Christmas Live – Epilogue
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: Park’s Live Stage

Alright, everyone! There’s not much time left ‘til the Eve’s Eve Live is over!
While we’d love to keep the enthusiasm up with more and more hype—Christmas Eve and the actual performance have yet to happen, so~
Let’s not overdo it and end things early so that nobody catches a cold!
But to anyone hoping for way more—don’t worry! We’d love to have you join us over at Yumenosaki Academy’s StarFes, on Christmas day!
As a present, we’ll bring even more passionate, glittering bright dreams to everyone there…☆
Mhm! Wonderful MC! It’s so full of excitement, Nagumo!
You’re informing them about everything that needs to be conveyed as concisely as possible! There’s really nothing else I could teach you at this point, huh…☆
I’m so moved! I can feel my eyes begin to water! My tears are so passionately hot, not even the winter’s cold can freeze them! Fuhahahaha! ☆
Taichou, you’ve been performin’ this whole time, so how come you’re still so energetic? Gonna be real with ya—It’s just getting in my way. I’d rather you not snatch the spotlight from your junior.
C’mon 2wink, you rush over here too! If you take too long, Taichou’s gonna snatch away all the good bits~
This guy always does that!
Nagumo, why do you always say things that pierce deep in my heart… What can’t you stand about me!? Do you hate me!?
Ahaha, you just can’t help but have mixed feelings when someone more talented raves about you with such high praise, you know.
When the sun shines bright enough, the stars around it become overshadowed and invisible to the eye.
And then that sun comes around and tells you something like, “you can shine brighter than that!”…
It’s hard not to feel angry, or rather, pathetic. You understand, don’t you, Tetora-kun?
Ooh, Yuuta-kun! The outfit suits you perfectly~♪

That’s ‘cause it was tailored to fit Aniki exactly. So it fits me perfectly as well. At least for now, as frustrating as that is.
Well I’m happy that we can still wear the same outfits… We’ll get to make even more memories this year as just the two of us, right? ♪

It’s no longer just you and I, Aniki. Come on, things aren’t the same as “back then” when we were on the streets, shivering in the cold. We’re surrounded by the many, many stars of Ryuseitai.
This year will probably be a much “warmer” Christmas than ever before.
Though, with so many stars, it’ll be way harder to stand out! But if we huddle close and stand together, we can shine brighter than any sun!
Behold the brilliance of 2wink, the twin stars! Make sure to burn it into your eyes, everyone~! ☆
2wink, the two-in-one twin idols, are pleased to meet you! ☆
(…Whew, what a relief. They’re still a li’l awkward around each other, but… looks like they made up, huh?)
(Guess it was a good thing that I really ripped into them—Or well, more specifically, swinging my fist at ‘em.)
(I might’ve done somethin’ unwarranted for their sake, but… That’s how an ally of justice rolls, right… Probably, I dunno~♪)
We shouldn’t get in their way, huh? C’mon Taichou, how about we go and hand out presents to the kids~?
Yeah! ☆ You can count on me for that, it’s my field of expertise! C’mon kiddos, gather around~! Santa-san’s got gifts for you! Come and get them!
Theeere, there, there~♪ (pat, pat, pat) You kids must be so sleepy by now, so we’re grateful that you stuck around with us for this long!
Ah—Hey, hold it, Kanata! Don’t give out live animals—! Where did you get those sea creatures from!?
ehh~… [winter] is the season for [seafood], you know~?
here you go, a [sea cucumber] for you~♪ and for you, a [sea anemone]~…☆
Stop right there, you’ll traumatize the kids! Nagumo, hold Kanata down at once! Sengoku, come with me! We’ll split the work between us to distribute the rest of the presents, alright?
Roger that~! However, Taichou-dono… The Eve’s Eve Live can be viewed for free, so there is barely any profit to this…
If we were to distribute presents as well, wouldn’t we make a net loss here?
Mm? Oh yeah, true! But, well, the kids’ smiles are our reward! In that regard, Santa-san is the same as a hero! ♪
Hmm… You could simply make up for your loss at StarFes instead. By working at a deficit to put on a great display of hospitality as a way to entice people to attend, you can increase the profit production margin at the actual event.
It may appear as if you don’t think about these things in advance, I see that your methods do make quite a bit of sense. I’m impressed. Although, well, I suppose rather than calculated, it actually came naturally, perhaps?
Woah—!? You surprised me…! Ermm, you’re Fushimi from fine, right? I-I’ll have you know, this live show has been formally authorized…!
Fufu, even if it were unauthorized, I do not have the authority to intervene as I am not a member of the student council.
That being said, even President-sama has given out silent approval for unauthorized matches.
More importantly, I had been told that Anzu-san would be here… Where could she be?
Mm? You’re looking for Anzu?
She’s been busying herself with all sorts of things—from making preparations for the Eve’s Eve Live to tailoring our outfits, even setting up a merchandise booth and working as a vendor, so…?
I assume she’s decorating the Christmas tree at the moment.
Is that so? Goodness gracious, even though I had asked her to head into town hoping she would take a break for once…
I see she’s back hard at work before I even knew it.
If you turn your hobbies into a job, then you won’t have any refuge… However, well, it’s Anzu-san’s life; she can do as she pleases, I suppose.
Chapter 2
The following chapter contains a brief mention of hanging.

Hm. So Anzu-san is decorating the Christmas tree…
Ah, there it is. So there’s a Christmas tree atop the stage?

