[ES!] Buddy

- Highway Chase
- Red Figure

- Midnight Parking
- Motorbike Maintenance

- Protecting the Soothing Things
- Captain Kidoairaku

- Acting in Secret
- Frog Companions
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Summer
Location: Basketball Court

And it’s in! A three-pointer!1 Player Morisawa’s miracle shot…! ☆
Fuhahahaha! Justice always prevails!
…Siiigh… I’m so bored. Why do I have so much free time…
Hm? That person running towards here…
It’s Anzu! Heeey, Anzu! Here, I’m over here~!
Good morning! Today’s a fine day, isn’t it! ☆
Hm? “Thank you for coming here, despite calling you so suddenly”?
Ahaha, don’t worry about it. Ryuseitai is on break right now, and so’s my club.
I also finished watching all the pre-recorded tokusatsu shows I wanted to catch up with during the summer holidays.
I had an extremely high amount of free time, you see!
And even now I still do, so I came over here much earlier, and had been doing a “Basketball showdown between justice and evil!” thing, but — You can only go so far when playing alone…
It really is true when they say that boredom can kill people. Being busy might be better at this point.
…Hm? Anzu, why are you grinning?
Ahh, so you’re also the type to get distressed when there’s nothing to do.
Heheh, you are always saying stuff like, “It’s only natural for a producer to take care of their idols!”
Looks like you’re still working during summer holidays, and you even helped us out a lot during PirateFes and the beach house work!
Thank you for all of that, Anzu…☆
Alright, let’s hear why you’ve called me over! I’m ready for anything, like hanging out together thanks to the free time we’ve got~♪
Hmhmm… A new motorbike promotional video is going to be released?
You want me to accept a solo job, instead of doing it as part of Ryuseitai's activities…
I’m happy you asked, but why me?
The school rules have been changed, and students are now allowed to commute by bikes and stuff. There are plenty of people in my class who do so by motorbikes…
Ohh, that’s why! It’s going to have a concept similar to hero stuff, so you decided to ask me to do it.
I’ve ridden motorbikes before during stunt work, and I’m pretty interested—
Wait, hold on— A promotional video with motorbikes? And hero elements in it? I think there’s someone else more suitable for this than me!
I saw him just a second ago inside the school grounds, so he should still be around. Follow me, Anzu!
Location: Bicycle Parking Area

My cute, adorable baby-chan! Mama’s gonna pour all his love into youuu~☆

Ohhh? Chiaki-san and Anzu-san! Oh, what’s this? Are you on a date? Good, good! You’re getting along so well!
Um, I’m not like that with Anzu, okay? You shouldn’t tease people when you already know it isn’t true, Mikejima-san.
Hahaha. That may be true now, buuut you never know what could happen later on in your life. Didn’t you say you want a cute girlfriend?
Please stop. You’re making it awkward for her, too.
Anyway, I have something to ask of you. Do you have the time right now?
Yep, I’m aaall good. I can listen to what you have to say while I work on my motorbike, yeah? Although if it’s better that I pay full attention to you, then I’ll stop fiddling with my motorbike.
Oh no, you can carry on if you like. See, Anzu asked me to take part in a new promotional video for motorbikes.
I’ve ridden one before, and I’m fine with taking the job, but… You love motorbikes way more than I do, so.
Huh… Still, that doesn’t mean you have to hand over the job to me. Isn’t it fine if you just take it?
True, but look at you — You’re having a lot of fun tinkering with your motorbike, aren’t you?
That’s why I thought you’d be really happy to hear there’s a motorbike job!
You're the same as always, Chiaki-san…
Yeah, you’re right, it is a suitable job for me. And like you said, I do love motorbikes.
Besides, a hero that rides a motorbike would be a Kamen Rider. But you fit Ryuseitai, or well, the Super Sentai image way more.2
Sooo if you also think about it like that, you’re definitely not wrong to think I’m suitable.
Heheh, right, right?
