonna be late~! ♪”
Dwoph—!? W-What’re you doing all of a sudden!? (Cough, cough)… Don’t tackle someone as soon as you see them!
That was so forceful, it felt like a traffic accident…! I thought I was going to die, y’know…!?
Mm~… My bad, Morisawa. I was actin’ out one of those “cliche school drama” scenes based on Tetsu’s advice.

Kuuuh~! That was awesome, Taisho!2 It was so exhilarating to watch~!! That’s totally how it is in school dramas!
Running with toast in your mouth while saying “I’m gonna be late~♪” is a classic trope…☆
That so? But I feel like somethin’s off, like we’re strayin’ from it…?
Woah, don’t stop now, Taisho! After crashing into him, you gotta straddle him! That’s how it goes…☆
Hm, I see. So I keep my position on top of him and beat him up, huh…?
H-Hold on, stop right there! Let’s talk this out! Don’t you know that violence solves nothing…!?
Hey, Nagumo! What’s the meaning of this!?
A-ha! I get it now; you’re trying to get rid of me and become the commander of Ryuseitai, aren’t you!?
That’s the spirit! Fuhaha! That’s the way boys ought to be…☆
Uh, no, I’m not trynna do that at all.
Sorry, Taichou.3 I tried to rake up my brain with anythin’ I know of school dramas, and give advice to Taisho…
But I don’t watch dramas at all, so I don’t really know how it goes.
That’s why I took reference from the school life mangas I borrowed from the library.
Hoho! How admirable, Nagumo!
But rather than a school drama, this is what you’d do in a mixed martial arts match! How did you manage to confuse the two for each other!? You’re such a clutz, Nagumo…☆

Umm, Tetora-kun… What’s this whole ruckus about…?
Ah, Midori-kun! And Anzu-Anego, too! ‘Suuup, I hope you’re doing well! Thanks for coming all the way here — You’re here to help guide Taisho, right!?
No, Morisawa-senpai just forcibly dragged me here…
Umm… So that’s the person who’s gonna appear in a school drama…?
Yo, thanks for always supportin’ Tetsu. I’m the chief of the Karate Club, Kiryu Kuro.
Sorry for dragging you into somethin’ so troublesome. Umm, li’l miss Anzu and…?
Ah— Um, hello… I’m Takamine, from Ryuseitai…
Nice ta meet’cha. …You’re pretty well-built. And you’re a first year? Huh, you do martial arts or somethin’?
Um, no, erm…
I’m sorry…
Taisho~ Midori-kun’s pretty delicate, so you can’t pressure him like that!
Ah, that so? Sorry for scarin’ ya; I was born with this face, y’see… But you’re a friend of Tetsu’s, so that means you’re an important guest here. Make yourself at home.
Ah…Uu… Okay. I’m so sorry…
You don’t have to be so scared, Midori-kun~ Taisho’s real kind, trust me! ♪
Haha. I’m not that kind or anythin’. But I don’t throw hands with honorable people, so you can rest at ease.
Anyways, sit wherever you want over on that side — You too, li’l miss Anzu.
And you too, Morisawa. What’re you still laying on the floor for? You gotta look dignified in front of your juniors, man.
Erm, I can’t move after you slammed into me with so much force, though…?
Sorry, Kiryu. I looked all around, but these are the only people I could gather for you.
Well, this ain’t somethin’ that’ll be fixed with more people, so it’s fine. If anything, knowing you did as best as you could for someone like me…
It makes me feel so grateful, I could almost cry. ♪
I’m guessing Morisawa didn’t explain anythin’ to ya. Hmm, what to do… We don’t allow food in the dojo…
I’ll go change my clothes, so how about we settle down and talk somewhere where we can eat and drink?
I’m honestly at a loss with what to do. I can’t think of any way to get through this on my own. So please, couldja all hear me out a li’l?
We, the Rough and Tough 3
Location: Gym

Ohh~ You’re going to guide Kiryu-senpai’s acting?
It sounds like you’re doing another time-wasti— Err, I mean troublesom—… Mmm~ you’re doing another interesting thing again, huh?
That’s precisely right!
When adversity stands before you, it’s inexcusable to withdraw from it because it’s “impossible”!
Overcoming any and all predicaments is what makes a hero! Fuhahaha…! ☆
Ahh, I sort of get what you’re trying to say. It’s better to expand what you can do, right?
If there’s any skill you need covered, I’ll do my best to teach it as long as it’s something I can do.
Mhm! I’d be glad to rely on you! Isara can do everything, after all! ☆
I can’t do everything~ I’m just a little dexterous, is all…
But it’s only Kiryu-senpai that’s appearing in the school drama, right? So why are you also in gakuran, Buchou?4
Well, we Ryuseitai were already planning to practice our acting while we’re at it… And wearing the uniform would help motivate us, right?
