[ES!] Christmas Party in Yumenosaki Academy
1-A's Christmas Party, Part 1
Location: Classroom 1-A

Ehehe, I did it~…♪ I made the perfect sparkly ornament~ Akehoshi-senpai would love to see this~♪
Ooh, that’s super pretty~! ♪ How’d you make it?
Umm, I glued sequins onto a styrofoam, so that it sparkles whenever the light illuminates it~♪
What sort of ornament did you make, Tomoya-kun?
I made a snowman out of felt.
I cut round circles and glued them together, and then used a pen for the eyes and nose! Looks just like a snowman, right? ♪
Waah, that's sooo cute~! Let's hurry and set them up on the tree…♪

Hm? What's wrong, Tetora? Aren't you gonna decorate the tree with us?
Uumyu, lemme just show ya the problem…
Woah—! The washi tape is all over the place… How'd this happen?
Uu… I made my ornament round and all, but it didn't look good enough without a pattern, so I wanted to try wrapping it with somethin' fancy. Instead, I just ended up with this mess…
Hm, try not to pull out too much washi tape at once. You can avoid tangling it if you wrap it bit by bit. Like this, you go round and round~♪
Woah, you're amazing at this! But this method’s great, it looks simple enough for a clumsy guy like me~!
Wrap a li'l bit by bit… going round and round~♪
I-I did it…! I was able to do somethin' right for once~!
Nice, Tetora.
Heheh! I should be able to make a bunch more, now! Oooh, I'm super fired up~! ♪
1-A's Christmas Party, Part 2
Woohoo, that's another one done~♪ C'mon, Midori-kun, don't slack off! Help me out a li’l with the candy wrappings, won't cha~?

Ughhh, why me… We're all gonna eat them immediately anyway, so why do we gotta go through the effort of wrapping them nicely…?
No, no, no! We're gifting these to everyone, so we shouldn't hand them over just like that!
Mm~… I don't think anyone in our class would mind, though…?
And why'd you even ask me for help, anyway…? I'm pretty sure we have someone else in our class that's way better at this stuff…
Yeah, but he seems busy decorating the Christmas tree! Meanwhile, you were just sitting around doing nothing, sooo… ya feel me?
Ughh… I can't say you're wrong, but…
I was trying as best as I could to avoid being noticed because I didn't wanna join the Christmas party…
How'd you even spot me…?
Heh! That's 'cause I'm a big brother! I can immediately tell when there's a lonely kid around~♪
I don't think it has anything to do with that, but okay…
Meh, whatever… It's surprisingly fun to tie the ribbons, anyway…♪
Midori-kun, Midori-kun!
…? What…
Merry Christmas! So, whatcha think? Is my handmade candy tasty?
Y-Yeah… You're definitely as good as you always say… But are you sure it's okay for me to eat one now…?
Mhm! I was told the remaining sweets that aren't for our class are fine to eat anytime~ Let's take a break and eat some to regain our energy.
We'll definitely get to eat loads of sweets on Christmas, but…
It's nice being able to eat them today, too! Feels like Santa himself gets to have a treat of his own with some tasty sweets~♪
3-A's Christmas Party, Part 1
Location: Classroom 3-A
Keito, look, look~ It's Mr. Santa~…☆

Incorrigible. Why do I have to wear this outfit, too?
Fufu, you didn't have to wear it if you were simply going to complain.
We may be having a Christmas party in class, but it isn't mandatory to wear the Santa outfit itself. You could've stayed in your student uniform, couldn't you?
Hmph. I'll stand out in class if I end up as the only one not wearing the outfit.
That said, I have no idea how you even managed to get everyone to agree to wear it… We have plenty of stubborn people in our class who'd refuse such a thing. What sort of tactics did you utilize, Eichi?
Don't make it sound like I'm the bad guy here. I simply requested for them to wear it with all my heart.
Curse you, Tenshouin…! How dare you say that after what you did!?
You threatened to throw Mademoiselle out of the window if I refused to wear the costume!
You took Mademoiselle as hostage not only once, but twice now! And you dare call yourself human!?
Watch it, Itsuki! Quit moving around so much, it's getting annoying with your arms flailing around everywhere.

Ahhh… I apologize, Sena. I acted too violently for a moment. Your beautiful face hasn't been injured anywhere, has it?
I didn't mean it like that. You were just kinda being a pain, that's all.
Hey, we still have time before the party, right? I’d like to go to Yuu-kun’s classroom for a bit.
Santa Claus is supposed to deliver presents to good kids, right?
Ufufu, so I need to send a present to good little Yuu-kun…♪
Heh, a Christmas present, is it? I myself have also prepared a special, top-class outfit for Mademoiselle.
Truthfully, I have no interest in these clamorous festivities, but I do what I must for her.
Indeed, there is no battle between any of us for today. Join us, Keito, and enough scowling. You should enjoy yourself, too.
Let's have fun like high school students would. Merry Christmas…☆
3-A's Christmas Party, Part 2
Iiiiiit's Christmas, Christmaaas! A festivaaal! Hahahahaha…!! ☆

Fuhahaha! Santa's going to deliver presents to all the good kiddos!
Uughhh, quit moving all over the place.
There's nothing fun about watching guys mess around… What're you two so excited for, anyway?
My bad! I didn't expect to ever have a chance to celebrate Christmas with my classmates, so I couldn't hold back my excitement…!
Aaalrighty then! How about a present to good little Hakaze from Chiaki-Santa…☆
Ehhh…? I don't want a present from a guy. Can't I get one from a cute girl like Anzu-chan instead?
Or actually, I'd like to gift her something. Okay, it's time for Kaoru-Santa to deliver a one-of-a-kind present to Anzu-chan~♪
Woah, Hakaze! You can’t leave now; our Christmas party is starting soon!
Also, I have a present prepared for her too, so we should deliver our presents to her together!
Moricchi, I'd really like it if you could get a clue for a second.
Ughh, I'd rather be all alone with Anzu-chan than this party~! God's so mean to me…

Hahaha! You may say that, but you're in the mood to join the party, too, aren't cha? You're wearing the Santa outfit with us!
Merry Christmas! My present to you is this wondrous ornament I bought overseas, Kaoru-san!
Ahaha, this looks really valuable. Thanks, Mikejima-kun~
Oh well… Guess I'll celebrate Christmas here, too. Merry Christmas~♪
Oooh! Kaoru-san, you got us presents, too!? I'm soooo happy! Hahahaha! ☆
Heheh! I also brought presents for everyone in our class! Merry Christmas…☆
Yeah, yeah, Merry Christmas.
Sigh, Christmas is supposed to be a beautiful holy night spent with lovers, not a bunch of guys…
Now, now! Celebrating Christmas with your friends can be just as fun!
Yeah, sure, though it isn't really romantic or anything. But messing around on Christmas isn't so bad either, I guess. ♪