Tropical – Reborn!
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, April)
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Common Room

A few days later…
We have a problem, everyone! Ryuseitai will be in danger at this rate…!
What’s wrong all of a sudden, Morisawa-senpai? Haven’t we had a lotta dangerous moments before?
But well, you called us over on HoldHands, so I assume it’s somethin’ real big… What’s up?
You see, Takamine lives right by my dorm room, and… He apparently hasn’t been showing up in his room for the past few days. I only discovered this when Tenma-kun asked me if something had happened.1
midori did not have to do any jobs that require [staying over] somewhere, so that is quite [strange], isn’t it…?
maybe he [ran away] somewhere?
Perhaps he was struggling with his win in the lottery after all…
He seemed to have settled— or rather, accepted his fate as the next leader, but… Perhaps he did feel a lot of pressure…?
We settled on someone through lottery and everythin’, so I’d rather he does the job without runnin’ away, but… Maybe it really was too sudden for him, huh…
i do not think we need to [worry] about that so much, though~ we decided on it based on a fair [lottery], after all.
Either way, we won’t know unless we ask him… I’m really worried.
We may have been working in the same unit together for a long time now, but we’ll still face some unexpected problems during this period of new change.
Although… While Takamine is typically one to conserve his energy, I can only hope that he’s decided to travel about in order to train himself for the commander position.
Ahaha, I doubt he’d go that far~ He’s prolly just thinkin’ of what we should do next or somethin’.
Lately, Midori-kun’s been a real man ‘bout things — He does the job when it’s time to, so I’m sure he’s properly thinkin’ stuff through!
mhm, mhm. that is just another part of [growing]~
even if it turns out midori is not suited to be the [commander], it would still have been a good [experience], and it is still better than [sticking] to the [status quo].
but, well, we still do not have [proof] that he really is training.
so for now, i think it is best if we go find [him].
Indeed. After all, Midori-kun might collapse if he frets too much all on his own. I, too, shall see if there are any eyewitness reports!
Thank you, that’d be a huge help. I’ll be sure to message you all if I find out anything, too.
Yeah, I’ll try and see if there’s any clues. It’s Midori-kun we’re talkin’ ‘bout, so he probably hasn’t gone that far.
let’s start by asking his [family] first~ if he is staying over somewhere, his home would be the [most likely] option.
Understood! Very well, I shall head over to Midori-kun’s home!
Location: Midori’s Room