So Takamine and I rushed over to his home to borrow his gakuran uniforms from when he was in middle school.
That guy kept growing bigger and bigger, so he often had to buy a replacement.
That’s how we were able to find uniforms fitting of all our sizes~♪
Huh… Takamin’s got it so rough; he always has to deal with all of Chi~chan-senpai’s ideas~
Woah, Subaru, you just nonchalantly joined our convo, huh?
Where were you, anyway? Don’t just suddenly disappear on me~ It’s lonely, y’know~?
Sorry, sorry! I saw something sparkling outside the gym, so I wanted to go pick it up.
But Daikichi got to it before me — and you just can’t win against a dog in a race, yeah~?
I’ve been wanting to say this for a while, but could you not let Daikichi run around the school? Make sure to give him a collar and keep him at home~
Lately I’ve been seeing other dogs on campus, maybe ‘cause they’re Daikichi’s friends or something…
But it’s been a real problem for us at the Student Council; in the worst case, he might get caught and taken to the health department, y’know?5
Anyway, that aside… Didn’t you have something you wanted to say to Buchou?
Nhah? Me, to Chi~chan-senpai? What was it?
Do you know, Sally~? Tell me, tell me! ♪
How am I supposed to know…
Why do you forget everything after thirty minutes… How can you even survive life like that?
Nah, I don’t forget the important stuff.
Ah! I remember now. Daikichi played with your ball, Chi~chan-senpai~
So he got it a bit dirty! Sorry about that!
Here, I tried polishing it until it was sparkly clean… But there’s still some bite marks, so if it bothers you, I’ll compensate for the ruined ball, okay?
I seriously don’t like the idea of paying Chi~chan-senpai any money, though.
Mm? I don’t really mind; it isn’t like it can’t be used as a ball anymore, right?
If anything, scars are medals! Ah, you’ve become so manly, my sweet ball! Theeere, there, there~♪

Ahh~! Don’t touch it! I put so much effort into shining that ball sparkly clean! You’ll get your fingerprints all over it!
It’s my ball. It’s up to me whether I want to touch it, hug it, or eat it! Spin, spin~♪
Anyway, that’s why I couldn’t show up to the club today. Sorry, you two.
You see, I owe Kiryu for something in the past… He has my utmost gratitude for it, so I’m really touched that he’s relying on me this time.
That’s why I want to help him however I can.
Huh… I’m just curious, but what sort of relationship do you and Kiryu-senpai have, Buchou?
You two are at extreme ends of a spectrum, like, one’s an ally of justice and the other’s a delinquent. It’s a pretty unexpected combo~
Ah, but I’m aware Kiryu-senpai’s a good person, really!
Mm. He helped me out quite a bit in the past. It’s thanks to him that I was able to become stronger.
We, the Rough and Tough 4
Anyhow, I don’t mean to interrupt your club activities, but… If you guys don’t mind, could you help coach Kiryu with his acting?
It’s no problem, really. Kiryu-senpai and the Vice Prez have both helped me out a lot before.
I only came to the club to take a breather from work by playing a bit.
Ahh… That’s right, Trickstar is hard at work preparing for the SS happening at the end of the year, right?
Hm, since it’s your day off, I feel like I’d much rather you take it easy then…

Wooah, Chi~chan-senpai of all people is being considerate~♪ Didn’t Sally~ say it’s not a problem? It sounds fun, anyway.
What should we do?
Mm, thank you. I’ve really got such wonderful juniors.
Hmm, well… I also asked Anzu for help with this, but — I’d like you to judge his acting.
You see, Nagumo and I are too close to Kiryu to give an impartial evaluation, and Takamine seems afraid of Kiryu, so he can’t even look him straight in the eye.
We need someone to judge the good and bad of his acting, from an objective and clear standpoint. He won’t be able to improve without having the flaws pointed out to him.
Anzu seems to struggle to express her own thoughts, though, so… We need more people to judge.
Ahh… She started off as a novice, so she’s got the habit of listening to other people’s comments first for judgement and observation, huh?
Even though she’s an incredible producer by now.
I think so, too, but I guess it’s different what guys and girls focus on when it comes to acting…
And if we just have to give our thoughts, that’s not much of a burden… So I’d be glad to help.
I think it’s a great idea. With more judges, there won’t be a biased opinion.
That being said, we’re not really that experienced with acting or anything.
So please don’t expect too much from us~
If only Hokuto was here~… He’s in the Theater Club, so he probably would’ve been able to give some good advice.
I see. Knowing you’ll take on the role really reassures me.
Isara excels on an outstanding level as an idol, yet that doesn’t make him forget how an ordinary person perceives the world. It’s a pretty balanced, rare trait.
