Climax – Midori Produce Course: Novice Hero

Sigh… I'm so tired…
Why do I have to go to the basketball court when it's so cold outside…
I just wanna go home and relax…
If all it took was a cheer, I wouldn't be suffering this much, y'know…
Ah, but if you cheered me on in a mascot costume, I might get the motivation…♪
Could you please wear it sometime, Anzu-san?
Yes. We're going to have a farewell party at the Basketball Club.
We'll celebrate our upperclassmen's graduation and have fun with sweets and stuff.
It almost doesn't feel real that they're graduating, though…

Hello, Anzu-san. What're you doing here so early in the morning…?
Yes, I'm helping my family with the store.
If you're looking for a particular shop, I can help you.
You'll cook some for lunch? Ahh, you'll cook food for you at the cafeteria…
You make use of that in school, huh?
Then I'd be happy to help you find the seasonal vegetables, so please do ask me any time…♪
Ohh, you carry some in case anyone gets injured?
…It's true that there can be a few small accidents when practicing a dance routine.
Heheh… You're always prepared for anything, I'm impressed…♪

Ah—! I'm so sorry. I was thinking about something while walking, so I didn't notice you…
I saw something I shouldn't have seen…
I dunno what I'm supposed to do in times like these… I wish I could just erase my memory of it entirely…
Um, I saw someone crying, even though they're never the type to…
…Huh? "Oh, you saw me"? I don't mean you, Anzu-san…?
Ahaha, you teared up a bit while yawning? That's a cute reason to cry…♪
…Mm? Are you wondering if I had a nightmare?
Please don't pat my head out of nowhere… You surprised me, y'know?
I don't dislike it, but it's kinda embarrassing, like I'm a little kid…