[ES!] Comic World

- The Academy's Prince
- Stormy Rooftop

- Psychic
- Surfboard in the Rain

- Serial Killer in the Back Alley

- Delinquent High Schooler
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Epilogue - Translation Notes
Correct Answer and Authors 1
Season: Summer
Location: Dojo

You’re rushing this way too much, li’l miss.
I get you. You get the urge to rush when you’ve got so many deadlines approachin’, yeah? Man, you’ve been picking up way too many jobs lately.
But y’know… You’re not used to making outfits yet, so you have to sew them properly, bit by bit.
If you hand in sloppily-made outfits to your customer, they could get upset and ask for a re-do.
It’ll only hurt you in the long run. Taking shortcuts is never an option.
I’ll try and help you out, alright? And if we really don’t make it, then we’ll negotiate with the customer, or just bow our heads down in apology.
So do it slow and steady, yeah?
…Woah. Why’re you leaning on my back?
Did you start feeling sleepy and lose focus?
Haha, so you’re feeling drained, and want me to spoil ya a li’l?
There there, it’ll be alright. You’ve been working really hard — You’ll surely be rewarded for it all one day.
Kiryu! Do you have a moment to spare? There’s something I want to show—
W-What are you two doing!? Why are you so close to each other!? Incorrigible!
Haah? Don’t start thinkin’ up weird things, Danna. I was just helping the li’l miss with her sewing work, like I always do.
That’s why we have pillows on the floor. But then she started to feel tired, so she’s leaning on my back.
I see… Well, I suppose it wouldn’t turn into some romance if you two are the ones in question.
But you wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, so you should be more wary of the distance between you.
Yeah, got it. Anyway, what did you wanna show me? Have you got a new job for Akatsuki?
Ah, no… It’s not that big of a deal, I simply found a somewhat interesting manga.
A manga…? When you find something interesting, you always come and show it to me for some reason.
Are you my kid, or somethin’? Or maybe my wife?
What’s wrong with doing that… I’m the righteous, strict, arrogant Student Council Vice President.
I don’t have anyone to casually talk to about manga. Just follow along, please.
Sure, why not. I was only helping the li’l miss out with her outfits — I don’t have anything else to do.
I’ll listen to you. I can keep working while talking, anyway.
Thanks. …Okay, then take a look at this.
Hm? Why’re you showin’ me your phone? Weren’t you gonna talk about manga?
The influence of e-books is huge lately, so you can read practically any manga on your phone too.
Sometimes I pretend to be doing important work on my phone, and read a few pages in between my Student Council duties.
Haha, what a naughty vice president you are. Maybe I should tattle on you to the Student Council members, eh? I’ll tell ‘em, “Look over here~! The vice president’s slacking off!” ♪
Please don’t.
…Transfer student, you may as well have a look, too. You get all excited talking to Isara about manga, don’t you? I assume you know and enjoy quite a few.
I’ve been busy lately, so I haven’t been able to keep up with any, even the popular ones. I'm not familiar with this one either, but… I’m expecting you to know something about it.
Hm? C’mon, show us.
Hm, I should’ve brought my tablet. It would’ve been easier to show you on a bigger screen.
It’s all good. I can still read it like this.
But it is small enough to be kinda unclear… My face is gonna look scary if I start squinting my eyes.
Your face is always like that, though.
Come closer, transfer student. There’s no need to be reserved.
Right… I’ll skip ahead, and show you the scene in question.
In question…? What’re you talking about? Aren’t you showin’ us an interesting manga you found?
Yeah, there’s that, too. But I wouldn’t come and show you just for that.
I want to talk to you about this because if it goes down the wrong path, it could end in chaos.
“Chaos,” he says… It’s just a manga… I don’t get it.
Hm, lemme see… “Big Hit! The New Sensation ★ Romcom in an Academy! ‘Answer & Masters’, or ‘Ansters’ for short”…?1
Never heard of it… The hell?
Correct Answer and Authors 2
Location: Park

The New Sensation ★ Romcom in an Academy! Answer & Masters: Chapter 145 – Flowers Bloomed Deep Within the Heart
I’ve waited for this moment! For three whole years! I’ve waited for this mere second, when you would put your trust in me and let your guard down…!

…Heh. For the first time ever, you deserve actual praise.
My friend. These three years have been hell for you, haven’t they? Three years of pretending to love your wretched foe… to serve by his side, and treat him kindly and closely.
There was no need for such a plan — I would have been fine being killed by you.
…!! There you go again, talking to me like you know it all! Like you’re above it all! Please stop sitting there and allowing me to do this, Libra!
You're only bluffing, anyway! Pretending that, even if you’ve lost the battle, your feelings haven’t wavered or died, aren’t you? But too bad for you, because your dreams are ending right here, right now!
My friend, you’re aware of my power, aren’t you? That’s right! I can manipulate every single drop of water!
But manipulating pure water combined from hydrogen and oxygen isn’t all I can do!
I can even control other liquids! And I’d like to mention that every material in this world can turn to liquid!
Even those glasses of yours — The ones holding the key to your power…!
They’re made of glass, correct? Or perhaps reinforced plastic? It matters not! I’ll be able to manipulate it with my power!
I’ll melt it down to a muddled mess — along with everything else you hold dear to your heart…!
W-What’s so funny!?
No, it’s just… you’re acting so cocky because you “won,” but unfortunately for you, I’ve already accomplished my goal.
Now that I’ve distracted you, she will have enough time to escape.
Hm… I’ve become a much more kind being. Or perhaps I’ve grown weaker…
…Why didn’t you bestow that kindness to us a whole three years ago!?
Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore! Perish before you spread even more grief to this world!
It’s time to say goodbye! Aqua Punisher…!4
Location: Dojo