As for Akehoshi, he can only judge things based on whether they sparkle or not, but his instincts are usually right.
That natural disposition of his is an irreplaceable talent.
I believe you two are the most suitable as judges.
Mm? What’s wrong, Isara? Why’re you staring at me?
Heheh… You’ll get burnt if you fall for me, y’know?
Ah, no… I was just thinking — You’re actually really observant of others, Buchou.
Fuhaha! ☆ That’s what a club captain — What a leader… No! What an ally of justice is all about…!
He never overlooks any evil deed, and is always on the lookout for strange phenomena! All so that he can rush to the rescue in an instant, and solve every problem in a flash!
That’s how Yumenosaki Academy’s hero, the Burning Heart Morisawa Chiaki, rolls…! Fuhahahaha! ☆
Uwaah… Every gesture he does is sooo flashy and obnoxious~♪
Ahaha. You don’t have to repeat it so much, Buchou; nobody would ever say you aren’t a hero…♪
We, the Rough and Tough 5
Oh, Anzu’s here. Heya, good work out there~♪
You’ve also got a lotta places to be at, huh… Must be rough being a producer~
Anzu~ Come over here! This is where the judges are sitting~♪
Oh, what’s that? Sports drinks as refreshments? Are they for us?
Thankies~ I ran all over the place, so I’m parched! (Gulp, gulp) ♪
Wait, Anzu, don’t sit over there.
You’ll get dust on yourself. I’ll mop that area for you, so wait a sec. We were sweating out here, so~ We can’t have anyone slip while acting.
Ahaha. I’m the last person to say this, but — it gets pretty lively when Anzu’s here, huh?
However, Anzu… You were pretty late; did something happen?
I assume you helped everyone with their change of clothes, but gakuran is pretty easy to wear, isn’t it?
Hmm… As we had expected, there weren’t any gakuran uniforms that fit Kiryu, so the two of you tried to adjust one to his size?
I accidentally put a lot of unnecessary burden on you two… We could’ve opted for our PE uniform since we’re only practicing today.
Ossu! Pardon me! Nagumo Tetora is in your care today!
Tetora-kun, this isn’t a dojo… You don’t have to bow your head down and greet everyone…
Being courteous is important, Midori-kun! Don’t you agree, Taisho~? ♪

Yeah. We’re on someone else’s turf; we gotta show our respect. I’ll bow my head down too, ossu.
Sorry, Basketball Club. The whole Karate Club’s intrudin’ on ya today.
Ooh… Kiryu surprisingly looks good in a gakuran, huh?
That so? Well, school uniforms look good on just about anyone.
But I had to rush to fix this up, so it’s still a li’l hard to move in.
Mm. Still, wearing the uniform will surely boost your confidence while acting.
Like when saying “Transform!” — Changing into the costume gets you pumped up! ☆
Yeah? You always look like you’re enjoyin’ yourself — I’m kinda envious of ya. I’m not poking fun at you here; I’m pretty serious when I say that.
Anyway, well… I’m relieved to know the gakuran suits me.
At first, I felt like a school drama wasn’t real fitting for someone like me at all, but I’m starting to feel a li’l more confident about the whole thing.
It seriously looks great on you, Taisho! You look so cool, I’m in awe~♪
Thanks, Tetsu. Haha, this feels weird somehow.
Y’see, when I was in middle school, all I’d do was skip class and cause trouble. Then I came to this place, and well, Yumenosaki ain’t really your regular high school, so…
I had no clue what a school drama’d be like… But now that I’m wearing the same uniform as you guys and standing side-by-side…
It makes me wonder if this is a sorta youth I coulda had.
Having a peaceful, great time with friends of common interests… That sorta thing doesn’t sound so bad, either.
Anyways. The director of the school drama said I fit the image perfectly, apparently…
That’s why he requested me to appear in it.
I’m real happy he took note of me, so I wanna show my absolute best in return.
But if I do a lousy performance, I’ll only cause him trouble. That’s why I wanna learn how to perform to a passable level, at least.
We, the Rough and Tough 6

So, yeah… I’m in your care today, folks.
I’ll help you out, Taisho! This Nagumo Tetora will do his absolute, utmost best! ☆
Thanks, Tetsu. Sorry for dragging the Basketball Club into this — and sorry to you too, li’l miss.
I owe you all one. I may be an upperclassman, but don’t let that get in the way of bein’ harsh with your instruction.
Umm… K-Kiryu-senpai, here’s the script…
Script? That’s odd, I thought they’d said they hadn’t finished the script for the drama yet?
Eek— I’m so sorry… Er, erm, umm…?
