Tropical – Transform!
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, April)
Location: Meeting Room

A while later…
—Alright, that’s all for the Yuruchara Course. Thank you for listening…♪
Ooh… The course was incredibly in-depth!
They’ve got cartoons all over the country, huh~? I had no idea.
I always knew I had different interests from Midori-kun and stuff, but it’s pretty hard to wrap my head ‘round everythin’ now that I’m learning all ‘bout it.
Yurucharas should have a surreal look to ‘em, like their design is kinda vague and incomplete… They should be fun, cheerful, and relaxed… That’s the path that you advocate for, right, Midori-kun?
No, no, that’s such a stiff way to look at it. Calling it a “path” isn’t soft and relaxed at all, y’know?
Don’t try to pick up the keywords; I’d rather you feel it through your heart. You need to relax and have fun.
Ah, to be clear, what you just mentioned is pretty much the general definition of yuruchara, and I’m personally captivated by sloppy-looking yurucharas, but…
The ‘Tropical Troppeys’ characters we’ll be collaborating with are only relaxed and cute, so that might make things easier for you guys.1
Hmm, this sounds harder than I thought… I don’t think we can approach this with the usual methods.
But I’m real glad you gave an outline of everythin’ in a single 2-hour course. It was short enough for me to focus on the lecture.
yes~ i am also [new] to yuruchara, but it was easy to understand.
it seems like it will be tricky to convey it as ryuseitai, but i would like to do my best and try.
Yeah, that’s the actual problem…
I’m struggling with that part, too. If we were to take it too seriously and fully go for a yuruchara-like energy — I feel like it would actually just ruin that relaxed atmosphere…
And I tend to push myself to perform as properly as possible, which honestly doesn’t feel soft and relaxed at all…
I think it’s fine to work as hard as you possibly can, though.
While super sentai shows are said to be aimed at children, the creators behind it are always working as best as they can to make an interesting show.
In fact, it’s because it’s intended for children that they can’t cut corners. It’s that sort of fighting spirit that drives them to perform at their best.
So I think it’s perfectly fine for you to perform as hard as you possibly can, as a yuruchara.
Um, yurucharas and sentai heroes are entirely different things, though…?
Well, um, you’re right about that, but…! What I mean to say is, you don’t need to hold back with us… You’re welcome to go full force with me!
chiaki may say that, but you are free to do it [however] you like, midori, okay?
if you are still not sure how to go about [yuruseitai], then take your time thinking about it.
This is a wonderful opportunity for you, so there is no need to push yourself to forge ahead if you are still unsure how to proceed.
Mmm… Maybe somewhere deep inside, I’m still holding back a little…
After all, what I love isn’t necessarily what other people love.
Maybe I’m too scared to push my likes onto others… It’s one thing if it were just you guys, since we know each other well, but… this is a project we’ll show to even our fans, so…
Honestly, I think this concept is different from what they’re hoping to see from Ryuseitai, and I’m scared of the possibility of us splitting apart all ‘cause of what I love…
it will be okay, midori.
each and every one of us love ryuseitai. isn’t our love the same as yours?
all of our [fans] love ryuseitai, too. they will surely accept the things we [enjoy].
Location: Seisoukan Dorm (Exterior)