…What do you think, Kiryu? You too, transfer student. Tell me your thoughts, if that’s alright.
No, I really just… don’t know what to say to this.
You gotta let me read from the start… I’ve no idea how to feel if I jump right into the middle of it.
I don’t have a single clue who they even are, or why they’re fighting.
Also, why does this guy who looks like you have flowers behind him constantly?
That’s how he is in the story.
Ansters is usually read through the eyes of the female protagonist, and the point of the story is to enjoy romances with a countless number of handsome men.
Like this man, who suffered the atrocity of his glasses being melted…
His name’s Libra, and he’s a senior the protagonist looks up to, so he always gets depicted with flowers fluttering around him.
I don’t see it often with the recent stuff, but it’s common in shoujo manga.
I don’t get it at all… And anyway, he looks like a typical Japanese person, so why’s he Libra… What’s with the wildly random name?
I think they’re using the zodiac for names. Like, look — The guy who looks like Shinkai is called Aquarius.
Mmm… Nothing’s makin’ sense. So this is, uh… “interesting”?
It is. Since it updates pretty regularly, there tends to be some plot holes, and sometimes it feels rushed with its conclusions… But its premise is promising, so it’s fun to read in its own way. It’s perfect for killing time.
Most of the readers aren’t really hoping for something revolutionary, or something that’ll stay in their mind forever, anyway. They’re fine with being entertained in the moment.
That’s why it’s pretty popular.
The art is consistently good, so there’s talk on forums that it could be a professional artist drawing it in their free time.
If that really is the case, then you should be able to tell through their art style, but… Pros can switch between styles if they put in the effort. Only experts would be able to tell their real identities.
The artist remains unknown. I tried searching for info using their pen name, but there’s nothing written about them anywhere.
So there’s also talk discussing how strange it is that they came out of nowhere.
They’re probably hiding who they are for certain reasons…
I mean, lately new artists improve very early on, probably because of the wide range of art tools available… They could simply be an art student before their debut as a professional artist.
Correct Answer and Authors 3
Haha, you’re discussing this in some serious depth. You start to sound like an otaku5 sometimes, Danna.
“Otaku” is a compliment.
Oh, okay… But something’s botherin’ me. This manga’s using real people and places as reference, right?
I’m guessing you call this part of the drawing the background…? I’m sure I’ve seen this scenery before. Isn’t it the park near the school?
I sometimes jog around the school’s neighborhood as warm-up for my club, so I’d know.
But eh… Nowadays, you could find all kinds of backgrounds if you searched online.
Did they draw this scenery using that place as a reference? You can’t even say it’s a coincidence — they’re pretty much identical. It really is that park.
Look here — You can tell ‘cause of that structure it has.
Yeah, someone already pointed it out online; it’s definitely that park.
But it doesn’t seem like they referenced photos they found online.
I didn’t find any photos like this, at least… Though I suppose they could’ve been deleted by that point.
I’m guessing the artist came to the park themselves, and took photos to use as reference.
Oh? Which means they live close by. Feels like we’re detectives right now — We sound a li’l too full of ourselves, but I dunno, I’m startin’ to have fun with this.
Yeah. For now, we could say that I’m Holmes and you’re Watson.
Anyhow. Anyone can enter a park, so it wouldn’t matter if it was only here, but—
The real problem is that some backgrounds are based on areas within Yumenosaki Academy.
High schools aren’t like universities — only authorized people are allowed to enter.
And we’re a private school, so if anyone broke that rule, they’d be trespassing on our property.
That said, we do have live shows where we invite guests in.
At those times, we have hired hands who’re allowed to enter the premises to prepare for the event.
Hm. We can’t narrow down the suspec— I mean, figure out who the artist could be with this.
Yeah. I do want to try and narrow down the possibilities, but we just don’t have enough info at the moment.
We’re talking backgrounds based on places within the school’s idol course — an area that’s meant to be strictly monitored by default.
They’ve even managed to draw some heavily based on the restrooms, the Student Council office… Any fatal area you could think of.
If an outsider really has managed to enter the school, and then draw those places in their manga… that would be an extremely urgent problem.
Nah, let’s think about this more logically… Doesn’t this mean they’re someone from the idol course?
They’d be able to get in the bathrooms and the Student Council office easily if they were, yeah?
That’s true. I’m considering that to be the likeliest possibility.
After all, most of the characters in this “Ansters” are based off of students from the idol course.
Of course, there’s also the fact that many students working as idols have websites with their profile pictures attached.
You could easily use those as reference were you to search for them.
Haha… It’s a li’l creepy to think that someone’s being drawn in a manga without their knowing.
Agreed. It’s even violating people’s personal rights6. Some characters are depicted very negatively, which is essentially defamation.
For example, a character who looked like you appeared for a moment.
He was depicted as a serial killer who absolutely loves brutally murdering people in cold blood.
…Who the hell is this artist.
C-Calm down, Kiryu. Your face is looking scary. We’re already trying to look for clues, remember?
We need to find them one way or another, and express our discontent.
This may just be a coincidence, but… The characters who are based on Eichi, Aoba, and those two who transferred to other schools — Tomoe and Ran… They have a lot of scenes where they fight the characters who look like the Five Eccentrics.