Ahaha. Takamin’s way too freaked out~
Takamine was like this the first few times he met Buchou, too~ He’d always say Buchou’s terrifying ‘cause of how loud he was~ Man, it takes me back. ♪
Uu… Anzu-san said that, since we’re inexperienced with acting, it’d be hard for us to act without a script, so…
She wrote one for us a moment ago…
She said we just need to memorize our lines here and act them out… Did I get that right, Anzu-san…?
Ahaha. Takamin’s hiding behind Anzu’s back~ Every little move he’s making is sooo funny~♪
Don’t pester Takamine so much, Subaru~ He’s delicate, y’know.
Could you show us the script? It’ll make it easier to know if you guys ever flubbed your lines or anything.
Ossu! I’ll rush to make some copies right now~♪
If I recall correctly, there’s a copy machine near the school store. I guess two copies’ll be enough for now?
Wait! I’ll have to pay before using the machine, so I gotta find my wallet—!
Calm down, Tetsu. First think about what you gotta do, then move your body.
It’s ‘cuz you move so suddenly that you make clumsy mistakes. You don’t get anythin’ out of being impatient, alright?
O-Ossu, got it! Taisho’s words are always so profound…☆
I’ll go slow and steady, but swift and thorough! Nagumo Tetora’s gonna head off now! ☆
Take care! Watch your step so you don’t trip and fall, alright~?
That Nagumo… He gladly listens to everything Kiryu says, huh…
Why does he always respond to what I tell him with an “Ehh~?”… Is it a matter of difference in our core nature?
Oh well. That aside, let’s try to memorize the script until Nagumo’s back.
There are no stage directions, so I suppose we’ll have to think up the actions on our own. Hmm, hmm~?

Ahaha… Us huddling around the script and reading it together almost feels like we’ll all be appearing in the school drama…
Maybe this is a little fun, actually…♪
Well, only Kiryu-senpai is gonna appear though, yeah…?
Hm. If you wanna appear in it too, I’ll ask the director for ya. I think they were lookin’ for extras, anyway.
Plus, I’d feel at ease havin’ another person to perform with.
You’ve got good looks, so you may just land a role, y’know?
Eep—… No, um… Nobody mentioned anything about wanting to appear, so, err…?
Haha. This guy’s similar to how Morisawa was in the past.
I-Is that so?
No— Erm, yeah, it’s exactly as Takamine said! This is so much fun; it’s like we’re practicing for a school festival play! This is just another part of youth, don’t you think!? Fuhahahaha…!! ☆
Um, hold on… What was that about me being similar to how Morisawa-senpai used to be in the past…? I’d like to sue for defamation based on what that means…
Ahh… My bad, I misspoke. Forget what I said. I’m sure Morisawa’d much rather look cool in front of his juniors.
We, the Rough and Tough 7
Aaalright! Let’s begin our rehearsal! I’ll go first!
I’ve basically memorized the script! In the meantime, until Nagumo is back, the rest of you are free to look through my copy…♪
Now, let’s get this started!
“Ossu! I’m Morisawa Chiaki! I’m a cheerleader who always strives to lift the spirits of everyone in Yumenosaki Academy!”…
Huh!? I’m a cheerleader?
Don’t switch out now, you gotta keep acting. I forgot to mention this earlier, but it seems like the school drama is themed around a Japanese cheering squad.6
And our gakuran suits that image, yeah?
But we ran out of material, so I could only make the outfits for me and Morisawa look like a legit cheering squad’s.7
I wanted to be way more particular with the details, but oh well… This is just practice anyway.
Ahh… True, we do look like a cheering squad.
Very well then, I’ll get back to acting!
“Go go, let’s go~! Go go, let’s go~! I’m cheering for you! Let’s work hard together…☆”
Ooh… Morisawa-senpai’s pretty good at this…?
Yeah, Morisawa suits the role of a cheering squad member to a T.
He’s already got a bit of experience in actin’, even if it’s mostly when it comes to stunts. He’s pretty skilled at this stuff.
“Mm—!? Who’s there!? Blasted villain — How dare you disturb the peace of our school! I’ll be the one to take you down!”
“Woosh— Transform! Cheerleader Red…☆”
He transformed!? Huh!? What kinda school drama is this…?
Hold on, Chi~chan-senpai! That’s not in the script! Don’t ad-lib!
Sure, it might please your fans, but you’ll only be seen as a nuisance if you added any lines out of nowhere during the real thing!
Also, your movements are way too flashy. Wasn’t Kiryu-senpai requested to appear for a supporting role?
What’s the point of standing out more than the lead? You’ll be fired if you don’t read the room properly, y’know~?
Guuh—! You’re all so strict with your criticism…!
No matter! I thank you all for your valuable comments!
You’re up next, Takamine! It’s time you try it out…☆
Eh? Uuu…? B-But I’m not mentally prepared…
You can do this. You’re a man, aren’tcha? Show us what you’ve got.