But still. It’s all up to you and your schedule. If you’re too busy to do it, it’s okay.
I don’t have a tight schedule as MaM right now, and I suuure do love motorbikes.
I’d be glad to take on the job if it’s alright with you two~♪
Chapter 2
Ohh, you’ll take it!?
This is great, Anzu! Mhm, mhm, I’m indebted to you for many things, so I’m happy to know I could help you out~♪
(…That said, I have nothing to do again. Hmm, what to do…)
Actually, Anzu. Are you free after this?
O-Oh, you have other work to do. You really are a hard worker… Make sure to do your best without pushing yourself!
So you’ll tell me when it’s time to meet up for the promotional video’s briefing? Got it~! ☆
You don’t have to thank me, Anzu-san! We’re close, aren’t we!
Alsooo, calling me “Mikejima-senpai” feels a little too formal for us, so I want you to call me “Mama”. C’mon, no need to be embarrassed about it~♪
Oh. She politely bowed her head and left.
Mmm, she just refuses to call me that, huh…
But Mama won’t give uppp~♪
Ahaha… It’s good to keep on trying without giving up, but don’t force it on her. Though I doubt you, of all people, would do that.
You overestimate me.
I could make her indebted to me and get her to call me “Mama” as thanks, but she’s my beloved, darling daughter — I wanna hear her say it on her own will.
…Alright, I wonder what I’ll do next… Anzu can’t hang out with me either, so now what…
Chiaki-san. If you’ve got the time, could you help me maintain my motorbike?
Wha— Can I really!?
You know stuff about motorbikes, riiight?
Yeah! Not as much as you, but I do know a little!
That’s good enough! I’m more than happy doing this work while talking to someone rather than aaall alone in silence~♪
Really! Well, I’ve got tons of time, so I’ll do anything I can help you out with!
You’re pretty excited, huh? You really were bored.
Y-Yeah… Ryuseitai’s on break, and so’s my club. I honestly had way more free time than I could handle.
Then couldn’t you have asked the boys in your unit if they wanted to hang out? You’re all on your break, so I bet they’ve also got the free time.
Mmm… I’m sure they’re enjoying their time in their own way… I feel awkward asking them to hang out just because I’m bored.
They could be going out somewhere with their family or friends — I can’t go in and interrupt that just because of how I feel.
I would rather play all alone than do that!
Hmm… Weeell, if that’s how you feel, then okay.
Anyways, I was just cleaning the motorbike chains, so I’d like to ask you to remove the rust from the motorbike. If there isn’t that much rust, then you could spray the corrosion inhibitor on it instead.
Got it! Ahh, it’s great to have something to do…☆
Hahaha, that’s a nice smile right there! I’m having fun doing this with you, too~♪
Huh, you’re more used to this than I thought. Maybe I could ask you to do the more pesky parts, too.
Oh? What, what? Like changing the engine oil? Or maybe the brake pad instead?
Hahaha, you really do know a lot! I didn’t have anyone to talk to about motorbikes ever since I came back to school!
But now that you’re here, I could talk about it aaall day~☆
Ah, no! Don’t expect anything from me!
There’s another stuntman from my stunt work who loves motorbikes, see…
They’d talk to me about it for the whole day, but I didn’t know half of what they were saying, so I ended up letting them down!
Still! If someone likes something, I’ll do whatever I can to listen closely to what they’re saying! ☆
Hahaha, that’s just like you! Alright, I’ll have you replace the engine oil, sooo you should wear the rubber gloves.
Even if we can’t talk back and forth about motorbikes, we can still tinker with the motorbike together. That’s enough to make me super happy~♪
Chapter 3
Okay, good, good. Now you’re a real beaut~♪3 Thank the heavens and the gods! You’ve helped me out sooo much, Chiaki-san~♪
I’m happy to hear that, but… There wasn’t a single rusty area. The entire thing was already clean, so I didn’t really do much, y’know?
I can tell you’re always riding this motorbike with great care.
I’ve entrusted my life to this motorbike, so obviously I’d take extra care of her.
