Christmas Live – Dot to Dot
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: Classroom 1-B

(Just a few more nights~ and it’s Chri~st~mas~♪)1
(Ehehe, what’s Santa-san’s present for me this year…? ♪)
(Ahh, I can barely sit still from excitement! I’m just so hyped~♪)
(Because Christmas only means one thing, and that’s of course… Ninjas! ☆)
(The skillful art of fulfilling one’s mission by infiltrating a home without being caught! Santa-san is truly a descendant of ninja, who has survived until the present day!)
(Even his fashion sense also somewhat resembles that of a ninja, in my opinion…!)
(That’s why during Christmas time, I get so happy~ It feels as though my comrades have grown~♪)
(In fact…! One day, I will become someone splendid and famous… And then, I’ll absolutely make ninjas as mainstream as Santa-san!)
(And once that happens, I’ll make Hattori Hanzō’s death anniversary into a national holiday~♪)2
(That’s another reason why I will do my best with my idol activities! Although, I believe there isn’t any work for Ryuseitai today?)
(Actually, for a few days now, we have had days off from not only work, but practice, too…)
(Well, we might suddenly be called over for something, like how we were during the summer holiday…)3
(Taichou-dono makes sure to provide us with sufficient days off overall. But on the other hand, that means we tend to be overworked when we do have work…?)
(Mm~ It feels lonely~… Without any Ryuseitai activities, I end the school day talking to practically nobody.)
(I’m aware that ninjas live by concealing themselves without uttering a word, though…)
(……I’m really starting to feel sad now. It is getting chilly out lately~ They say that “cold” and “lonely” go hand-in-hand during these times.)
(Maybe I’ll call Isara-dono on my phone… Wait, no, he is probably busy with Student Council work right now.)
(Perhaps I’ll try visiting him under the pretext of helping him out with work… But would that just bother him instead? Urmm~?)
S-Something just fell down! This is… hmm, a talisman?

Oh, sorry. Do you mind picking up that flier for me, Shinobu-kun?
Ah, a flier? Oh yes, I see that it’s advertising a shop’s Christmas sale. I’ll pick it up right way, Yuuta-kun~♪
…Wait—What on earth are you doing?
You’re adeptly balancing yourself at the top of a crazy amount of piled up chairs!
Fuhaah, acrobatics~! You’re a skilled performer, Yuuta-kun! ♪
I’m sure even you can do this much, Shinobu-kun. Since you’re crazy lightweight, and all.
I just don’t want to be wasting any of my time… I don’t want to miss out on any training I can get done while doing something else.
I’m working on my sense of balance right now. Wanna join, Shinobu-kun?
Ah, no, no. I’m scared to climb onto what looks like some sort of new party game~ You’ll only injure yourself if the chairs end up collapsing, you know~?
Heheh, as if I’d mess up doing this. …You’ve been chatting with me lately, Shinobu-kun, I’m happy~. ♪
Huh? U-Um!? I apologize! Have I been annoying you!?
Whaa, who said that… If your annoyance level is at 1, then my Aniki’s is at like 530,000, so it’s fine.
I’m not sure I understand that logic… That being said, why have you been looking at that flier?
Are you perhaps going to hold a Christmas party? Are you trying to find the right cake to buy?