Uuu, ermm… Then I guess I’ll do my best somehow…?
“I-I’m Morisawa— Wait, I mean, Takamine Midori… Can I go home now…?”
You don’t sound enthusiastic at all, cheerleader!?
Come on, cheerleader! You’ve got this…☆
Why’re you cheerin’ on the cheerleader, Morisawa?
……Acting really is tricky to get down, huh?
U-Uu… Yeah… And even though I know all the judges, I’m really nervous… All my lines flew out of my head…
I’m baaack~! ☆ Ooh, you started practicing already?
Great work, Tetsu. That was pretty fast, huh?
Ossu! Sengoku-kun taught me a secret path through the school the other day~ It really comes in handy whenever I’m almost late for class! ♪
Yeah? Well, anyway, I’ve barely memorized the script, so — Tetsu, couldja try actin’ before me?
I’m pretty bad at using my head. I’m always leaving the thinking to Hasumi, y’see.
Ossu! This rehearsal is all for Taisho’s sake, so I want you to take your sweet time tackling this~♪
I think I’ll be able to memorize all’a these lines instantly, though. The whole thing’s only a page-long.
But well, that’s just ‘cuz there wasn’t enough time to write a full script.
We, the Rough and Tough 8
…Hmm, lemme see~
Aight, I think I’ve memorized it! I’ll give it a shot~♪
“Ossu! ‘Sup, I’m Nagumo Tetora! I’m a cheerleader who always strives to lift the spirits of everyone in Yumenosaki Academy! ☆”
Hold on. You don’t need to add “‘sup” in there.8 Can’t you speak as you’re meant to?
Hweh? Ah—! I’m real sorry! That was unintentional; it just happened on its own!
Yeah, you’re right— I shouldn’t ignore how my character is written in the script; that’d be rude to the person behind the script! I’m so sorry, Anzu-Anego!
Well, I don’t think you’d offend her with that small mistake. But just keep in mind that dependin’ on the client, it might make ‘em angry, yeah?
I know how you feel, Nagumo. I also tend to say and do odd things without meaning to.
Whenever there’s a photoshoot, I often get scolded and told, “Quit doing transformation poses! Your arms and legs are so obnoxious!” — But it’s completely unintentional! Believe me!
So Morisawa-senpai’s mouth isn’t the only thing that’s obnoxious, even his arms and legs are…
Doesn’t Sengoku-kun sometimes accidentally sing in a ninja-like way too, and then blush in embarrassment over it…?9
Is this a common thing in Ryuseitai or something… Well, I guess I’m not one to talk, considering I complain about how much I wanna die whenever my mind wanders…
Mm~ This is tricky. It’s chill for us since we’re not actually gonna perform in the drama…
But Taisho’s got an actual acting job to do, yeah…?
Yeah, it’s pretty nerve-wracking. I’m doin’ this for a paid job, so it’s a huge responsibility.
That’s why I gotta practice as much as I can ‘til I properly learn how to act. It’d be shameful of me if I can’t show the fruits of all your efforts to help me out.
Right, I’m gonna try actin’ now. Watch me closely and give me your thoughts.
(Ooh… Taisho’s got such a powerful aura! I kinda feel like he shouldn’t give off such blood-thirsty energy for a school drama, but he’s just so cool…☆)
(Just the sight of him standing silently is jaw-dropping~ I expect nothin’ less from Taisho!)
(Taisho’s so perfect as he is, that it almost feels unnecessary to make him act as a different character! He’s awesome…☆)
(Makes me wonder if the school drama director also thought highly ‘bout this part of Taisho…♪)
……Taisho? You gotta start acting out your scene at some point, y’know~?
Mm? Uh, I’m actin’ right now, though… You can’t hear my lines? Maybe I gotta say ‘em louder?
Huh? I didn’t hear anything… I don’t think you even acted your part, as in like, you’ve just been standing there…?
Ah~h… Yeah, this is pretty hard.
If I try to say my line, my body freezes, but if I try to move, there’s no force in my voice. It doesn’t help that my voice ain’t loud in the first place.
I gotta be fired up and let out my voice, or it won’t be heard well when we finally shoot the scene. Uhhh…
“Ossu. I’m Kiryu Kuro, the chief of the Karate Club.”
Huhh!? I mean, yeah, Taisho’s the chief of the Karate Club, but!
In the script, we’re meant to be cheerleaders, right…?
Ahh, right. Uhhh… Huh? I forgot everythin’ from the script.
That was too fast! You forgot way too fast, Taisho!?
Ugh~… I remember how I’m supposed to act. I think.
Like this, right? I’m doin’ it, yeah?