Later that night…
Anzu-san? What’re you doing here so late at night…?
Huh!? ‘Tropical Troppeys’ agreed to collab with us…!?
They’ll perform with us in the live show!? Ahh, I’m so glad…!
Thank you. But you didn’t have to come all the way to the dorms just to tell me that, y’know?
Ah, you wanted to see my excitement…?
Ahaha, to express my thanks, I’d be more than happy to show you that~♪
You made my wish come true, after all. I can’t thank you enough.
Ah, that reminds me — I have something I’d like to speak to you about, is that alright?
Everyone in Ryuseitai is doing the best they can to understand my love for yuruchara.
But I can’t help but worry if I’m actually properly taking on the responsibilities of a leader…
They’re pretty optimistic about the project, but every time I think I might fail, it scares me enough to make me hesitate…
If only I had a bit more confidence… If I could just lead Ryuseitai the same way Morisawa-senpai and Tetora-kun did, maybe I wouldn’t need to worry…
But as soon as it’s on me to teach everyone what to do, I start to feel like I’m not capable to lead them…
I’m sorry, I’m sure this is just a bother to you… I’m forcing you to listen to a depressing vent about how pathetically weak I am…
Ugh, I can’t stand myself… I just wanna disappear…
…Huh? The company behind ‘Tropical Troppeys’ were super happy?
Why’s that? I didn’t even do anything… They’re the ones who’ve always given me so much comfort.
Ah, so at first, they were going to decline the offer to collab if it was just to take advantage of the fact that they’re going on hiatus…?
But when they saw my love for yuruchara, and the performance of the newly formed Ryuseitai, they decided to accept the offer…? Because they felt like they may be able to breathe new air into the group…?
Wow, really…? So ‘Tropical Troppeys’ wanted something new to try out, too…
That makes sense — After all, their history goes way back… and they’d always be printed on all the merchandising of the company.
They were cherished by their company, but at the same time, it meant they didn’t do any collaborations with other mascots or events.
So they ended up handing the spotlight over to new yurucharas, and became one with the past.
That might be why they saw us Ryuseitai in a positive light — Because we weren’t afraid to take on a new look, despite being a long-established unit.
Thank you so much for letting me know, Anzu-san.
I may not be very reliable, but now I have to make sure to show a new image color of my own, don’t I?
I can’t cower back now, or I’ll only let Ryuseitai and ‘Tropical Troppeys’ down, when they put so much faith in me.
Alright! I’m going to keep at it with the plan I had in mind!
First, I’ll have all of them meet a yuruchara. I’ll also give them pointers on how to act like one — maybe even watch a puppet show that uses plush toys…!
Heheh, there’s been so much happening that I’m not used to, so I kept switching between motivation and depression… It was almost like I was on an emotional rollercoaster ride.
But thanks to you, Anzu-san, I feel like I finally blew all of that anxiety away.
I’ll do my best to meet the expectations of ‘Tropical Troppeys’…♪
Chapter 2
Location: Shopping Mall 1F