Hm~. Well, Aniki goes all out and makes a super huge cake every year for no good reason.
‘Cause you know, he’s got a sweet tooth. What one likes, one will do best, and so that guy’s great at making stuff like sweets.
Well, anyway. Basically, I’m looking for work.
Since it’s almost Christmas, you know? I thought maybe there’d be some shops looking for people to liven things up.
Oooh! You’re so diligent, trying to find work even during Christmas. Are you a vassal of Santa-san, perhaps…? ☆
My Santa is Aniki~, ‘cause the person who’s apparently my father isn’t too enthusiastic about those sorts of things.
That’s not it, though—Holidays are a good time for idols to earn some money, aren’t they?
I’d like to find a way to make my seniors look better, or rather… I wanna sell 2wink better, since we’re comparatively mediocre.
Well, the leader is supposed to be the one to think about this sort of thing, though.
But since all Aniki’s thinking about are Christmas cakes right now… I gotta be the one to find some work to do.
You can help me if you want, Shinobu-kun! If you’re not busy, that is.
O-Okay. Ryuseitai has the day off today, so I shall assist you~♪
You strong units can afford to do that, huh. …But you better watch your step, you don’t know when you’ll lose your footing!
‘Cause startin’ next year, 2wink will be takin’ over Yumenosaki Academy! ♪
Mhm, hard work deserves to be rewarded. Ahaha, not that I have any right to say something as impudent as that~
How about this shop’s job offer? You’ll wear Santa-san’s outfit while selling cakes! ♪
That’s just a regular old part-time job. I was hoping for something more idol-like…
Hmm… It kinda feels like all the good jobs got taken up by the other units, I guess?
I’d like to increase 2wink’s market value, though… Maybe I’ll ask Anzu-san, like, “Give me a job as a Christmas present ♪”, or something?
Chapter 2
Location: Garden Space

Sigh, it’s so damn cold… I’m so depressed, I wanna die…
I seriously miss Morisawa-senpai right now for some reason… I wonder if that heater is walking around somewhere nearby…?

I’m so sorry, I bumped into you! A-Are you alright…?
Huh? Anzu-san…?
H-Hello… I’m sorry, the cold weather tends to make me kind of absent-minded…
I could sort of tell that there was someone walking in front of me, but my head was so blank that I almost thought to myself, “Eh, maybe I’ll just run them over”…
Uwah? Please don’t scold me while wagging your finger… I’m not a little kid, y’know…?
I would’ve stopped myself in time once I had noticed it was Anzu-san, anyway…
I shouldn’t run over anyone, no matter who it is…? Mm~ I’ll be more careful next time, okay…?
Ahh—You don’t have to pick up the vegetables that fell on the ground… I’ll do it myself…
I’m sure you’re busy with work again, aren’t you…?
Huh? For once, you’ve got free time…? Still, I’d feel bad for making you help me with work that’s got nothing to do with idols…
Ahh, yes… I come from a greengrocer family…
But my parents are so crazy about our home’s business, that I almost question if I really do share the same blood as them…?
They made a contract with our school to be the sole provider of vegetables for the cafeteria, so… I deliver the produce in boxes when I attend school and stuff…
Without any pay for it, either… Since I’m just helping out my family’s business… That’s why I seriously have no motivation whatsoever…
But I kept skipping out on it, so my parents told me off… Like, today was another day where I went home as soon as classes ended and curled up under our kotatsu, but then got booted out immediately…4
They yelled at me to go and deliver boxes of vegetables…
But it’s just such a pain to do multiple trips between my home and school… So I tried to carry all of them at once…
But that meant I couldn’t see anything in front of me, because of all the boxes piled on top…
That’s how I ended up crashing into you… I’m sorry for that… Ahh, I’m so depressed… I’m such a mess no matter what, aren’t I…?
I’m such an eyesore because of my huge size… I’m better off burying myself along with the burdocks…
Fweh? Why are you suddenly asking me to look at something…?
Mm…? There’s a drawing in your notebook…?
Fwaaah—What is this!? It’s so cute! ☆ I’ve never seen this design before; what’s this yuruchara’s name?5
Is it one of your new designs, Anzu-san…!?
Sooo cute! Looking at it makes me go crazy! Ahh~ It’s soothing me to the point that my head’s spinning~…☆
Huh? It was drawn by someone named “Fushimi”, a member of fine…? I-It’s a turkey…?
Wow, that’s mind-blowing… I would’ve never known what it was if you never told me… ♪
Just incredible! No wonder he’s a member of the strongest unit in Yumenosaki Academy! This “Fushimi” person from fine… I’m going to pay close attention to him from now on…☆
Ehehe. Thank you, Anzu-san… I feel a little better now…♪
Let’s pick up the vegetables… I’m so sorry to make you help me…
Ahh, what a mess… They’re scattered everywhere…
Fwah!? I-I’m so sorry! We both tried to pick up the same one, and I ended up accidentally touching your hand…
I’m really sorry for like, everything… Please put all the dented or damaged ones in this box…
They don’t have any market value anymore…
Huh? Ah, yes, you can have the bruised vegetables if you like… We were either going to sell them for cheap in bulk, or have it for dinner tonight, so…?
You can take as many as you like; it’s my apology for bumping into you…♪
Heheh. Anzu-san, you’re fine with accepting even the ones that are damaged and dented, huh…? ♪
Mm…? What’re you looking at, Anzu-san…?