Ughh… Today’s seriously just not my day… I’m so depressed, I wanna die…
Sengoku-kun and I just got lost when we went looking for 2wink… Then once we hurried back to the stage all panicked and in a rush, I ended up making a huge mistake…
Fwah—? Anzu-san, please don’t hang a yuruchara on me…?
It looks like it’s being hung to death, and I hate it… Actually, you think you can just give me yurucharas to appease me, don’t you…?
I’m not that simple of a guy, y’know…?
Whatever, not that I care… Go ahead, do as you like… Might as well just dangle lights and cotton on me too while you’re at it, or whatever else…
Umm… Perhaps I am growing fatigued, or does that Christmas tree look like a person?
That’s because it is a person! It’s our promising star of Ryuseitai, Takamine Midori! He’s got a great physique and he’s outfitted in green, so he’s the perfect fit for a Christmas tree, don’t you think? ♪
I am a bit confused as to what you mean by that. I can see why President-sama is not fond of those in Ryuseitai.
I would appreciate it if you refrained from behaving so strangely outside of school. It disgraces our academy’s name.
Well, I do not know if there’s any point in saying this, but you are as good as an animal without your civility, you know?
Ah, no, Takamine just made a silly mistake on stage a moment ago… It’s already so cramped to fit all of us onstage, but his body had started to get numb from the cold too…
So he tripped on his own feet and took a spectacular fall with a huge crash. And to add insult to injury, the tree up on stage as decoration was destroyed in the chaos of it all as well.
This is why I tell him to do thorough warm-ups… But he tends to skip out on those sorts of things, so now here we are.
Hm, I see your logic. And so Takamine-sama plans to replace the demolished tree by sitting in its place instead?
Yeah. Since he injured his ankle when he fell, he can’t move much. Thankfully, it’s only a light sprain, so he should recover soon as long as he rests, but…
If the day ends without a chance for Takamine to regain his pride, it won’t be a positive gain to him.
That’s why at the very least, we had him decorate the stage as a substitute for the tree… So, that’s how we got here.
And perhaps to also serve as punishment for his mistake earlier…? As I thought, although it appears there’s a clear lack of deliberation behind these actions, it actually makes so much sense that it’s irritating.
Yes? With all due respect, could you please make less conversation?
If you are going to play the role of a tree, then do it thoroughly and do not speak the language of humans.
Even our fine’s Hibiki-sama has the capacity to behave elegantly in front of the general public, you know.
I-I’m so sorry… Um, you’re Fushimi-senpai, right? I-I’ve been wanting to meet you! I’m a fan of yours!
I’m sorry? A fan of… myself?
Oh, no, you mustn't waste such words on me… Someone as inexperienced as myself only brings disgrace to fine’s lowest seat. You must be mistaking me for someone else.
What are you saying!? There's no one else in this whole entire world who can create the same artistic masterpiece as you!
If it’s alright, I’d love your autograph! With a drawing, please…☆
Ooh…!? To think Takamine could be this proactive…!?
Show that level of enthusiasm on things like our live shows as well! No diamond in the rough will shine unless it’s polished first, y’know!
Please don’t talk right now, Morisawa-senpai! Please, Fushimi-senpai! I’m begging you, if I could have just one thing! I’d really love your autograph…☆
Umm… What am I to do, I’m quite embarrassed…
Unfortunately, you’ll have to excuse me, but signing autographs constitutes an idol activity. Meaning, I cannot accept such requests without the authorization of President-sama.
Ghh, that’s so frustrating! But on the other hand, that means that turkey is extremely valuable…!
Woohoo~! I got the best Christmas present ever…♪
Turkey? Oh dear, the pacing of those in Ryuseitai had thrown me off track… Anzu-san, a moment, please?
Fufu, no need to be on edge, it appears that you’ve properly done the shopping I asked of you to do.
I’m not here to do anything like point fingers.
Since the live show here has nearly reached its conclusion… Would you all like to join us for a Christmas party? The timing is just right.
Party?1 I love stuff like that, but is it really alright for us to join?
Of course.The lord and lady of the manor I serve are currently abroad…
Since the young master is quite lonely as a result, I thought to hold a dinner party.
However, a dinner party all by our lonesomes wouldn’t be too inspiring, you see. I would appreciate it if you could join us and enliven the occasion.
I had come here to invite Anzu-san alone to compensate for her errand, but…
I’ve reconsidered the recipients of my invitation. Perhaps the young master would feel less lonely if there were more people…
And upon seeing this live venue… It had me thinking. While there is beauty in spending the holy night peacefully alongside cherished ones…
In the end, it truly is the most blessed for children to be lively and have fun with a smile, isn’t it?
I hope you will join us as well, Takamine-sama. We will be having delicious turkey too, you know. ♪
Ughh… I don’t really wanna eat meat too much… I just grow bigger with every bite I take…
But I’ll go anyway. I want to take this opportunity to get on closer terms with Master Artist Fushimi…☆
Master artist? I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve been having the same conversation at all, have we…?
Anyhow, the pair from 2wink are here as well, yes?
I’d like to invite them as well, to show my gratitude for taking care of the young master back during Circus and the like.
You’re welcome to think this through once the live show is over. Please, do take my invitation into consideration.
I must prepare for the party at the manor first and foremost, so if you would excuse me.
I hope you all will be able to join us. I shall send a car over for pick-up later.
It’s the height of the banquet. Christmas is just around the corner…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ The correct spelling of “party” (パーティー) uses katakana, but Chiaki says it in hiragana instead, suggesting that he's saying it in a cute/playful intonation.