A few days later, on the weekend…
It’s almost time for the bonding event… I’m so nervous…!
I don’t get it, why would you feel nervous? It’s not like we’re the ones up on stage…?
Of course I’d feel nervous…! I’m gonna get to see Pop-dayuu with my own two eyes, y’know!?
Oh, just to let you know, Pop-dayuu is a musical-based yuruchara — they wear a kimono and have a music symbol for a face…2
And they’ve been trending on social media ‘cause they can even play the shamisen.
Heheh, Midori-kun gets so talkative whenever the topic is about yuruchara. I can tell just how much you love them!
I feel as though I have a lot to learn from Pop-dayuu. Ninjas are also deeply connected with Japanese culture, after all…♪
Ah, um… Just to be clear, they aren’t that traditional. Though the vagueness of the setting is charming to me, personally…
Anyway, we’ve come here so that you can all get a feel of what yurucharas are by bonding with them. So don’t think too hard about it, and just enjoy yourselves.
Ooh, I read the pamphlet they handed out. It sounds like Pop-dayuu came from a famous shamisen production facility, and traveled a long distance to arrive here.
They host a talk show, perform live music, and then even open a photoshoot session… These sort of resemble the kinds of events you’d find at a hero show.
If I were to think of Pop-dayuu as a hero who works day and night to popularize the shamisen… I feel that I could get very attached to them.
chiaki, you always conceptualize everything in [hero] terms, don’t you?
but thinking about things in terms of your own [specialty] might make them easier to learn about.
Mm~ I dunno, it feels a bit off to me… I’m not really fond of comparing it to something else, ‘cause there’s a chance you’ll overlook an important aspect of yuruchara.
But, well, I won’t stop you either, so please just enjoy Pop-dayuu’s performance.
Yurucharas are sooo much cuter when you watch them live, instead of just studying about them all day…♪
Ah, they’re here! Pop-dayuu~ Wave over here! (waves)
Waah…! It’s the “Shamisen grip” hand-sign! I can’t believe they’d do their signature pose just like that…! Pop-dayuu is on fire with the fanservice today…!
Takamine looks so happy today. It’s almost unbelievable that he was depressed just a few days ago.
Don’t mind me, Morisawa-senpai! Just look at Pop-dayuu!
Hahaha, you’re right. Your hero is finally here, after all — It would be rude to have my eyes elsewhere.
Pop-dayuu~!! Wave at me, too! (waves)
Ahh, stop, you’re way too loud…!! The star of this show is Pop-dayuu, y’know!?
Woah, Midori-kun is dead serious…
Aight, I’ll also be sure to cheer for ‘em without raising my voice too much.
Once we figure out how yurucharas manage to make Midori-kun happy, we’ll be able to make use of it in our Yuruseitai performance.
I’m excited to see your top-class shamisen performance, Pop-dayuu…☆
A while later…
(clap, clap, clap)…☆
Ahhh, that was amazing…! Watching Pop-dayuu perform live is like heaven on earth…!
And now finally, the long-awaited photoshoot session! Let’s all take a photo together!
ooh, [pop-dayuu] is waving at us to come.
i often open photoshoot [events] for a [costumed] character in [aoumi aquarium], but…
having a photoshoot with a [yuruchara] i do not know is refreshing to me.
okay, cheese…☆
fufufu~ this photo will surely hold a lovely [memory] for me.
Please take a photo with me, too!
Ehehe, thank you, Pop-dayuu! I will make sure to treasure this…☆
Since Shinkai-senpai has a yuruchara-like side to him, he’s pretty photogenic here. Shinobu-kun’s smile was also really nice in his picture.
As for the other two… Maybe you aren’t soft enough yet.
You seriously didn’t have to point it out… I’m aware we don’t look that soft.
But since we’re gonna perform as Yuruseitai, I gotta do what I can to understand what it means to be soft.
To be honest, I’m still not sure what we’re aiming for as Yuruseitai~…
But I do sorta get what you mean ‘bout Shinkai-senpai and Shinobu-kun seemin’ yuruchara-like.
…Well, you can leave that part up to me. I’m not sure if my plan will work, but I have thought up a practice session to get ourselves to look more soft and relaxed.
It’s hard to describe what it means to be soft in one word, but…
What we should be going for is something like Shinkai-senpai and Shinobu-kun, who are cheerful and soothing to look at.
Cheerful and soothing… Mhm, I see what you’re trying to say.
I’m so glad we came to this bonding event. We not only got to see a yuruchara live, but we even had an opportunity to discuss what to do for Yuruseitai.
Right then, Takamine! What do we have to do next?
We’d love to know more! Tell us everything about your love for yurucharas…☆
Chapter 3
Location: Dance Room

Later, in the afternoon…
Alright, I see we’ve all changed into our practice outfits.
You’re all gonna run through my special course today. Please follow my lead, everyone…!
Ooh, you’ve even printed the program out for us! You’re really fired up, Midori-kun!
Yeah. I know I’m already pushing a lot on you guys, but we can’t take it easy during practice.
I’m entrusting you guys with my love for yuruchara, so I hope you can come to understand those feelings.
midori looks so cool~
he is managing to devote himself to his [likes] wonderfully, even though it is a task that is very difficult to accomplish. human [beings] must live as part of [society], after all.
i will also be sure to do the best i can.
Very well, we simply have to read the script on the program, correct?
Yeah. For now, let’s all try and act as yurucharas.
Our first lesson is to get a feel of what a “relaxed atmosphere” is like through acting.
I’m gonna assign you all a ‘Tropical Troppeys’ character role, so act out the script on the file I prepared.
Let’s start from Shinkai-senpai. Please act as Armajiro in a round, peaceful way…!
Mhm, it’s perfect! It felt so soft and relaxed! I just knew you’d be a master at this…♪
Armajiro’s charm is being able to settle any and all troubles, and your gentle air matches it perfectly!
Okay, now it’s Shinobu-kun’s turn with Kiwi.
Heh, I have prepared my art of transformation just for this day. Allow me to show you the fruits of my training~♪
“Kyu-kyu! I’m Kiwi-kyu~☆”4
Ooh, this is so good! You really sound yuruchara-like!
You even mimicked the sound! You’re amazing as always, Shinobu-kun. The role suits you perfectly…♪
You think so? Heheh, you’re so knowledgeable about yurucharas, so it makes me really happy to be praised by you, Midori-kun.
Alright, next is Tetora-kun. Get into the feeling of being soft and act as Bearbonk.
“Booonk, I’m Bearbonk-bonk…!”5
Mm, it still feels stiff… You have to be more soft and laid-back…!
“Booonk, I’m Bearbonk-bonk!”
No, no, you need to loosen up your whole body…!
Umm… Like this?
You need to be much slower and more relaxed! You won’t be fit for the role like this, y’know…!?
Takamine, watch my performance, too! Look, what do you think of my Plateypus form!?