I even had this baby with me overseas, sooo if I have to name our relationship, she’s like my buddy.
You’ve got something like that too, don’t you?
Hmm, a buddy…
What do you mean by “buddy”?4
The literal meaning would be “partner,” yeah? If you’ve got something you’ve loved for a long time, or something that’s always with you, theeen I’d say you could call it your buddy.
As for me, I’ve loved motorbikes since I was a little kid. I used to beg my parents to buy me motorbike toys, and I’ve treasured them since.
Ah! That’d be my Super Sentai action figures, then! I’ve loved Sentai stuff since I was young, and used to ask my parents to buy me one.
I’d massage their shoulders, help them out with things, and do lots more. I’d get one point for each good deed, and once it reached ten points, they would buy me an action figure.
I remember being super happy when I finally got the figure I’d longed to have — I couldn’t even sleep that night…♪
Ahaha, that’s just like you. If you’ve loved it for thaaat long, then it means it’s something you truly love.
Kids tend to be interested in just about aaanything, but after they’ve grown older, they just end up thinking, “Why did I even like that?” for most of those interests.
Like, Anzu-san used to love cicadas and stuff — would even try and grab one.
Buuut the other day, when I showed her a drone beetle I found, she just stared at me with this offended look.5
The older she grows, the less curious she gets…! A true shame!
But anyway… sooo your buddy is your Super Sentai figures, huh?
Yep, you could say that. You should show me your motorbike toys next time. I want to show you my most prized possessions myself!
Yeah, I’m curious to see it, too.
…Oh right, we’ve been talking even after finishing the maintenance. Did I take much of your time?
Nope. Like I said, I have way too much free time on my hands, so I’d love to talk to you more if that’s alright!
Ooh, that so! Sure, no problem~♪
I’m aaalways doing stuff solo, so it feels refreshing to be with someone for once.
Mhm, I guess it’s nice to have days like this every once in a while…♪
Location: Shopping District

Next day — Early morning…
Heave-ho, heave-ho… Woah! Awawa!?
Y-You okay…? I’ll hold it for you if it’s too much…
I-I let my guard down for a moment, that’s all!
I’m really grateful that you’re helping me out, but it’d be real bad if you trip and drop the box…
I’ll carry the one you have, so you carry this one, okay…? It’s got asparagus in it, so it should be light…
Hnn, I deeply apologize for making you do this!
You’re not making me do anything… If you hadn’t come over to help me, I would have had to carry all of this on my own…
But y’know, I was really surprised when you phone called me out of nowhere… I mean, you don’t usually do that…
Ungh~ Yes, I’m bad with phone calls.
Even if I had exchanged numbers with someone, I keep stressing over whether it’s alright to casually call them or not… Most times, I just do not do it in the end.
Ahh, I know how you feel…
Actually, I even find exchanging numbers tiring, so I usually pretend I forgot my phone, and run away immediately…
Oh, sorry, we went off-topic… Sengoku-kun, didn’t you call me so you could ask if we could hang out…?
Then I told you that I had work to do for my family, and so you’re helping me out… Which I find really helpful, but…
If that’s what you wanted, then I feel kinda bad for making you do this with me…
I could get you some juice if I ask my parents for something in return, but otherwise, there’s no real payment for doing this…
Ahh, no, this is just what I wanted… I had mentioned before that I wanted to build more stamina during the summer holidays, correct?
And you said that you have the physical strength due to your greengrocer work, so I thought I could also build some if I were to help out!
Ohh, that’s why… So you get to build stamina, and I get to finish this with your help, so it’s basically hitting two birds with one stone, huh…?
Indeed! The same goes for me. I’m able to not only spend time with you on our break, but also build my muscles~♪
Heheh. Well if that’s what it is, then I guess I’ll gladly accept your help…♪
Chapter 4
Sengoku-kun? Why’d you stop walking all of a sudden?
Ahh, I saw a person who looked like Taichou-dono enter the toy store over there…
Ugh, what’s he doing in a place like that…?