This particular scene is just a nonsensical battle involving superpowers, but… There’s one part in it that unfolds the same way as one of our plans did back then.
Let’s say this manga really is based on idols who were involved in those incidents and this school, and was simply drawn as a parody for laughs…
If that’s true, then fine.
But there’s also the possibility that they’ve been planning to gain popularity, then choose the perfect moment to publicly expose what we did back then…
In other words, it’s likely that it was created to be a satire, or a work which criticizes those actions.
Ohh? So basically, this could be someone we crushed in the past… and now they’re out for revenge.
Yes, but I could just be paranoid. We’ve got a shadowy side to us… So maybe I’m being unnecessarily distrustful and anxious over this.
However. If this “Ansters” really is about criticizing our revolution of the past…
There’s no harm in creating things, but we can’t allow them to keep publishing a work like this.
We’ll pin down the artist, and negotiate with them. If push comes to shove, we’ll issue them a warning to never harm our school’s reputation again.
I don’t feel right censoring all of this, but the artist has been basing characters off of real people without their consent, so… We're justified in asking them to stop for that reason, as well.
After all, this is still breaching various laws — Even if they aren’t actually trying to criticize and expose our past.
Correct Answer and Authors 4
Hmm… This manga just feels sort of a waste. I skimmed through some more pages while you were talking, and it’s genuinely interesting.
Right? I’m pretty fond of it myself.
Its worldbuilding is fantastical, but sometimes the story shifts focus to their daily lives, where all they do is play a game similar to word chain.
Which makes literally no use of its setting, but is really fun to read.
You can tell that the artist is having fun drawing it as they like.
But that’s exactly why I’d rather they draw an original manga that would be viable in the industry. Otherwise, it’s only a waste of their skill.
No, not only that— They deserve something better than drawing a manga created only for the sake of criticism and personal grudges towards us.
There’s no denying it: the things we’ve done are unworthy of praise. Akatsuki were villains of the revolution that happened a year ago.
But that story has ended.
The involved parties may not be able to think of it as something “just in the past”… But personally, I couldn’t bear to see our bright, shining dreams get ruined, or become twisted.
I want to find the artist, and talk it out. If they really do detest us, then they’re free to beat us up until they’re satisfied.
But after burying the past as “history,” along with all the grief and vile discord between different parties… we've entered a new era of Yumenosaki Academy.
I don’t want anyone digging up the past and exposing it just for the sake of causing turmoil within the school — not after everything’s already been said and done. I apologize in advance, but I’ll be plucking any sprouts that could cause disaster.
Alright. Though maybe you’re just being paranoid, like you said.
The artist might not have had any of those intentions. They might’ve just felt like it’d be interesting, and made the story without thinking.
Yeah… At first I enjoyed reading it, myself… Then I felt bad for considering taking a beloved work away from its fans, so I had intended to let it slide.
But… Once I started to doubt the true intent behind it, I couldn’t stop fretting.
I want to meet with the artist, just in case.
If they show no signs of the motives I’d presumed, then I’ll just mention that I’m a fan, and ask for their autograph.
Regardless, I will ask them to stop including the characters that are based off of real people.
I can’t do anything about that part — It’s still violating laws. They’ll have to give it up.
Hmm… This’ll be pretty tricky to accomplish.
There’s a lotta students in this school, especially if you count the other courses. We’re gettin’ nowhere 'til we shorten our list of suspects.
We aren’t even sure they are a student of this school, either. We just think there’s a good chance they are.
That’s true, but it’s impossible for an unauthorized person to enter the idol course’s premises.
There would’ve been a commotion were someone to spot an intruder, but unfortunately, I’ve noticed nothing of the sort.
And back in spring, we had that terrorist warning — or, well… we had a small incident, so they’ve tightened security since then.7
Unauthorized people can no longer enter the school so effortlessly.
Ahh, uhh. Yeah, there was that… warning.
Hm? Did I ever talk to you about it…?
Point is. This is what I came to you for — I want you to thoroughly read as much as you can of Ansters, and find any hints of who the artist could be.
People can’t draw things they don’t know — or at least, it’s not an easy task.
Assuming that a person did the research to draw something, you'd still be able to identify who they were by figuring out how they obtained their information.
Kiryu, you’re not entirely familiar with manga, so you may have a hard time just reading through the story…
But I’m expecting answers from you, transfer student. Feel free to mention anything you pick up from the story.
Though… in reality, this isn’t our job.
If we really don’t manage to find anything, I’ll hire a detective with my own money. So don’t stress yourself over it; just tell me any of your thoughts.
…Hm? What’s wrong, transfer student? Why the sad look?
“What, and here I thought the artist was Mizuhanome-sensei”…?
Rid your memory of that name. How incorrigible.
Forget about it. …This “Ansters” is full of crack jokes and parodies — It’s entirely different from Mizuhanome-sensei’s style.
My work— I mean, their work was much more simplistic and rough-looking.8
No— shoddy is what they were. You need skill and ideas to write a parody, and this artist possesses just the right amount of technique and experience for it.
That’s exactly why I want them to write a proper, respectable manga.
What’s wrong, Kiryu? Did you pick up a hint while reading?
No, I hear footsteps—