Those’re straight punches, Taisho!10 It’s mesmerizing to watch~
But that doesn’t have anythin’ to do with cheering squads, y’know~?
Mm~? If I’m movin’ my body while trynna remember my lines, I get distracted and start doin’ karate katas from muscle memory.
Damn, actin’ really is tough…
Hm. This is a harder adversity than expected, huh…?
But the more difficult the mission, the more it fires me up! This is starting to get even more fun~ Fuhahahaha! ☆
…What do you think, Sally~?
Mm~… Well, I guess everyone’s got something they’re not cut out for, yeah?
Epilogue 1
Location: School Gate

Go~, go~! Let’s go~! You’ve got this! Don’t lose now…!
Keep at it, you bastard! You gotta win this! We’re cheerin’ you on…!
Good, you’re doing great, Kiryu! That’s the spirit! Keep it up! I’m cheering for you; you’ve got this, cheerleader! You’ve definitely got this…☆
G-Go, goo~! Let’s gooo~! TA-I-SHOOOO!!
Ooh! You’ve got this too, Nagumo; keep it up! ♪ I know you can yell louder! Shout as loud as you can from your very gut!
You can do it, you’re still so young! Always keep your head held high until your final breath…☆
(Belches) G-Guh—… S-Sorry, Taichou, I’m this close to hurling out somethin’ other than my voice from exhaustion… Could I take a break for a li’l bit…?
Mm? Alright then — you should never push yourself too hard, after all! Go and rest!
Takamine ran out of gas earlier, so feel free to take a break next to him over there, while the two of you watch over our figures…☆
O-Ossu… If you’ll ‘scuse me, then. I’m real sorry for running outta steam…
M-Midori-kuun~…? You still alive?
Whew, I was worried for a sec there ‘cuz you weren’t moving at all. …How’re those two seniors so energetic~?
I have no idea… Uuu, I’m so exhausted…
We ended up practicing from the moment classes ended yesterday until the next morning, without getting any real sleep…
We only had a small nap before we started practicing again… I don’t get them at all…?
Guess they plan to practice as much as they can ‘til classes start. I’ve got the stamina to keep going too, but I feel like my mental strength gave out on me.
I’m so tired~ So sleepy~…
Yeah… And Isara-senpai and Akehoshi-senpai went back home ‘cause they couldn’t stay around for any longer…
Well, I guess someone had to escort Anzu-san back home, though…
I wanted to go home with them too, but I completely missed my chance to join them…
Don’t go home, Tetora-kun… I might seriously lose it if I’m left here all by myself…
Ossu. You don’t have to worry — If we die, we die together.
But also, we can’t just go home before our seniors do, can we? That’s how it works for us sporty guys.11 Ossu!
You’re so admirable, Tetora-kun…
Didn’t they say we could go home…? The only reason I didn’t is ‘cause I’m too scared to walk back home at night all alone…
Isn’t your home nearby, Midori-kun? You coulda just told me, I would’ve gladly walked you home~ You don’t have to hold back from asking that sorta thing, ‘kay?
Anyway, since this is all for Taisho’s sake… It doesn’t feel like a burden at all~ I do feel a li’l bad I couldn’t be much help to him, though…♪
But I feel like it’s paying off… And acting is kinda fun, actually…♪
Being part of Ryuseitai allows me to experience a lot of different things, huh…?
I don’t ever challenge myself to try new things, so…
I think I kinda appreciate being dragged around and forced to do all sorts of things…?
Don’t tell Morisawa-senpai, though… He’ll get way too ahead of himself…♪
Ahaha. I get how you feel, Midori-kun.
Personally, I wasn’t real keen ‘bout joining Ryuseitai at first. I wanted to be in the same unit as Taisho, in Akatsuki.
But, well… Home is where you make it, right~? ♪

Nagumo! Takamine! If you have enough energy to talk, then stand back up! It’s time for our rehearsal! Aren’t you both boys!? You should yell as hard as you can to the sun!
It’s a brand new daaaaaaaaaay!! ☆
…That guy’s for sure getting hyper from the lack of sleep. He’s attracting attention from all the students arriving at school, and it’s real embarrassing.
It makes you not wanna be like that, right…
Still, isn’t this a good way to practice acting, since everyone’s watching…?
You don’t feel as nervous anymore when it’s only in front of people you’re close to… But for the actual shooting of the drama, you’d mostly be around strangers, yeah…?
So maybe he’s trying to get Kiryu-senpai used to giving his all no matter the setting…?
Morisawa-senpai does use his head a little, doesn’t he… I remember him doing something similar to me when I first joined Ryuseitai…
And Kiryu-senpai’s finally putting way more force into his voice, now that he’s getting accustomed to it… It’s pretty amazing… I guess he has more lung capacity ‘cause of his built body…?