Well, it is a toy shop, so he must have gone in to buy some? Nonetheless, I shall go and greet him~♪
Ehhh… You don’t have to do that… I don’t wanna be near him as much as I can during summer… It’s already suffocating and tiring as it is…

Oohhh…☆ This is truly splendid!
To think I could arrange this action figure in my most admired pose…! It feels too good to be true!
Th…This is re-enacting that scene!? Truly incredible, shopkeeper! Of course you’d know all about it…! ☆
Hmm… It seems like he is speaking to the shop clerk about Sentai figures.
He looks like he is enjoying himself, so I might end up interrupting his conversation if I greet him…?
H-He’s so embarrassing… I don’t want anyone to think we know each other, so I’m leaving now before he notices me…
Midori-kun? That path will only take longer to reach home, no~? Or could it be that you know a shortcut since you live here?
If so, I would love it if you could teach me the pathway! I am very enticed by the idea of shortcuts and secret passages — they are super ninja-like~♪
No no, there’s nothing like that here…
The thought of him spotting me freaks me out, so I’d rather take the long way home than deal with that… That’s all…
C’mon, don’t stand around… He may notice us if we’re not quick enough… I really don’t want that…
Well, you see, then…
Hm? Ah! That’s Takamine over there! And Sengoku!
Fuhahaha, fancy meeting you two here! ♪
Ughh, as soon as I said that…… No, you’re mistaking me for someone else… I don’t know you…
Huh!? Why are you saying that!? Did you forget all about me during our break!?
Alright! Then I’ll just have to make you remember! I’m Morisawa Chiaki! I’m in the same Basketball Club as you!
I go by Red in Ryuseitai, and you—
You’re way too loud! Ahhh, jeez! Everyone’s looking at us wondering what the heck’s going on now…!!
I take back what I said, okay… so please don’t do anything that’ll attract attention…
Okay. I’m glad to know that you haven’t forgotten me!
Are you helping your family, Takamine? And I think Sengoku’s helping, too…?
I had free time, so I asked if I could help out! I also get to do some muscle building with this~♪
Ohhh! That’s admirable, Sengoku! Making sure to keep up training even during holidays is a true example of a hero! I’m extremely impressed! You’re doing great! (pat pat) ♪
Ehehe…♪ But was it really okay for you to come over to us when you were having fun talking to the shop clerk?
Hm? Ahh yeah, I can talk to them anytime.
I haven’t been there in a while though, so I ended up getting really excited talking about all the new figures!
So you’re a regular of that shop… I’m gonna stay away from it as much as I can…
Fuhahaha! ☆ Then I’ll come over to hang out in your home once I’m done visiting the shop!
That just sounds like harassment to me, ‘kay…?
Now, now, Midori-kun…… Taichou-dono, do they sell ninja merchandise in there?
If so, then I might visit it after I have finished helping Midori-kun~♪
Hmm… You’re going to have to ask the shopkeeper that.
A lot seems to have changed since I last been here — There are all kinds of toy figures in there now.
It made me realize how much I’ve missed out from not visiting just because I was “busy,” honestly!
Ahh… Yes, we have been busy even during the summer holidays — what with Pirate Festival and helping out at the beach house.
I do not typically go outside during the summer holidays, but I felt like an outdoor ninja this summer.
And I just wanted to laze about in my home the whole time…
Chapter 5
You guys! Look at my buddy here!
Buddy…? What are you talking about?
Heheh! I’m talking about the Sentai action figure I’ve treasured for years! It’s exactly what I’d call my buddy, my partner! ☆
I showed it to the shopkeeper, and they praised me for keeping it in such great shape!
C’mon, c’mon! No need to hold back! Come and take a good, close look…☆
Um, I’m not really interested…
Oh, don’t be like that! I’m sure you two will learn the beauty of Sentai figures after a thorough look at my buddy!
Wait, why’re you even carrying that around with you…?