Sigh, I’m so depressed…
It’s all over… If they won’t be around anymore, then this whole world is better off gone…
(Ugh, maybe I’m going a little too far by saying that… I’m the only one suffering from this, so the world doesn’t need to perish ‘cause of it…)
I’ll amend that… Just take me in their stead…
Sigh, this isn’t making me feel better at all… I can’t do anything about this awful reality…
I can’t believe they’d announce something like that as soon as I became the leader… The timing is just awful…
The ‘Tropical Troppeys’ I loved for so long are going on an indefinite hiatus…? The same ‘Tropical Troppeys’ that would always brighten my day with their softness…?
Bearbonk, Mr. Slothy, Armajiro, Kiwi, Plateypus…2 It’s over for me…
It’s already bad enough that I feel this close to collapsing from the pressure of being the leader, and now you’re telling me they’re gonna disappear…? What am I supposed to do with my life now…
I can’t save anyone… Even though heroes are meant to save people…
…Huh, what is it? Did you need something, Mom?
You want me to come down? Sure, I’ll prepare myself…
That’s strange… I’ve been really busy with my idol work lately, so my parents haven’t been forcing me to help them… Maybe they suddenly got a bunch of customers all at once?
Things have been changing around the shopping district since ES was established, and we’ve gotten a lot more tourists, so it’s likely…
Not to mention… Although it isn’t happening as much anymore, ‘cause my fans do usually respect my privacy, as an idol…
But it is possible that one of my fans came over, ‘cause they might’ve known me as the “super handsome greengrocer guy”…3
Either way, the shock of losing ‘Tropical Troppeys’ won’t disappear by sinking myself into depression… so maybe I’ll help out a little as a breather…
Sound of a door sliding open
Excuuuuse meeee!
Woah, what the hell!?
You seem down, Takamine! Your Ryuseitai comrades have come to your rescue!
So let’s all properly talk with one another! Now, come on, follow me!
Ugh, don’t just barge into someone’s room! Nobody asked you to cheer me up, anyway! You can’t just come in here without permission!
Worry not, I didn’t enter without permission. Your mother allowed me in!
M-Mom…!? Don’t let this suffocating guy in here! Think a little more about how your own son would feel…!
Hahaha, no need to be so shy! Aren’t we comrades who share the same spirit!?
Everyone is waiting for you at the shop’s entrance! If you don’t come down, then we’ll all just have to come to your room, Takamine…☆
Chapter 2
It has been a while since I’ve been in Midori-kun’s room.
Ooh… I feel as though there are a lot more yurucharas here than the last time I visited…
Don’t look around so much, it’s embarrassing… It feels like you’re staring straight into my soul…
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about! I’ve also decorated my room with all sorts of super sentai DVDs and toy figures. Being passionate about your interests is a wonderful thing!
Don’t talk to me all high and mighty after entering my room without my permission… You’re the one person I don’t want coming here…
Actually, why’d you all come anyway…? I seriously don’t have the mental capacity to talk to anyone right now…
Well, ‘bout that…
We wanted to ask: does it really feel like a huge burden on you to be chosen as the next commander, Midori-kun?
‘Cause if so, you could just rely on us, y’know? There are five of us here, so you’re free to make us do a li’l work for ya.
i will also [support] you. chiaki and shinobu feel the same, too.
Mhm, mhm! As a ninja, I excel at aiding my master!
Sorry… I appreciate the offer, but that actually isn’t the problem…
The truth is… I lost a precious relationship.
It was a one-sided relationship to be exact, and they would always save me… so I’ve been really depressed ever since I found out they’re going on an indefinite hiatus…
I wanna work hard for our unit too, but I just can’t get myself to think about that right now…
So I’d rather you guys just leave me be for a while…
So that’s what happened… Sorry, we barged in without a regard for your actual reasons.
We thought that you might’ve been stressed about your leadership position, so we were prepared to lighten your burden if so, but — I see that it was all unfounded worry.
Fortunately, we can be flexible with our schedule for the unit right now. Let’s group up again after you’ve taken a rest and recovered.
yes~ if you are hurting inside, you could try taking a [trip] to heal your [heart].
gazing at the ocean will ease your sorrow. i recommend it.
…Yeah, I’m really sorry for the misunderstanding.
I’m not against being the leader of Ryuseitai or anything. It was just bad timing for me, that’s all.
I’m gonna rest for a little longer in my home… I’ll let you guys know when I’ve recovered.
Got it. We’re waiting for you, Takamine.
Alright then, we’ll be having basic practice sessions until you’re back!
take your time, okay, midori? ♪
(…They left.)
(Whew, I’m so glad they heard me out…)
(I don’t have the mental capacity to think about work right now, so I bet I would’ve chosen all the wrong words if it turned into an argument… I’m really glad it didn’t lead to that.)
(But man, what am I supposed to do… Out of all the timings, I can’t believe this is when I end up being the leader of Ryuseitai… I’m really dumb out of luck.)
(Sigh… Why did ‘Tropical Troppeys’ have to take a hiatus…?)
(Ughh, this is all my fault for never noticing…)
(They’ve been around since I was in elementary school, so I just casually assumed they’d go on forever…)
(Why did I never bother to do a better job at supporting them…? Why did I never buy more of their merch to support them…? I can’t stop thinking this way, even though it’s way too late…)
(Why did I never notice that they were suffering…? Aren’t I supposed to be part of a hero unit…?)
(I’m such a failure of a hero…)
Location: Shopping District

I had no idea Midori-kun was grieving over somethin’…
It’s almost a blessing that we don’t have any urgent work to do as Ryuseitai for now, but we could easily get somethin’ while Midori-kun’s resting…
We gotta strike while the iron’s still hot. We’ve finally gained some momentum thanks to RB’s success, but we’ll lose it just as easily if we stand ‘round doing nothin’.
Indeed, our traction truly skyrocketed thanks to RB. It was fun and refreshing to perform as heroes tainted by evil, personally.
Thanks to that, our fans are eagerly waiting to see what kind of Ryuseitai they will be able to witness next.
Mm, but I also understand how Midori-kun feels, so it is a tricky situation…
i do hope he feels better after a bit of rest…
Yeah… I’d like to believe that he’ll come back to us in great shape.
But since he’s closed off his heart… The issue might linger.
If push comes to shove, we may have to do another lottery to decide on the new leader.
Each switch in leadership allows us to grow — but at the same time, we need to think about how to properly support the current commander.
After all, if we were to ignore reality and only chase after ideals… then it would no longer be appropriate to say that Ryuseitai “powered up”.
Chapter 3
Location: StarPro Office (Conference Area)