please save me, mr. [red ogre]~!
…Shinkai? What do you need me for all of a sudden?
“Save me”…? Don’t tell me you got yourself involved with a battle of superpowers just like in this story…!?
Haha, you’ve been reading way too much manga, Danna.
Correct Answer and Authors 5
Location: Rooftop

A few minutes later…
Guh— The storm’s beyond intense — I keep losing my footing.
I’d known there would be a typhoon coming, but this soon?
Dammit… I got so wrapped up in my discussion with Kiryu and the transfer student that I didn’t realize.
i do not think it has [reached] here yet~ it is simply nearing closer.
this year’s [typhoon] looks to be [enormously] strong.
fortunately, it will eventually [pass through] this area… and then hopefully [veer] away from the [japanese islands].
but it is tricky. this is a [natural phenomenon], after all… it is futile for us either way.
we cannot [intervene] with the way it works. we can only pray.
What? I can’t hear you through the strong wind — It’s bad enough that you talk in obscure ways.
Although… You do try to communicate with people now, so you’re already better than how you used to be.

wah—? are you alright, [temple guy]?
you tumbled down… the wind is [strong], so you [have] to be careful, okay~?
shall i help you with a “pain, pain go away”?9
…I do not need that. How incorrigible.
This isn’t the time to chat. C’mon, grab my hand and stand back up, Danna.
Don’t worry about me, I can get back up on my own. We need to hurry and deal with the matter at hand.
yes, i would like that very much… i really [cannot] do it alone. please help me save [that child].
Who do you even mean by “that child”?
You said someone was close to falling from the rooftop, so we rushed over… But I don’t see anyone up here.
Don’t tell me he already fell…!?
no. can you see them? the rain is harsh, so it is not easy to [see]… but they seem to be on the [edge] of falling.
we will have to pull them up, so please help me… mr. [red ogre].
you excel at manual labor, yes? my [hands] will be slippery from the rain, so i cannot pull them up with my [strength] only…
Aren’t you stronger than you seem? Hell, we wouldn’t even know which of us would win if we had an arm wrestling match.
yes. that is why i hope the [two] of us will be able to pull them up.
Hold on, I’ll also help. Someone’s about to jump off… right? Then I can persuade him to halt.
I’m not as physically strong as you two, but these sorts of tasks are my area of expertise.
Haha, nah. I don’t think we’ll be needing that from what I can tell. Just cheer for us, Danna.
Hm? Ah— The “child” dangling from the rooftop is… that?
I must’ve broken my glasses when I fell. All I see is a surfboard.
that’s right, they are a surfboard~ kaoru always keeps them lying on the [rooftop].
I’m well aware of that. I kept telling him off for storing his personal belongings within school without permission, but he wouldn’t listen.
It was vexing, but I ended up registering his surfboard as equipment belonging to the Marine Life Club, and designated the rooftop as the storage area.
He finds procedures like that bothersome, so I did it all for him instead. It’s my job to settle things without any complications.
yes, kaoru was very [grateful] for that. he is a shy person, so i do not think he would directly [tell] you so.
you are a good person… [temple guy].
Compliments won’t get you anything from me. Things are just different from back then — I have enough flexibility now to take proportionate measures for each situation.
I became stronger, gained more authority, and acquired more clearance to work in a multitude of areas.
No, not just that. I struggled and did everything I could to finally reach this point. All so I could have this much freedom.
It wasn’t so that I could sit back and bask in my own power. It was all to become capable of accomplishing the things I wanted to do.
as living creatures, doing such things is [natural]. we were simply used as [prey] for such purposes.
it is sorrowful, but that is how it [goes]. it is the natural [law].10
but… if possible, please choose a much [kinder] method next time.
please settle the issue before any blood can be spilled — before anyone can die.
…I’m working as hard as I can every day for that purpose.
Hey, enough chatting — let’s get a move on, Shinkai. The surfboard’s this close to being blown down.
ah, yes. [they] would break if they fell, and kaoru would be sad… so we will pull them up some way or another.
it is best to have as few sorrowful things as possible.
if that is what you people [think] as well, then there is no reason for us to [hate] each other.
let’s allow the past to flow away with the [water], and do what we can right now.
fufu. here we go, mr. [red ogre]! we will [rescue] the surfboard~♪
‘Course. We’ll do it on my count — Three, two, one—pull!
Correct Answer and Authors 6
…Right. We managed to pull it up.
Now we just need to fasten it to something or carry it inside, so it doesn’t get blown away again.
Haha, man. We’re completely drenched.
Hmm. The transfer student is still at the dojo, so I’ll contact her to prepare a change of clothes for us.
I think you still have some sample outfits in there, so.
Yeah, using those is fine by me. Let’s get outta here — The rain’s just gettin’ worse.
Alright. …You come with us too, Shinkai.
Hmph. You’re so strange — Why’re you so happy with that surfboard…
It’s merely an object belonging to your friend. It’s his fault for leaving it to rot instead of securing it when a typhoon was coming.
You could’ve just pretended you didn’t notice it falling.