Yeah, Taisho is that amazing.
He was a li’l slow yesterday ‘cuz it was his first time acting, but now, it’s like he’s already mastered it…♪
I expect nothin’ less from Taisho! I’m gonna accompany him~ Midori-kun, you come along too! ☆
Yeah, yeah… Don’t drag me along with you — you’re really starting to resemble Morisawa-senpai, aren’t you, Tetora-kun…?
Ah~h, man~ What am I doing so early in the morning~? I just had to join such a lousy unit, huh…?
Ahaha. Hang in there a li’l longer, Midori-kun. Taisho should perfect his cheerleader role soon enough.
That’s when this stupid-looking acting practice’ll come to an end~
(Right, it’s only for “a little longer”.)
(There’s not even a half year left until our seniors graduate, so… I can only do these kinds of activities with the current Ryuseitai for a little longer.)
(While those two yell at the top of their lungs in front of the school gate, like idiots…)
(It makes me wonder, will Tetora-kun and I also be able to become seniors powerful enough to startle our juniors?)
What’s wrong, Midori-kun? You can keep resting if you’re still tired~♪
Mm~. Nah, I’ll also work hard.
Ooh, it’s rare for you to be so motivated! It’s reassuring to see, Midori-kun! ☆
Heh-heh. It’s frustrating that we’re the only ones having a rough time, so let’s drag Sengoku-kun and Shinkai-senpai into this when they show up to school~♪
Yeah, that’s true… After all, the five of us together make Ryuseitai, right…? ♪
Epilogue 2
Mm? Takamine, Nagumo — Both of you seem to be in a good mood, huh?
Wonderful, just wonderful! Energy is what youngsters are supposed to have! ♪
You’re so obnoxious… You’re not young anymore, Senpai, and you’re being really overbearing, so how about you cut your energy down by half…?
What did you say~!? I’m still bursting with youth and energy! Tokusatsu shows are said to be for children, but they still make me burst into tears! My heart is always like a new-born!
You’re so cheeky, Takamine~! You little rascal, you~♪
Ughh… Please stop clinging to me all casually, you’re so suffocating…
Huh? There’s a girl walking towards us…?
Mm? Do you mean Anzu-Anego?
No… I think it’s a little kid…
Mm~? Ahh—! Isn’t that Taisho’s li’l sis?
Taisho shows me photos of her all the time, so I recognize her face.
Wait, what? Ooh, it seriously is her… Why’d she come to my school?
Hm~ We stayed the night at school instead of going home… Maybe she was worried ‘bout Taisho?
Huh, but I’d already contacted her in advance. She ain’t the type to get worried over her big bro not comin’ home, either.
I mean, there was a time I messaged her every fifteen minutes askin’ stuff like, “Did you take a bath?”, “Did you brush your teeth?”, “Make sure you sleep early, alright?” —
Only for her to reply with “You’re seriously annoying (*^_^*)” and block me, y’know?
Taisho, you love your li’l sis way too much… I dunno, even I’d find that annoying.
I don’t see a problem with it… —Yo, what’s wrong? If you’re worried about me, I’m doing grea—
Ooh!? She did a flying spin kick at you! She managed to hit you right on your neck, despite the size difference! That’s amazing! ☆
She’s so strong! She really is Taisho’s li’l sis! I feel like I wouldn’t be able to beat her in a real fight…?
Haha. She’s a real tomboy, is why.
What’s up? It’s not often for you to come all the way to my school; you got somethin’ urgent to tell me? You always seemed too reluctant to even call me on the phone, so what happened…?
Huh? What’s with this big ol’ envelope?
Ooh! These papers must be the script and details for the school drama you’ll be appearing in, Kiryu!
Your little sister came all the way just to deliver that!? How admirable of her! Theeere, there, there~♪
Morisawa, don’t you dare touch my li’l sis. I’ll kill you.
Eek— Your eyes are serious!? No, um, whenever I see kids, I can’t help myself from acting as I would while performing a hero show, so, y’know…?12
Hmph. Ahh, right, I told my family that I got a request to appear in a school drama too, ‘cuz I wanted their advice a li’l.
You remembered that I mentioned it, so the moment you saw these documents delivered to our home… you came here as fast as you could just to give it to me?
Thanks a bunch! You really are my pride and joy li’l sister…! Theeere, there, there~☆
Uwah, Taisho’s saying somethin’ suuuper Taichou-like…
But wow, she came all the way here just to give you the documents… She’s so kind~ Taisho’s li’l sis is as amazing as you’d expect~♪
Epilogue 3
…Mm— What’s up, Taisho’s li’l sis? I’m Nagumo Tetora! I’m always under your Onii-chan’s care~♪
Mhm, your Onii-chan’s a strong, kind senior who’s adored by everyone. I respect him too! He’s the man among men that everyone admires~♪
Whaa—!? Taisho got punched by his li’l sis for some reason!? She got him good! It was a perfect hit to a vital point!