Ahh, Shinkai-senpai’s floating in the fountain… That’s just the norm at this point, right~…? Though I was also shocked at first when I’d see him there…
But I’m pretty used to the sight by now… Mm, mmm…?
Huh…? Shinkai-senpai isn’t budging one bit, is he…?
Oh yeah, the temperature’s so low today, frost could form… If he bathes in water when it’s this damn cold, won’t he straight up die…?
Actually, in the worst case, he might’ve already frozen up in the water…?
Crap…!? Hold on, I’m going to go check how he’s doing! Anzu-san, please keep an eye on the vegetables in case someone tries to steal them!
Shinkai-senpai~!! Are you alriiiighttt…!?
Chapter 3
Location: Dojo

‘Scuse me~!
Ossu! ♪ This is Aoi Hinata, the reliable older brother of 2wink! You here, Kiryu-senpai~?
Umm, it’s about the outfit I asked you for! I thought maybe it’d be done about now, so I stopped by to pick it up!
You’re probably busy though, aren’t you, Kiryu-senpai~?
Theeen I’ll just call off my request for the outfit, so you don’t have to worry about… Oh?

Hey, it’s Tetsu-kun! Hey-o~, what’re you up to?
Strange, only Tetsu-kun’s around? Is Kiryu-senpai not here? Hello~?
Hi-yah~! ☆6
Owah~!? What’re you doing all’a sudden!? Are you an assassin out to get me!?
Ahaha, no one’s tryna kill you, Tetsu-kun! Wow, what an amazing reaction time!
Even while meditating in a zen state, you were able to notice my jumping kick and dodge immediately, huh…♪
Impressive as always, Karate Club! It was just a test, Tetsu-kun, so don’t get mad, ‘kay~? Y’know, a little prank! ♪
Yup, here’s your certificate! From here on, you may call yourself lǎoshī, okay?
Sorry, I’m findin’ it difficult to respond to a flurry of words thrown at me… You’re real energetic in this cold weather, aren’tcha, Aoi-kun…
Ermm, you’re the twin that’s Hinata-kun, right?
Mhm. But don’t say things like “this twin” or “that twin”—I don’t really mind, but Yuuta-kun does.
I don’t blame you, though! Even I spot myself in the mirror and exclaim, “Yuuta-kun!” from time to time!
Hmm… Maybe I should wear a name tag with “Hinata” written on it to make it easier to tell us apart?
More importantly, didja have somethin’ to do at the dojo? As you can see, the Karate Club’s got the day off from club activities today, so~?
Well as I can see, it looks like you’re practicing meditating or something, Tetsu-kun! Doesn’t that count as practice—or perhaps, training?
Why zen meditation, actually? I guess there’s a big sign in the back with “self-control!” on it, but what exactly is the training for?
I don’t really get it, but it looks fun, so, I’m in! ♪
Ooh… Wow, amazin’ as always. I mean, you need a flexible body for zen meditation…
But you got yourself into the right posture just fine. Meanwhile, my body’s so stiff that I almost felt like my bones were gonna crack.
I forced my body into this meditation position, so now I can’t get outta it on my own… I’d love some help unfolding my legs if that’s alright with ya…7
Although, I feel bad for making a guest do work…
Okay~! ♪ Whoa, you’re seriously stiffened up! It’s like you locked your own joints up… You did it so clumsily that it’s practically a skill in itself!
Owowow! Please be a li’l more gentle on me!
Bear with it, okay~, you’ll hurt your muscles if you move! Alright, there we go! ♪
Ahh, whew… You really saved me there, ossu. I’ll be absolutely sure to repay the favor—You have Nagumo Tetora’s word on it!
Right. So, is Kiryu-senpai here? I need him for something real quick, so~…
Ahh, Taisho’s been making outfits for a bunch’a units that’ve sent in a request.8 He’s real close to finishing ‘em all up, so he’s confining himself to his home in order to try and stay focused.
I wanna help him out too, but I’d just get in his way when it comes to that stuff~… I’ve got the free time now ‘cuz I don’t have any idol work either, so I settled with doin’ some self-training.
I seem to have no self-restraint, or more like, I immediately act on the first decision I make… I wanna get a better handle of that part of myself, so that’s why I was doin’ zen meditation.
The “self-control!” hanging scroll is meant to embody my resolve~♪
I see… I thought maybe you were suppressing somethin’ strange down…
My brother’s like that too, but you’ll reach a breaking point if you don’t get it out of your system in time, you know?
Well, it’s just in my nature to do this. If I don’t learn to keep control of myself through zen meditation and stuff, I’ll just end up causing trouble by running ‘round without any thought, and that doesn’t help anyone~
I’ve had enough of bein’ that “klutzy kid” to everyone.
Chapter 4

