[ES!!] 8th Anniversary

Anniversary Quotes

No matter how stained with mud I get, I'll continue to run down the path of hard work. Please watch over me 'til I become a great man!

You can always call my name if you ever need me! I'll always come rushing for you at full speed for the sake of making you smile…☆

It’s because you support me that I’m able to work hard as an idol and hero. Please stay by my side forever…♪

I wonder what lies ahead in the path you and I will walk through together? Let's go and find out together, Producer-dono~♪

let's move towards the [future] together. i am also your hero, after all…♪
Note: Tetora's quote appeared alongside the leaders' anniversary quotes.
Ryuseitai One with One Mini Talk

Ossu! Thanks for guiding us with the rehearsal, Anzu-anego!
We're surely going to have a wonderful performance that will make all our fans happy. I could tell how particular you were with each performance piece!
I am very excited to go around the venue on a gondola! Watching the audience from above will feel new.
…It's a pretty large-scale set-up, so we should manage to surprise the audience? That's true…
i hope we can make them happy with lots of [fanservice]~♪
We're gonna fill everyone in the venue with hope and energy for sure~!
Yep! I'm excited just thinking about how many people will get to experience our performance.
Sigh… That all the more means we have even more attention on us, so we can't mess it up. I'm nervous…
It is crucial that we enjoy this as ourselves, in the way that suits us best! Let's make sure to make the place exciting on the day of the event, as well!
Heart to YOU FES Talk 9
Ohh!? Look, you guys! Don't you think this game suits us perfectly!?
Hm? What didja find?
Erm… “Linking ♡s Game”?
It seems that you pass the round every time you make the same pose as the idol. It sounds fun!
we all have our own personal hero [poses], so we can definitely [link] with each other~
Um, but then we wouldn't really be playing by the game's rules, would we…? It's not that sorta game, right…?