A few days later…
hmhmhm~♪ shalala~la~n~♪
Ooh, you seem to be in a really good mood, Kanata.
I see that you’re drawing something with your finger…?

fufufu~ are you that curious to know what i am up to, chiaki~?
you see, i was thinking about what i will do when i become the commander of ryuseitai.4
Ohh, I see! There’s a chance we may do another lottery, so it’s got you thinking more deeply about the specifics, huh?
I’d love to know what sort of ideas you thought up!
not telling~♪
What—!? Why won’t you share it with me!? Aren’t we close…!?
fufufu, i have to save my [trump card], you know?
in other words, my [secret weapon]~♪
Do you mean to amplify the surprise by keeping it a secret, then…!?
yes~ if i choose the name “ryuseitai blue,” it would overlap with “rb,” so i would like to go with a [different] kind of name.
but otherwise, i am still [thinking] about the [rest].
there are a lot of things that [suit] me, such as fish and the ocean, so i would like to think up various [possibilities] for my unit~
That makes sense. There’s no need to force a decision on what you want to do in Ryuseitai. That sort of thing comes about naturally.
Actually, maybe we should have given Takamine more time to think about his unit, too…
Thinking about it, I’m sure Nagumo would have also struggled with RB if he was suddenly told to repaint Ryuseitai into his image color.
The reborn Ryuseitai came about through a miracle, after all — We just so happened to have our gears turning in time with one another.
…We need to keep this matter in mind. Takamine seems to be in low spirits due to something else, but even so, we should have given him more time.
that is true~ i only started to think about my own unit on the [off chance] that midori needs more time to [rest]… still, what he is going through is almost similar to [student counseling].
in school, you are told to care more about the [rules] than your own [individuality]. but once it is time to graduate, you will be asked to show that [individuality].
those who know what their [color] is would not struggle, but… that is not the case with midori.
I’d never imagined that I’d hear about rules from you, Kanata, but… Yeah, in general terms, that’s how it is.
It’s almost a miracle that he remained as an idol with us, after all.
But I’m sure Takamine will bring a new color into Ryuseitai eventually. I believe in him!
Location: Shopping District

Midori-kun is even starting to take time away from school… It must be truly dire for him…
I feel awkward barging into his home once more, but… I am a little worried about him.
I’m glad the teacher asked us to pass him these papers, at least. Now we have an excuse to check up on him.
You’re so positive… I need to learn from you!
Well, since he told us to leave him be, there is only so much we can do…
However, we could at least ask his parents how he’s doing.
…Oh, we’re here already. I shall go ask Midori-kun’s father if he is doing alright.
Excuse me, we’ve brought some school papers for Midori-kun… How is he doing?
…? He’s gone out?
Hm… I don’t think he has any solo work right now, so I guess he went out for a breather.
Maybe he decided to take a trip to heal his heart, like Shinkai-senpai suggested…?
It is possible. He did seem very hurt inside…
Either way, it appears this is as much as we can do. We can only wait for Midori-kun to recover now.
…Ah, I know! Since we’re already here, what say we buy something for him to celebrate his return?
There’s a toy store across the street — They may have some yuruchara merchandise~♪

Look, look! This is such a good bargain~♪
Heheh~ ‘Tropical Troppeys’ bring back so many memories for me!
Ooh, there are yurucharas here, too… I always pass by this street, but I never noticed.
It is surprisingly easy to overlook things outside of our interest!
Personally, I did not quite comprehend your vision of a “man among men” until we performed as RB.
But after witnessing your leadership in RB, I came to understand it a little bit.
I am sure that the more versions of Ryuseitai we experience, the more we will expand our knowledge.
Heh, it’s just like the art of transformation~♪
Art of transformation, huh… That’s a good point; Ryuseitai have been allies of justice for a long time, but… Dependin’ on the song, we should be able to show off all sortsa versions of ourselves.
I’m real excited to see your Ryuseitai, Shinobu-kun. I feel like we’ll get to see somethin’ even more amazing than the Ninja Clan performance we did in the past!5
Heheh, I will be sure to prepare my most ideal form for that day!
Until then, I will train myself to perfect the art of transformation! Nin-nin~♪
Chapter 4
Location: School Route