Anyway, I’ve got a message for you from Taisho, Hinata-kun. The outfit you requested is done.
He asked me to pass ‘em onto you if you come over.
Oh, they are finished! Kiryu-senpai’s such a fast worker, huh~! ♪
Heh, Taisho always keeps his promises! Umm, where were they again…? Ahh, it was this box… Here ya go~♪
Thankies! Huh, what’re all these doing in here? I only requested an outfit for myself, but there’s one, two, three… A whole buncha them in here?
Ahaha, apparently he got really into it and made way too much.
‘Cuz Taisho’s brakes just stop working the moment he gets absorbed into sewing.
Gotcha~. But us 2wink are still pretty small, I’m not sure if we’ll be able to afford all of these outfits.
Ahh… He didn’t make the extra outfits ‘cuz of your request, so he said you can have them for free.
So just consider ‘em a Christmas present from Taisho~♪
I see… I’ll kindly accept them, then. Though it’s not like I was a good enough kid to get a present from Santa-san or anything, was I?
Ahaha. But that’s Santa-san’s outfit you’ve got there, right? Are you gonna perform a live show with it? It’s almost Christmas and all, so~?
Hm… I guess you could call it a live show…
There’s a lot of demand at the end of the year, so I’ve been working part-time at a couple of stores downtown. And this time, I was asked to bring in customers.
I’ve kept my part-time job a secret from Yuuta-kun, so he’ll probably be angry if he finds out…
That’s why, I thought maybe it’s best I don’t wear my 2wink outfit.
I could have just gone with the academy’s shared uniform, but~… It’s Christmas season, so I went with Santa-san! ♪
Huh, that’s unusual for 2wink; you’re pretty much always doin’ activities as the two of you together.
No, not really, these days…
Yuuta-kun’s in his rebellious period, so I guess you can say we’re respecting each other’s autonomy~. It’s lonely, but I gotta get used to working separately…
Whoops, but yeah—I gotta do my part-time job of bringing in customers, so I gotta go, ‘kay?
Ah—I’ll help ya out with that job, if you don’t mind. I don’t need any pay; everything’s an experience, and I’ve got the free time now…
And for some reason, I feel like I can’t leave you on your own, Hinata-kun.
Huh, is that how you see it~? Well, I suppose that’ll help, hm? We are short-staffed, and I’ll make sure you get paid, so come on with! ♪
Ossu. Wait a sec, I’ll go change my clothes. I’ll just freeze from the cold if I go out in my karate uniform.
Okay. I might as well save some time and change into my outfit while we’re at it, then.
Nihihi, I’m really happy you offered to help out, Tetsu-kun~. I was feeling a little lonely being all by myself…♪
Mm? Didja say somethin’, Hinata-kun?
Oh, no, just talking to myself. Anyways, hurry up and get changed already! Don’t be a little baby! C’mere, lemme help you undress~! ♪
Hinata-kun, the way you’re moving your hands is kinda dirty…
If you’re really that short-staffed, should I call over a friend? Ryuseitai’s got the day off today, so I think someone I know might have the free time…?
Oh, are they? I saw some members of Ryuseitai making a ruckus earlier, though…
Like, I saw Midori-kun, and Anzu-san was there too~!
And there was Shinobu-kun too, behaving suspiciously with my brother, Yuuta-kun.
Huh, really? I didn’t hear anything… Mm~ Now I’m curious.
Well, aside from asking ‘em if they can help, maybe I’ll at least try to contact Taichou and the others to see what’s goin’ on~?9
Chapter 5
Location: Gym

