VS★GOURMET – Hiyori Mini Talk: Delicious Arrival

Hey, Anzu-chan. Have we still not arrived at our job location?
While I’m aware there’s nothing we could do about me attending much later than the rest, I’ve grown quite fed up of this silence!
Don’t you have any interesting stories to share? For my sake, since I’m so bored…♪
You can’t think of anything? Ehh~ Do you truly have nothing?
It can be about what’s been happening lately, or something that made you happy… Anything, really.
Even if it wasn’t that interesting, it could still act as a way to kill time, no?
Gosh, I can’t believe that you’ve got nothing!
—A topic from me? Hm, I can’t decide what to start with, but…
…I almost thought of one that might be interesting, but on second thought, maybe not.

So, today’s work is exploring a harbor city, yes?
The other Eden members are having a meal in the cafeteria around this hour, and I’ll be joining them afterwards…
Although, I think I’ll be able to meet up with them at the cafeteria if we keep up this pace…?
My previous job finished much earlier than planned, so we’re moving along much faster than I thought we would.
And luckily, the roads look to be empty, too…♪
Wouldn’t it be a nice idea to surprise them with our arrival? They’ll surely love it!
I think we’ll be able to arrive there earlier than planned, but… Well, there could be traffic ahead of us, too.
Plan A will be moving according to plan, but for plan B, I’ll prepare a surprise on how I’ll join them after they leave the cafeteria!
Not only will Eden members love it, but so will our viewers; I’m sure of it! That would be the finest weather…♪

Ah, I almost forgot that I had something to give you, Anzu-chan.
Here you go; I kindly bought you something to drink when we stopped at a rest area a while earler.
You haven’t had anything to drink, correct? You shouldn’t forget to hydrate yourself, you know.
I was also feeling thirsty, so I figured I could buy you one too while I’m at it.
Speaking of which, that rest area was quite spacious, wasn’t it?
There was a shop with a long queue, too… I wonder what it had for sale?
Mhm, mhm! Drink it up while being grateful for my kindness~♪
You originally had something for me prepared, yet forgot to prepare your own… That’s just like you, Anzu-chan.
However, while I appreciate your desires to look after idols, I’d love you to look after yourself, as well.