Heheh~ See, Mikejima-san and I were having a buddy discussion together, and it brought back so many memories!
A buddy discussion… That sounds quite interesting.
Wait, no… Sengoku-kun, don’t get yourself into this convo…
Oh!? Are you interested, Sengoku!? Great, that’s wonderful! Tell me more!
What would you say is your buddy?
Ughhh… you see? Now this whole thing’s turned into a huge bother…
My buddy… That would be Momocchi and Thunder~♪
Ahem. I know exactly what Midori-kun will say!
No, it’s fine… Don’t drag me into this…
Your buddy would most definitely be a mascot character, correct? ♪
Guhh… I can’t deny that… I could never deny mascot characters…
Erm, right now the one I’m most passionate about is Captain Kidoairaku…6
I bought a keychain when we were at the beach house, and I asked the owner to make me a plushie version, too… Now I have it in my room, hehehe…♪
You become strangely energetic whenever mascot characters are mentioned, Midori-kun~
I feel that part of you is slightly similar to Taichou-dono.
Wha… I’m not letting you get away with saying that… Don’t put me in the same boat as him…
Fuhahaha, how harsh! I can feel hurt too, y’know! I’d rather you choose your wording more carefully!
Besides, it isn’t just the two of us. Anyone would get excited while talking about something they love!
Don’t you also get that way whenever you mention Momocchi and Thunder, Sengoku?
Ahh… Now that you mention it, that is true… They are both my adorable partners.
I have them as my phone’s wallpaper, and—
Mm? I cannot take out my phone while holding this box.
It’s okay, you can set it down… My arms have gone numb from holding them for so long, too…
Very well. I shall place it in a corner, far from any likely harm.
Right, this would be my cute, adorable Momocchi and Thunder~♪
Uh-huh… They’re frogs, alright… But personally, when it comes to frogs, I find the mascot character Kerororin cuter…7
Their skin patterns are different. Which one is which?
The one without patterns is Momocchi, and the one with is Thunder~♪8
…I just realized something; are you supposed to have only one partner?
Uuu~ But I could never choose between Momocchi and Thunder!
Ahhh!! This is a major problem~!!
Hm… I don’t think you have to choose between them.
I did say this Sentai action figure’s my buddy, but I actually have so many more figures at home, and, well…
If I was asked to choose between all of them, I’d be at a loss!
You too, Takamine — Your buddy isn’t only Captain Kidoairaku, right?
Of course not! I love all mascot characters…☆
See, even Takamine can’t choose only one.
They say the more the merrier, and that means it’s fine to have as many buddies as you like!
Ohh…? When you say it that way, it does sound good…
Or really, it is just like you to think that way, Taichou-dono~♪
Chapter 6
Location: Bicycle Parking Area

The twilight has arrived! Ahaha, it’s night time already!
(I didn’t have to stay in school for this long, buuut it took a while before I could finish up everything I was asked to do.)
(There’s students who still come to school in the summer break, so yeah… But honestly, they could’ve relaxed at home for the holidays, at least…)
(Not that I’m one to talk. It doesn’t really suit my style to sit at home, sooo I’m also hanging around the school during the break.)
…Hmm? Oh! That’s Anzu-san over there!
Heeey, Anzu-san! Anzu-saaaaaaaan!
Heheh, did you come rushing over here because I called for you? It’s still dark even with the street lights on, so you shouldn’t run, okay?
Hahaha! I see, I see! So it was embarrassing for you!
You were aaall the way over at the front gate, so you wouldn’t hear me unless I yelled, y’know?
Anyways, you’re going home now, right? It’s late in the evening by now, are you going to have your parents pick you up?
Ohh, they’re gonna come home late from work, huh? Then hop on my motorbike, and I’ll take you home~♪
Ahaha, no need to be modest. We’re close, aren’t we? ♪
Huh? How close? Well, we’re childhood friends, and have an idol-producer relationship, yeah?
It’s alright, you can take what I said as a figure of speech. Point is, anyone would offer to walk a young girl back to her home at night.