no, no~ a hero would never turn his [eyes] away.
i am also a member of ryuseitai, so i will [save] as much as i can.
it is only for selfish reasons, though. both kaoru and chiaki will surely praise me for it. and i… will be [satisfied] with just that.
Location: Dojo

please excuse meee~♪
Yeah, come on in. I’ll get you a towel, so dry off. You’ll catch a cold otherwise.
i [prefer] to be drenched wet, though~♪
Hold it! Don’t walk on the tatami mat in that state, Shinkai. In this season, it could grow mold if we aren’t careful with it.
Haha, the dojo’s been waterproofed for whatever reason, so it should be fine.
I heard there was a time it was crumblin’ down, and they did some extra touch-ups during reconstruction.
Ohh, really… Hm, for a place that goes so far back, it does feel brand new.
Anyhow. Transfer student, it’s really late by now, so I’ll be taking you back home.
The typhoon’s only getting closer by the minute. You need to go home while you still can.
As for us, we can stay in school overnight if it really gets bad. As long as we contact our homes beforehand, it should be fine.
…Except you, Shinkai. I assume there’d be a commotion if you didn’t go home soon.
yes, i think so~ they do not really [like] the idea of me sleeping [away] from home.
it is already bad enough that i have been getting scolded for doing things that are “not like me” lately…
is it not [like] me to act this way? i do not know myself… what do you think, [temple guy]?
Don’t ask me such a difficult question. “Like oneself” and “like a human” aren’t things you can calculate. They’re vague concepts.
The majority of the world — in other words, oneself — will have to go through conflict after conflict until they find an answer that satisfies them.
Did you get that idea from my brother, Kei-chan?
…!? Where did you emerge from, Sakuma’s little brother!?
Do not call me that. I’m not his accessory, ‘kay?
Anyways. I was sleeping outside like I always do, but suddenly it was pouring rain…
So I tried to get to shelter as fast as I could, but every single door around was shut.
I was stuck until Anzu noticed me and showed me inside the dojo. It saved my butt~ Vampires just can't come in unless invited.
And well, then she dried me up with a towel, and gave me a change of clothes…
I started to feel at ease again, so I took a short nap.
I heard the place where I live is completely flooded, so I can’t go back home. I plan to sleep here tonight instead.
Vampires can’t cross running water, so yeah… Wait, I don’t need to explain this in detail to you, Kei-chan. Or do I?
Don’t call me that. People are going to think we’re close or something. Incorrigible.
Eh~? Aren’t we, though~? You and Anija may have quarreled and split up, but it’s got nothing to do with me~
If we act all buddy-buddy together, Anija’ll feel awkward about it, which would be most delightful~♪
You’re truly ill-natured… So you haven’t changed either. If you keep being mean to your brother, it’s just going to come off as affection instead.
rei’s [little brotheeer]~! good evening! act all [buddy-buddy] with me, too~♪
Ughh— I can’t deal with this person… Don’t hug me when you’re drenched wet, I do not find that delightful, okay!?
Haha. I dunno what’s goin’ on, but it’s gotten real lively here.
I think you guys’ll be fine together, so I’ll take li’l miss back home. Try to get along in the meantime.
It’s not so easy to “allow the past to flow away with the water,” but… The possibility’ll remain as long as you’re alive, so, well… Let’s all work hard with whatever we can.
Right then. Let’s go, li’l miss. Hold onto my arm so you don’t get blown away by the wind.
Hm? Why’re you starin’ at me, Shinkai? Did you wanna take her home instead?
mm~ i was thinking how i would like to give you a bit of [assistance], as [repayment] for [helping] me save the surfboard.
i will borrow this akatsuki [fan] for a moment.
W-Why’re you dancin’ all of a sudden? I don’t get you at all…
fufufu~ that is my [nature]~♪
Correct Answer and Authors 7