Kanataaaaa!! Don’t diiieeeeeeeeeee!!!
Don’t leave me behind! Didn’t we make a vow on that day, on that hill under the setting sun!? We vowed to inherit everyone’s dreams—Ryuseitai’s spirit of justice together…!
please be at [ease], chiaki. i will not die. i will simply [return] to the ocean… ufufufufu~♪10
He’s speaking in delirium!? His body temperature has dropped down so much that he’s slowly losing consciousness! I can tell!
Aaalright, let me give you some warmth! I’ll rub this dry towel on you! Don’t give up on living, my dear friend…!11
fufufu. i have made… so many friends, haven’t i~… ow, ow?
please do not [scrub] me so hard~ it hurts. my [skin] is [frail], you know~…?
if my [scales] fall off, i will become much easier to eat… ow, ow?
Never mind that, you just rest! Don’t talk! Don’t waste your strength!
I told you that you’d die if you bathed in water in this weather! Treat your life with a little more care!
You should listen to what your Taichou has to say! You bad boy…!
ufufu~ that’s right, i am a [bad boy]… achoo♪
Look at you, you’ve caught a cold! I know I’m the last person to be saying this, but taking care of yourself is part of the job! How do you expect to protect the peace of this world if you can’t even protect your own health!? You fool!
M-Morisawa-senpai, I set up the room heater, just to let you know…
And Anzu-san is making some warm vegetable soup right now… Shinkai-senpai, can you eat vegetables…?
mm~… well, fish are typically [carnivores], so~?
but i am not good with [soup]. hot [water] is not suitable to live in, after all~…
Um, Morisawa-senpai. Shinkai-senpai’s words are making even less sense than usual… What is this person even saying…?