And your home is pretty far from here, and, well, there’s not as many trains at this hour, sooo you’ll probably reach home at midnight if you go by train.
Oh, now you’re sure you want a ride home? Mhm, mhm! You should depend on your Mama like that some more~♪
Hahaha! Why’re you acting like this is your first time riding a motorbike?
You don’t have to hesitate so much, just hop on! Don’t worry, she won’t hurt you~♪
C’mooon, wear your helmet! It may be hot, but you can’t let yourself get hurt incase an accident happens, ‘kay?
The helmet’s there to protect your life.
…Mhm, good girl, good girl~♪
Riiighty then. I’ll be driving safely, but you should still cling onto me as much as possible, just in case…♪
Location: Residential Area

Heeey, Anzu-san. Your house is right around this corner, right?
Ahh, no, you don’t need to get off yet.
…It’s only a turn away, so you can walk from here?
Ah, so I was right.
Looong ago, when we played in the park together until late at night, I walked you back home myself, because everyone had gone home by then.
Huh? You don’t remember? Weeell, it only happened once, really.
We got scolded hard for playing past curfew, sooo maybe you erased the whole thing as a bad memory.
Including this part, too… Oh well! It’s fine if you forgot, it wasn’t anything important.
…Hm? You might be able to remember if I talk more about it?
It really wasn’t anything important. We just talked about our favorite stuff on our way home…
And you said you really loved your teddy bear.
You don’t remember? I see… Guess you really did forget.
Hm? Yeah, I said I loved motorbike toys.
I tried to get everyone to enjoy them with me whenever I played house, but no one was interested.
Heheh, I mean, to be fair, I was playing with girls mostly, you included…
And the boys were way more interested in huge monsters and spaceships, sooo it made sense that no one showed interest.
Hahaha! Yep, it’s as you say! I still love motorbikes to this day~♪
That’s why I’m really looking forward to this job!
The promotional video’s briefing is tomorrow, right? I don’t have anything else planned, so I’m free to work alongside you~♪
You don’t have to bow your head down in apology, y’know? I don’t feel forced to do this, so~♪
Hm? “Thank you for driving me back home”?
Ahh! Oh yeah, we’ve finally reached your house!
Right then, see ya tomorrow. Promise Mama you’ll go to sleep as soon as possible, ‘kay? ♪
Alright, bye bye~!
Chapter 7
Location: Garden Space

Smooth sailing! The briefing went perfectly; all that’s left is the actual photoshoot!
I’m looking forward to this even more now~♪
Anzu-san, let’s do our best for the joooooob! Let’s shake hands on it! Here, (handshakes)…☆
Huh? “Thank you for driving me back home yesterday”?
You told me that yesterday, y’know? You’re so polite, Anzu-san.
Buuut it’s wonderful to show your gratitude properly~♪
Besides, I’m happy that we got to talk, so—… Hmmm?
Taichou-dono~! It went over there!
I’ve got this! …Alright, it stopped moving.
Take thiiiiis…! ☆
Ahhh!? It fled right at the last second! I was so close…!
Mm… You were trying to grab it from its back.
Grasshoppers can only jump forward, so it must be caught from its front. It’s my fault for not explaining this to you earlier, though.
Ahh… That’s right, I remember doing that as a kid when I tried catching them with my hands.
Ahaha! It’s been so long since I went bug catching, I completely forgot!
Ohh… You’re catching bugs?
Ohh, Mikejima-san! And Anzu’s here, too! Today’s a wonderful day, and the perfect day for catching bugs…☆
Heheh, you’re like a little kid, Chiaki-san. But why’re doing that?
Heh! We’re collecting food for Momocchi and Thunder!
Momocchi and Thunder…? Those sound like names for an Iga ninja…?
That’s right! How incredible, Mikejima-dono! Yes, Momocchi and Thunder are the names of my frogs~♪
Ohhhh! Now I see why they were named that way~♪
Oh? Why are you tapping on my shoulder, Anzu-dono?