An hour later…
(…Agh, I really don’t know what to do here. It would’ve been fine if Kiryu and the transfer student were still around, but since Kiryu went to take her home…)
(It’s just me and these two now, and we’re the strangest lineup of people ever. I’m honestly at a loss with this.)
(Right now, it’s really calm outside for some strange reason, but who knows when the rainstorm will come back again… Relocating isn’t a viable option at the moment.)
(I want to let our clothes dry off too, so the only option is to stay here and pass time…)
(But I just don’t have any common topic to discuss with them. If I really had to pick something, I suppose I could get things moving using embarrassing stories of “Sakuma-san”, but…)
(If I start talking about him, we might end up on some stories of the past that I don’t really want anyone bringing up… Mmm, what do I do… This is so incorrigible.)
(I mean, I don’t have to force myself to talk with them, and I don’t think either of them are the type to dread silence…)
(But I personally can’t handle this… This isn't some Buddhist memorial service; it's only wasting precious time to stay quiet when there's three people gathered here.)
(Hm… Oh, right. I may as well mention that while I can.)
…Hey, do you like manga?
fwah—? where did this come from, [temple guy]?
Manga…? Maa~kun adores them, so I’m trying to read some and learn to like them myself. But why're you suddenly asking that, Kei-chan?
Well, you see, things happened… And so recently, I’ve been reading a manga called “Ansters”.
I’m at a dead end with this issue, so that’s why I’m asking you two as well. Do either of you have any idea who the artist could be?
mmm~ i have never read manga before, so no.
…What do you mean you’ve never read manga!? Are you even Japanese…!?
huh? is that bad? when i try to read a [book] in general, it gets [soaked] for some reason, so i could not read it even if i wanted to.
after all, [books] are [impossible] to read once they are wet, yes?
That’s because you’re always soaking wet for some reason. Don’t take it so far with your enigmatic acts — You’ll cause trouble to everyone around you…
And anyway, if you want to read books, then there’s plenty of different ways to do it.
There’s waterproof books made for reading in the bathtub, and if you’re reading an e-book, you could always put a plastic cover over your device and read that way.
well, i do not want to read that much…
hmm, it really is a [strange story], though.
so there is someone out there drawing a manga [based] on us?
i am a little curious. if it is all right with you, please let me try reading that [manga].
Alright, I’ll place my phone on the floor. Tell me when you’ve read the page, and I’ll turn it to the next one. You come closer too, Sakuma’s little brother. We’ll read it together.
Ugh~ It’s already hot enough, and now you’re telling me to huddle close to two other guys…?
fufu, these kinds of things are sort of [fun] for me, though… waah~ this is such pretty [art].
hm, so how do i read this? am i meant to follow the line of words? it is a little difficult…
wow, so this is a [manga]…♪
You… Have you been living deep in the mountains without ever conversing with anyone?
no~ i live in the [ocean], as you already know. you are the one who lives in the [mountains], yes?
It’s more like I’ve come down from the mountains, and now intend to live a non-religious life.
ooh, so there is that sort of [system] over there. as for me, i have been a [god] from the moment i was born, and will be one until the day i die.
Haha, that’s pretty similar to my family. That must be what let you get close to my brother, huh…
Hm? Hmm…?
Hey, could this be the character that’s based on me?
Yeah, I think it is. There’s a different character that’s based on your brother, so.
The one that’s swinging a knife around everywhere and laughing maniacally must be you.
…Why did I get turned into this bratty delinquent. Pisses me off.
I should’ve been given something more like a prince or princess role, where I get to live happily ever after with Maa~kun.
There’s no point telling me that. It seems that this artist thought up their own personality based off of how you look.
You barely show yourself at the front, and you don’t answer any interviews either.
There’s not enough information about you out there, so it seems like you’ve been turned into a random, irrelevant character.
Mmm, if they’re so unsure what to do with those cases, then they could’ve just not added me into the story.
I don’t wanna be this kinda character… Why is he even licking the knife? Is he trying to get some iron inside of him?
Heheh. If you don’t want to be misunderstood, and have people think up their own version of your personality…
Then appear at the front of the stage more often, and show the audience how you truly want to be seen.
Don’t just keep sleeping; work some more.
You too, Shinkai. One of you sleeps everywhere, and the other bathes in water… Your eccentric acts are frequent, so people could easily misinterpret you. You should be more careful.
Correct Answer and Authors 8