Don’t point fingers at your senior, Takamine.
Mm~ During the cold season, Kanata can’t really bathe in water much. The stress must have been building up in him… He’s clearly out of sorts right now.
To think he’d actually jump into the fountain when it’s this cold… Well, I suppose I did suspect this would happen, but still—It’s my fault for not watching over him properly.
I’m so glad you noticed and saved him from his predicament in time! You’re a splendid ally of justice of your own, aren’t you, Takamine~ Theeere, there, there~♪ (pat, pat, pat)
Anzu-san’s the one who spotted him… All I did was carry Shinkai-senpai over here…
I’m so glad you were here, Morisawa-senpai… I was just freaking out, so…
Yeah. We’ve got the day off from Ryuseitai activities today, so I was practicing basketball at the gym!
Then you barged in carrying Kanata in your arms, so I was really worried about what had happened!
It’s impressive how you managed to carry Kanata just fine, Takamine! This guy’s surprisingly huge and heavy, I can’t lift him on my own at all!
This must be the so-called “insane physical strength in a scene of fire”! How heroic~♪
ufufu. sea [creatures] always [grow up] big and strong~… is midori a sea [creature], too?
I’m just a son of a greengrocer… I’m no sea creature, and I don’t think I’m even an ally of justice yet…
Jeez, I got really worried for you, y’know…?
Why’re our seniors always, always like this…?
Heh-heh! You look like you’re about to cry, Takamine~♪
I won’t cry… Why does everyone keep treating me like a little kid…
Anyway, I remembered that the gym had a room heater, so I thought it’d help Shinkai-senpai out if I brought him here…?
Yeah, that’s the Basketball Club’s big room heater!
I was the only one here today, so I kept it in the storeroom as I thought that it would be a waste of electricity to use the heater for myself alone, but—!
There’s no time to worry about such trivial things! Come on, Kanata, get yourself warmed up! Takamine, you and I will provide some more warmth to Kanata! Let’s embrace him together…☆
Uuu, you stink of sweat…
Ah—Anzu-san’s here… Shinkai-senpai, here’s your soup~…♪
Mm—!? He’s not responding! Don’t tell me you died, Kanata!?
Shh~… It looks like he fell asleep. Getting warmed up after your body temperature drops low makes you sleepy, after all…
Let’s give him some peace and quiet so he rests well…♪
puka, puka…♪
Ahaha. Kanata, you say “puka puka” even when asleep, huh? Jeez, troublesome as always, aren’t you?
I can’t move if you cling to me in your sleep, y’know~…?
Yeah, Shinkai-senpai can’t have the soup Anzu-san made for him while he’s asleep, either… It’s like he always goes at his own pace with everything or something…
Despite how he may seem now, he’s actually become more human-like compared to how he was in the past. Mm~… Still, I’m not sure what to do here.
We can’t just leave Kanata all on his own…
I have the free time today as we’ve got the day off, so I’ll watch over Kanata. Takamine, Anzu, if you’ve got things to do, you’re free to prioritize it, alright?
Ahh, I almost forgot… I was in the middle of carrying vegetables…
Mm? Were you in the middle of work, Takamine? I’ll also help you out!
Let’s have Kanata help, as well. He might jump into the water again if we leave him on his own, after all.
It’ll be more convenient for all of us if we gave him something to do.
Well, that’d be a huge help, but… It’s work from my home’s greengrocer, so I kinda feel bad making my seniors help me out…?
Fuhahaha! ☆ Don’t be so distant! We Ryuseitai are five hearts beating as one! All for one, and one for all!
That’s what Ryuseitai’s all about, right? You’ve said it so many times that I know it by heart at this point… Jeez, you really are suffocating even in the winter, huh…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Shinobu is singing a different variation of the song mou ikutsu neru to oshougatsu (Just a few more nights, and it’s New Years). Read more here, with the lyrics.
- ↑ Hattori Hanzō was a famous ninja in the Sengoku era. Read more here.
- ↑ Referring to Pirate Festival, which happened in summer.
- ↑ Another story that shows another winter day of Midori skipping out on carrying produce boxes is Zodiac – Senpai Turned Into A Dog!?
- ↑ Yuruchara; yuru meaning “loose,” “soft,” “laid-back,” + the word “character”. Yuruchara are a type of mascot characters, with their defining feature being that they have very peculiar designs, ranging from bizarre-cute to adorkable. They’re well-known for being used all across Japan for PR purposes for companies, prefectures, etc… For more information read more here.
- ↑ I wasn’t able to convey it clearly in English, but Hinata is mimicking Bruce Lee’s signature cry here, so it’s likely he’s doing a Bruce Lee jumping kick as well. (TL note from Mika Enstars)
- ↑ One of the zen meditation postures require you to sit in lotus position, as shown in Tetora’s CG.
- ↑ Taisho (Taishou, 大将) is how Tetora calls Kuro. It means “chief”, “boss”, “general”.
- ↑ Taichou is a title that refers to the leader (sometimes translated as Captain). It literally means “Commander”.
- ↑ Although slightly vague and indirect, there is an interesting correlation between what Kanata says in this story, and what he says in his 2nd year about his mother and the ocean (shown in this chapter from Altered).
- ↑ Chiaki has said “Don’t give up on living” to Kanata back in their 2nd year too, in Meteor Impact (Unqualified Hero - Chapter 20). In general, this chapter has a handful of lines that are referenced in Meteor Impact!