That’s way too forceful!!
Are you messing around here, Morisawa-senpai!? Yelling like that is a disservice to Plateypus, you hear me!?
Sorry, I just tried to say it in an energetic way — I didn’t mean to look as though I’m messing around…
Midori-kun is brutally strict whenever it comes to yurucharas…
his love runs [deep], doesn’t it~?
but to be honest, i was not doing anything particularly [different] for my performance, so maybe this all depends on the kind of [person] you are. it is likely difficult to get it right in only [one day].
i do hope the two manage to express the [softness] midori wants eventually, though~?
A while later…
H-How about now? That was good, wasn’t it?
Midori-kun, I’d like to know your thoughts, too! It was tricky on my own, but actin’ out a conversation with Morisawa-senpai made me loosen up a li’l, I think!
U-Umm… I do think you’ve gotten better from the first take, but…
…So this was a bust, too. You don’t sound satisfied at all…
Let’s beat through this, Morisawa-senpai! We’ve also got what it takes to be soft! We’ll make sure to convince Midori-kun that!
Of course! Let’s devote ourselves to practice until we master that relaxed atmosphere, Nagumo!
You’re free to butt in if there’s anythin’ that stands out to ya, Midori-kun…!
Yeah, sure. I’m also taking this fully seriously, so…
(Mm~… I feel like Morisawa-senpai and Tetora-kun aren’t getting adjusted to Yuruseitai after all…)
(But, well, it also took a while for me to get used to acting like a villain for RB, so I can’t talk like I’m any better…)
(Maybe I need to take drastic measures to make sure our image is polished…)
(—Wait, I’m doing it again! I’m getting pessimistic…!)
(No, what I need to do is have faith that they’ll improve and wait patiently. That’s just one of the many duties of a leader…!)
Chapter 4
Location: Midori, Mitsuru, Ibara, and Tsumugi’s room

A few days later…
(Sigh, school’s so tiring… Maybe it was a good thing I canceled practice for today…)
(I feel like I’m getting tired way faster, probably ‘cause I’m leading the unit right now… I don’t have as much stamina as Morisawa-senpai, so I think I’m gonna have to take a break every few days.)
(…Haha, my past self would be surprised to hear me say that. I’d always want to take a break back then.)
(But I’ve been appointed the commander now, so I can’t be saying that anymore…)
(Yuruseitai is slowly improving, but we just need one more push…)
(If we can properly do at least one performance right, it’d give me enough confidence that we can do this, but…)
(…Ah, my work will just pile up if I sit around doing nothing.)
(I’ll look over the outfit design Anzu-san came up with. There’s some other documents I need to check over as the leader, too, so I have to keep working.)
Sound of a door being knocked
knock, knock…♪
…? Who’s at the door…? I can’t tell at all from here… Maybe Saegusa-senpai?
Wait no, that doesn’t make any sense, he wouldn’t knock on the door to his own room. Ah, but maybe he forgot the key…?
Wait, I’m coming—
hello~ are you doing well, midori~?
Shinkai-senpai… Did you need something from me?
fufufu, you see, i found [something] interesting in [es].
it can only be seen now or never, so i came to call you over~♪
Something interesting…?
I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass.
I’ve got a lot to do as the leader, and I don’t really have the energ—
how [mean] of you, midori~
there is no need to be that way. come along with me~♪
i am sure it will make you happy, too…♪
Woah— He wrapped himself around me…!?
Shinkai-senpai, you’re surprisingly strong… It’s like I’m being pressured to go…
You’re not some mermaid trying to sink a boat, okay… I’ll just walk there on my own…
then let’s go~♪
Location: Hallway