Did I say somethin’ to upset her…?
Hm… She probably felt embarrassed hearin’ her big bro get complimented, I think.
See, I decided to join Yumenosaki for vague reasons, just ‘cuz this girl here really admires idols.
I was at my wit’s end during the entrance exam prep days…
A lot had happened back then, and even our mom had passed away… So I practically lost all hope, and used my own sister as an excuse to abandon everythin’ and run away.
Back then, I was such an immature good-for-nothin’ who’d hurt everyone around him.
So, she probably felt responsible for all’a that, thinkin’ my messed up life decisions were her fault… She doesn’t need to feel that way for even a second, but she’s got a strong sense of duty, y’see.
I’m doing fine, so don’t worry about me. I think it’s pretty plain and clear to see that I’m havin’ a blast here. There’s no need for you to be anxious over any of this.
In fact, I’m pretty grateful for you.
Thanks for everything. I’m livin’ the best youth of my life in this school…♪
Uu, Taisho! I had no idea you thought of us— thought of the days you spent with us like that…! It’s an honor! I’m so moved…☆
Umm… I’m really sorry for not reading the room, but… There’s something that’s bothering me about what’s written in the documents…?
If I’m not reading wrong because I’m half-asleep, I think Kiryu-senpai’s name is next to the teacher role…?
Woah, it’s true. Ah~… Right, just ‘cuz it’s a school drama doesn’t mean only kids exist in it. There’d obviously be adults, too.
It finally all makes sense. I knew somethin’ was off about me bein’ casted as a student.
So all along, the director requested for my appearance ‘cuz I perfectly suited the teacher role…?
Eh? Ehhh~!? If Taisho’s actually playing the teacher role, then what ‘bout all the cheerleader practicing we did for hours on end since yesterday…?
It didn’t have much point to it, I guess — but it didn’t go to waste either. I feel more accustomed to getting my voice out.
Ah, but, now that I read my parts, I don’t seem to talk much in my role…?
Actually, I’m probably not even supposed to talk loudly at all. Seems like I can just act as my usual self for the part?
Ahh~… Uh, my bad, guys.
No need to apologize! But I see now! Oh well, we can’t do anything about it, can we! We all make careless mistakes sometimes! Fuhahahaha! ☆
We just need to pull ourselves together and do a special training course for the teacher role instead!
Naturally, I’ll accompany you until the very end, Kiryu! And so will the rest of Ryuseitai, of course! Isn’t that right, my comrades…☆
Sorry, I just felt my heart shatter into a million pieces from all our wasted effort… I’m so depressed, I wanna die…
Cheer up, Midori-kun! There’s no such thing as wasted effort! Right, Taisho!?
Yeah, it’s as Tetsu says. But I also feel like all my energy’s out… Haha, what the hell. Sheesh, we look like a bunch’a idiots…♪
On the bright side, we noticed the mistake pretty quickly. …Thanks for bringin’ these documents to me.
As you can see, I’m livin’ an insanely ridiculous life out here…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Gakuran is the black-colored student uniforms that come with a high collar for boys. Information on gakuran uniforms.
- ↑ Taisho (Taishou, 大将) is how Tetora calls Kuro. It means “chief”, “boss”, “general”.
- ↑ Taichou is a title that refers to the leader (sometimes translated as Captain). It literally means “Commander”.
- ↑ Buchou is a title to refer to “club captain”.
- ↑ For a story about this for Daikichi, see Zodiac – Senpai Turned Into A Dog!?
- ↑ Referring to Ouendan. This is an example of an ouendan-themed game that has the characters dress similarly to this gacha's outfits (both unbloomed and bloomed).
- ↑ Kuro is referring to the extra parts like the headbands around Chiaki and Kuro.
- ↑ In Japanese, Tetora's speech quirk is ending his sentences with -ssu, which is typically a speech quirk for a henchman character speaking politely and with respect to his superiors. So in Japanese, he accidentally added -ssu to his line.
- ↑ In Japanese, Shinobu's speech quirk is talking in a ninja-like fashion. The most notable one is ending most of his sentences with de-gozaru, which is typically a speech quirk used by ninjas in stories. In Japanese, Midori points out that Shinobu accidentally says de-gozaru when singing.
- ↑ Regarding Karate's straight punches.
- ↑ In Japan, sports teams have a hierarchical system, so upperclassmen are always respected no matter what.
- ↑ Hero shows are skit-like performances aimed at children, typically consisting of a tokusatsu hero in costume fighting a villain. Chiaki enjoys holding such hero shows with Ryuseitai or by himself for kids.