Moving on. This manga tries to avoid having characters with overlapping personalities…
For example, Kiryu has a terrifying delinquent look to him, so his character is depicted with emphasis on a violent nature.
Like it or not, each character seems heavily influenced by the way they look over anything else.
Eichi’s depicted as a perfect, virtuous, beautiful, royal noble, and your brother is portrayed as an evil, mighty demon king with monsters for servants.
That’s completely different from my impression of them…
Mmm… This artist doesn’t really care about us, do they? They don’t sound like they know us very well.
That’s how I feel too. Yet, for some strange reason, the backgrounds drawn are exactly the same as our school’s.
Even areas that can only be accessed by authorized people, such as students or teachers, are drawn with elaborate detail.
If they have access to these areas, then they should be able to find out the way we behave in private, as well.
Although, if that were true, they wouldn’t depict any of us in these nonsensical ways.
Hmm… Maybe they aren’t from school, and they’re drawing this based on information given by someone else.
So like, the one with the info and the one drawing the manga are two different people.
Ahh, so you mean there may be an accomplice.
I didn’t think of that. Incredible… You’ve inherited that quick thinking from your brother.
I’m not smart ‘cause of my brother, ‘kay?
Anyway, I think the one who gathered all this info must have done it in several intervals, when no one else was in school.
I feel like the manga’s based on a previous version of the school.
Our school goes through changes constantly, yeah?
Like, old facilities getting demolished or remodelled, or areas that were barely used being opened again.
But all that new stuff isn’t in this manga. I skimmed through the whole story, and it’s been the same exact set of backgrounds.
It’s possible that the artist drew these chapters in a short amount of time, or maybe they didn’t bother to adjust the backgrounds to the new changes…
We won’t be able to know if either are true without asking them firsthand, but…
The things the characters say seem similar to recent interviews, so it’s kinda weird that it’s only the backgrounds that aren’t up-to-date.
ah, you are right. what chiaki said in the [manga] is exactly the same as what he said in an [interview] the other day.
the artist really is doing their [research].
if that is true, then they would try to be much more precise, and make sure their [story] was accurate to the current reality, wouldn’t they?
yet, the [characters] are written in a bizarre way.
Huh, your thoughts are very useful. I see… I’m starting to get a better understanding of who this artist could be, and how all this information was obtained.
Of course, these are still all assumptions.
Maybe this really is too much for me to handle…
I thought I might be able to settle this issue on my own, but I’m starting to feel like it’d be a lot better if I left it to the police instead.
…? what do you mean?
This isn’t the result of a personal grudge against us… but rather, it may be related to some business scheme.
Of course, I still need to investigate a little further before I’m fully convinced it’s as such.
This manga’s such a shame, honestly… The artist clearly has talent… and it’s an interesting story, but it just had to be related to some foolish scheme. How incorrigible.
Yo, I’m back.
…What’re you guys doing? Why’re you huddled so close to each other?
Ah, Kiryu, welcome back. We were just… I figured it would be a good icebreaker, so I suggested we read that manga.
Anyhow, you came back really quickly, Kiryu.
If I remember correctly, the transfer student’s home isn’t that far away, but the rainstorm was so harsh… I thought you’d take longer.
Oh yeah, about that. It was really weird — Both the rain and storm just came to a stop on our way there.
We were able to get there easily. I think we just so happened to be at the eye of the typhoon.
fufufu~♪ i see~ i am [glad] to know it went well.
…? What’s up? Why’re you so happy about it?
you see, i made a small [request] for the [typhoon] to go far away. i [prayed], and [offered] a dance in return…♪
Ahh, you were dancing with that fan for a while.
Oh? So you turned the typhoon away. Thanks, Shinkai. It really helped me out.
If the storm had kept going like that, even I would’ve blown away.
Hmph, there’s no reason to thank him, Kiryu.
Humans can’t stop a natural phenomenon. Shinkai’s prayer has nothing to do with the weather changing.
This isn’t some manga. You have to separate reality from wild dreams.
I know, but he prayed for our sake. Of course I’d be happy about that, that’s why I’m thankin’ him.
fufu. there is no need to thank me at all…
as i have said before, this is [repayment] for [helping] me save the surfboard.
it is wonderful to repay [kindness] with [kindness], and [gratitude] with [gratitude].
that is why — while we do not live in a [manga] — i wish for the [world] to work that way.
i will alwaaays be praying for that.
Location: Dojo

