Climax – Chiaki Produce Course: Tough Being a Parent

Anzu! What’s up? What are you doing here?
Oho, have you come to see the gallant figure of the basketball captain?
This may be your last chance, so let it imprint right into your very eyes…☆
Mhm, mhm, I understand completely. You’re embarrassed, aren’t you?
…Woah!? Why’re you hitting me without saying anything!?
Fuhaha! You really are like a tomboy! ☆
So that’s it, I see, I see!
But there’s no reason to feel lonely — This is no eternal parting!
Alright! I’m going to hug you tightly with all my gratitude for everything you've done! ☆

Ooh, Anzu! You're here at just the right time!
The truth is, I was on my way to the Student Council office with Kanata, but we strayed off somewhere in the middle…
Have you seen him anywhere?
I see. Just where did he go off to?
…Oh, the figure I see over there looks to be Kanata?
Anzu, sorry for stopping you for this! Farewell…!
Ooh, so that’s where he was. Seems like he’s talking to someone.
I’m glad I got to find him without too much trouble, and it’s all thanks to you.
Thank you, I’m grateful…☆

Huh, there really are heart-shaped ornaments wherever you go…
Oh right, it’s going to be white day soon. I almost forgot!
Anzu, what do you want as your white day gift?
Hmmm, so you want work. But Ryuseitai has nothing going on right now…
And I’ve left Repayment Festival to the kids, since it's junior-focused…
So I'm sorry to say that there isn’t any work I can give you.
There’s nothing you specifically want, huh…
But I won’t be satisfied with that.
There’s no need to rush, so if you find something you want, tell me.