Ahh, is it only Taichou-dono and I catching bugs?
Midori-kun is with us, too. Wait, I just realized he is not beside us right now…
Ah! Heeey, Midori-kun! Over here, over here~♪
Sigh… I can’t believe you two are getting this excited over catching bugs…
And why am I being dragged along with this, anyway…?
Ughhh… I didn’t have any greengrocer work for once, so I just wanted to rest todayyyyy…
Now, now! You gain more from hanging out with friends than lounging about at home, don’t you?
That may be true for you, but to me, lazing about at home is way worth my time…
Ahh, dammit…! You just had to mention you were bored…!
Hoho. Chiaki-san, you said that? You couldn’t get yourself to mention it before, sooo what made you change your mind?
Ah, no. I just happened to see them yesterday, that’s all. I ended up mentioning how bored I was, and Sengoku invited me to hang out.
He also had the free time for similar reasons as mine, so he was more than happy to spend time together.
Heheh, looks like I was holding back more than necessary.
I see, I see! I’m glad you got to hang out with friends~♪
Chapter 8
Yeah! There was no reason to hold back — After all, they’re my buddies!
Buddies…? I thought your buddy was your Sentai action figure?
Of course. But I couldn’t really limit myself to only one, or well, there was no need to!
These two here, as well as my two other comrades in Ryuseitai, are all my buddies…☆
Hahaha! Ahahahaha…! ♪
Absolutely astounding! That’s how you see it, huh? Interesting!
Mhm, mhm! It’s true, I can’t imagine you sticking to only one buddy, Chiaki-san.
Got youu…! ☆
Woohoo~! I caught one! ♪ Ehehe, we should be able to get enough food for my frogs at this rate!
Huh? You’re gonna keep going…? I’m feeling thirsty, so I wanna go home…
You’re thirsty? Then we’ll buy juice at the vending machine! It’ll be my treat! ☆
Ughhh… I’m telling you to let me go home already…
Ah! Midori-kun! A cricket just jumped over there!
Huh? Huh!? W-Where did it go…?
Don’t move! You may squash it if you do~!
Aaalright, Sengoku! I’ll help you out~♪
W-Wait… How long do I have to stand still…?
Hey, are you two listening…? Quit crawling on the ground, and just answer me, please…
Ahaha, you’re aaall having so much fun, huh?
Hmm, so there’s no need to stick to just one… Maybe I’ll go searching for a new buddy, then.
Anyway, are you going home now, Anzu-san? If you will, I’ll take you back home again~♪
“I’ll be okay, it’s still the day time”… Oh, don’t be like that! Let me do the honor!
Huh? What’s with me all of a sudden?
The producer supports the idol, and the idol lives up to their producer’s expectations by shining bright!
It’s the perfect team-up! And a relationship suitable to call each other “buddy”, dooon’t you think? ☆
Hahaha! She refused! But Mama will keep saying it, anyway!
Oh, hey there! Don’t try to cover your ears and run away!
Now, come on! Let me take you back home today, Anzu-san~♪ Accept me as your buddy then, okay? ♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Three-pointer is a shot done outside the three-point line in court.
- ↑ Kamen Rider heroes typically work alone, whereas Super Sentai heroes (obviously) work as a team.
- ↑ He says beppin (beautiful lady) to describe his motorbike, so I made him refer to it with she/her.
- ↑ “Buddy” is in katakana (so basically, the English word spelled in katakana), which is likely why Chiaki couldn’t tell what Madara meant at first.
- ↑ He literally says: I showed it to her while saying “Look, look! It’s a drone beetle~♪”. I couldn’t put it in the translation without it being awkward, so I figured I could note it down here since it’s cute.
- ↑ Referring to the mascot character that appears in Pirate Festival. It’s also in his card for this gacha story.
- ↑ In Japanese, kero is the sound a frog makes, so the mascot character’s name is based on that.
- ↑ You can see Shinobu holding his frogs in his card.