One week later…
Hup— Haa—! Toryaa—!!
…Hey. Your staring’s been botherin’ me. Have you got somethin’ to do here, Shinkai?
no, not at all~ i am watching how you [move], so i can use it as [reference] for action moves.
we often do [acts] that require fighting lately, you see.
i am still not used to it, so… i have to study more.
Ahh, Ryuseitai’s always doing hero shows, yeah…
So you’re trying to learn a few fighting skills for that, huh?
Haha, isn’t that great — you’re actually thinkin’ to put in effort and learn.
Until recently, you always seemed like you had no interest in anything at all.
yes. because i was disinterested~
i simply watched it all float by, as if it was a [story] of a distant world… just like a [manga].
but, doing that was [wrong], and i realized how lonely it was… that is why i have been working hard lately.
That so? Great, I’m cheerin’ you on. You two really are childhood friends, huh… Mikejima said the same thing once.
…i have no motivation to do anything all of a sudden.
What, why? Really though, I do think you two are similar…
Excuse me. Do you have time, Kiryu?
Yo. What’s up? Did you find another interesting manga?
hello, [temple guy]~♪
Heyo, Kei-chan~♪
Woah, what the—!?
Why are you lying on the floor — I was this close to stepping on you…
Kiryu’s currently in the middle of his club activities. Stop getting in his way, you two.
I’m not, though.
We slept over together on the day there was a typhoon, right? It was pretty cozy, so… I’ve been sleeping here nowadays.
The whole academy’s been bustling with activity, especially indoors… I’ve been wanting another place where I can sleep easily.
Heheh. I’m gonna make this my campsite from now on~♪
No, just go home and sleep there.
For goodness’ sake… Didn’t I tell you to moderate your eccentric acts? Incorrigible.
fufu. i’m sorry, was i a bother?
Nah, not one bit. There aren’t many members in the Karate Club, so no one uses this place when there aren’t any activities going on.
You could make this a sleeping spot or a hang out spot — Wouldn’t bother anyone.
Don’t spoil the troublemakers, Kiryu.
Anyhow, I’m here to inform you about what happened to that Ansters manga.
I doubt you’re worried over it, but I feel it’s my responsibility to tell you.
Oh yeah, that manga. What happened to it in the end?
Yeah, well, the exact details are vague, but… I did the appropriate procedures and reported the issue, figured out who the artist is, and negotiated with them.
I still feel bad about it, but the manga will be put to a stop.
However, as I had guessed, the artist had no ill intentions, so no further actions were necessary. The issue was settled with a negotiation only.
Ahaha, you’re pretty soft yourself, Kei-chan.
fufu, and yet that sort of person was able to be so [cruel] towards us…
it is almost strange, or rather, it really was a sorrowful [era], wasn’t it?
but anyway. who was the artist? i am a little curious.
Right. I won’t disclose their identity, as it would be shameful for them… They’re an average artist who has talent, but are still far from reaching fame.
Nevertheless, they’re a professional, and anyone who knows manga well enough would be surprised to find out who it really was.
They’ve got absolutely nothing to do with Yumenosaki Academy, and live far away from here.
However, they were able to exchange information through the internet, so that never hindered their drawing progress.
Apparently, they were commissioned to draw Ansters by someone. For an extraordinary amount of money, mind you… I can’t begin to comprehend for what purpose.
According to the artist, the commissioner told them to focus on making the manga gain popularity and recognition.
And so, they became engrossed with drawing the manga, and put all their effort into it — that’s all.
Authorities also conducted an investigation, and there wasn’t anything fishy about them.
They came over with a box of confectioneries to apologize, and well… They were such a humble, good-hearted person. They immediately accepted their mistake, and apologized for everything. I almost felt sorry for it all.
Hm. So the real mastermind here wasn’t the artist, but the commissioner.
What on earth were they trying to do… And who even were they?
I’ve no clue. They used a disposable email to contact the artist, and the payment was done through a fake name.
They’re a professional in these things… Authorities are still investigating for more information, but it seems like they’re at a loss for who it could be.
Apparently, it could be related to Cosmic Production, or a related enterprise.
It’s an idol agency that’s been gaining power lately.
This matter was probably one of their schemes to eliminate this academy, as we still have our place in the business world.
This is only what I presume, but… With the manga increasing in popularity—
They could then show negative depictions of Yumenosaki Academy, as if such things were the truth, all to bring bad reputation to our name, and to make us lose fans…
Or they could expose the truth of what we’ve done, and ruin our reputation…
I could go on with many different tactics. It’s similar to past revolutions, where books were used to spread demagogy, and create certain images of certain people.
In this current era of Japan, you could say those “books” were the manga.
How wretched… I know this is common knowledge, but manga is meant to help you have a nice, fun time.
Thankfully, we were able to shut this down before it caused a disaster, but I think there’s other similar tactics being used all over the place.
We need to be extra careful. In order to avoid having our reality — our story — be destroyed freely.
Gotcha. Let’s get rid of this useless scheme, and draw the story we wish for… Mizuhanome-sensei~♪
…Hold it. Kiryu, why did you call me by that name?
Haha. Y’see, that day there was a typhoon, li’l miss and I talked about a bunch of things while I took her home.
I got curious about that name she mentioned, so I tried to ask her about it.
She seems to be a big fan of Mizuhanome-sensei.
At first, she didn’t answer me out of respect for you, but once she opened her mouth, it all spilled out.
I got to learn a lot more about you thanks to that, though. You should let me read your work sometime.
I bet I would enjoy it way more than some goofy manga with weird ideas about us.
Just forget it. All of it…
Curse you, transfer student… I kept telling you never to tell anyone…
Oh? What’s this? What’re you guys on about? I smell a great story~♪
mizuhanome… i know of her. she is the water goddess, yes?
Arghh, you’re all so noisy! Don’t get involved!
This discussion is over! I’m going back to the Student Council office — Thanks to this unnecessary mess, I’ve had a lot of work piled up!
I’ve no time to chat over manga! My hands are full just trying to live my own life!
Translation Notes
- ↑ In Japanese, Ensemble Stars is あんさんぶるスターズ (ansanburu sutaazu), so Answer & Masters is written as アンサー&ますた~ず (Ansaa & masutaazu). It sounds similar to the original, but switches the hiragana and katakana around (あんスタ for Enstars and アンすた for Ansters, both pronounced as ansuta). Thankfully, a similar difference is shown in English with “Ansters” (The e and a switched around). Also, the story’s title “Correct Answer and Authors” is meant to be a parallel to the name.
- ↑ Aquarius speaks in kanji and hiragana, unlike Kanata. Libra speaks similarly to Keito.
- ↑ In Japanese, mizu mo shitataru ii otoko means a super handsome man, but there’s also a wordplay that it’s a handsome man dripping with water.
- ↑ Aquarius says 深海煉獄殺, which is romanized as “Aqua punisher”. The kanji would be deep sea depths - purgatory - murder.
- ↑ Otaku, i.e the Japanese word equivalent to a (manga/anime/video game/etc) nerd.
- ↑ As in, it’s violating people’s image, especially without their consent.
- ↑ Referring to what happened in Gang.
- ↑ i.e 素朴 (pure and simple), and 硬派 (having a rough feel), whether art style-wise or story writing-wise. He’s sort of vague about it, probably to give leeway to interpret it as you like.
- ↑ Saying itaino itaino tondeke is what parents usually say to their kids who got hurt, typically while patting the injury or kissing it. It’s cute, so here’s a video.
- ↑ To put it simply: how animals live by eating other living things, but applied to humans as well.