Shinkai-senpai, could you please tell me what it is already?
I can’t imagine what this “interesting” thing is…?
fufufu, the truth is, i just so happened to come across it while i was on my way to eat lunch at the [staff cafeteria].
it surprised me, so i would like you to think about what it could be~
Staff cafeteria? Then why’re we going upstairs…?
Mm, I don’t get it… What did you find…?
i see you are struggling~ okay, here is a [clue].
a [day] off is not simply for switching off for the [day], is it?
when you are awake, so are other things.
A day off is not simply for switching off…? Is that some kind of pun?
it is not a [pun]. look, we have arrived~♪
A dance room…? Wait, don’t tell me—
Location: Dance Room

Sengoku, what do I have to do in order to become a much more soothing presence…!?
I’m not doing enough to create the atmosphere that Takamine desires! I also want to give off a gentle aura, just like you and Kanata!
Me too! Give us your honest thoughts, so that I can work hard for Yuruseitai…!
Mm~… Midori-kun said that you have to loosen up…
Thus, I feel that the problem may lie in the two of you being too determined to try and act as a yuruchara.
How about trying to soften that resolve?
Soften my resolve… I see, let me try doing it more casually.

(sways left and right) …How’s this? I tried to stand in an extremely relaxed way; am I managing it?
You’re moving more like a mollusk rather than a yuruchara…
This is a lot better already, though! I can tell you’ve loosened your muscles.
Oh, so I should try to move a li’l more like a mollusk would, huh?
…Like this?
Mhm, mhm, it is perfect!
Heheh, Midori-kun will definitely be surprised to see your improvement. Let’s all do our best for the sake of making Midori-kun smile!
Location: Hallway

Wow, I had no idea that they were practicing by themselves for my sake.
fufu. apparently, the three of them are here by [chance].
they happened to all be in the cafeteria at the same time, so they [talked] about practicing more on the [performance].
i was also thinking of [practicing] on my [own] after i finish my [lunch], so i was [surprised] to hear they all had the same idea.
“all for one, and one for all.”
…isn’t that right, midori?
Yeah. …It makes me happy that everyone wants to make my ideal vision come to life.
I’m sure that no matter what happens, we Ryuseitai will be okay, won’t we?
fufu, midori is such a [worrywart]~ you immediately fall into depression if we do not hold tight to your [hand].
but i can see that you finally [trust] us…♪
it would be [mean] to only be watching from afar, yes? how about we join them in [practice]?
Okay, let’s…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ As mentioned in the previous chapter, yuruchara typically have bizarre designs. But since Tropical Troppeys are not yuruchara designs, they’re mainly cute/soft rather than “bizarre” in their cuteness.
- ↑ Pop and tayuu (Refers to an entertainer in kabuki theater and noh plays) were combined together for this yuruchara’s name.
- ↑ Armajiro (arumajirou in Japanese) appears to speaks in a masculine-like, relaxed tone, saying maaruku, maaruku, osameru zoo…♪ (ending speech quirk appears to be ぞお zoo at the end).
- ↑ Kiwi speaks as it is written in English, and the first-person pronoun it uses is boku. (As a side note, Shinobu typically uses the sessha pronoun, and usually only uses boku when referring to his past, non-ninja self.)
- ↑ Bearbonk (kumagon in Japanese) appears to speak in a rough/masculine-like tone, saying go~n, oira wa kumagon da, gon!. The first-person pronoun it uses is oira.
- ↑ It’s unclear what sort of tone Plateypus (kamohasshii in Japanese) speaks in, but the dialogue in Japanese is oishii gohan ga tabetai, kamo, though Chiaki adds a lot of force to it at the end. It’s possible that the ending speech quirk kamo acts as a double wordplay with its name and the word “maybe” in Japanese (kamo shirenai). Unfortunately, the characters don’t talk much, so it’s hard to say.