Even when the world is filled with bright sunlight, ‘Tropical Troppeys’ still won’t come back…
I feel like there’s an empty hole in my heart… And staying in my room only started to make me imagine all my other beloved yurucharas disappearing, which just made me feel even more depressed…
I went out ‘cause I couldn’t take it anymore, but… I dunno what to even do…
I can’t go back to Seisoukan Dorm right now, but I don’t feel right just killing time outside, either…
Maybe I should take that trip to heal my heart after all…
A long trip would be exhausting, but it should feel refreshing enough to go somewhere with nobody around…?
(…Ah, there’s a flower on the side of the road.)
(Wow, it’s blooming just fine… Unlike me, it didn’t lose heart immediately, huh?)
(Nobody came to help this flower out, but it still managed to bloom so healthily within that road crack… It’s incredible what plants can do.)
(It’s really rare to find a flower like this, so maybe I’ll take a photo… Hmm, where’d I put my phone—)
(Huh? Why do I hear a “hey!” from far away…? Is someone calling for me…?)
Wh— Huh!? Why’re you here, Anzu-san!?
It was just a coincidence that you spotted me…?
Ahh, that’s right, this area is near the school… I was spaced out while walking, so I didn’t notice.
I see, so you were shopping for some daily necessities. You’ve got a lot to buy now that you’ve graduated and become a working adult, huh…
Work must be rough for you, even after graduation… If I were in your place, I’d never wanna do any of it…
Ah, I don’t have any real reason to be here like you do. I was just about to take a photo of this pretty flower I found on the side of the road.
I haven’t been feeling great ‘cause of something bad that happened… But looking at this flower blooming so brightly really touched me.
Sorry, I’m a real downer, aren’t I… I’ll just take this photo and leave, so…
Huh? You’re willing to hear me out?
No, no, I can’t do that to you, Anzu-san. I’m not really worried about something anyway, it’s more like — I can’t come to terms with something that happened.
You’re fine with that, too…?
…Yeah, alright, I don’t think you’d laugh at me if I vented to you, Anzu-san.
The truth is, ‘Tropical Troppeys’ is going to take a hiatus.
Ah, I’m sure that didn’t make any sense to you. Let me just show you on my phone.
Here you go — ‘Tropical Troppeys’ are a group of soft animals, such as a sloth, kiwi, bear, armadillo… And they all spend their days having fun on a tropical island.
All they do is eat fruits from the island and relax all day, every day.
They made all sorts of merchandising, even stationery and other utilities intended for kids, and I had always used them in the past.
But ever since yurucharas became popular, they started to fade into the background ‘cause of all the new yuruchara mascots…6
I’ve felt so much regret the past few days for never noticing in time, and for not supporting them more while I still could…
Sorry, I know this is such a minor thing to be upset about, especially compared to other people’s problems…
If only I was stressed over whether I should take charge of Ryuseitai or not, then you would’ve benefited from helping me out, at least…
…Nah, that’s been causing a bit of trouble too, actually, so it wouldn’t be accurate to say I’m not stressed over it. Man, it really doesn’t make sense for an indecisive guy like me to be the leader, does it…
…? What’s wrong, Anzu-san?
“I feel like you really are also having trouble deciding if you should become the leader, though”…?
…You’re really perceptive, Anzu-san. I wasn’t even trying to make you figure it out or anything…
But honestly… I can’t deny it.
So yeah, basically. I just don’t think it makes any sense for someone like me, who only has the capacity to think about himself, to be Ryuseitai’s leader…
I mean, if I really cared to work hard as a leader for Ryuseitai, I wouldn’t need to take a break from work just ‘cause of my yurucharas…
I’m just cowering away in fear, aren’t I…? But I’m just so scared of losing their trust as their leader.
Unlike everyone in Ryuseitai, I didn’t get this far ‘cause of a strong passion to be an idol… So being a leader is just beyond me.
I can’t even think of a hero image that defines me, let alone how I’d manage to convey that to them…
…I’m so sorry, I’m sure you’d rather not hear me whining like this… Please just forget everything I said.
I’ll probably feel better sooner or later, so I should get a little bit of motivation to act as the leader by then.
“You shouldn’t let those feelings bottle up, you should talk to them about it”…?
But I feel like they’ll hate me for it. We’re finally aligning with each other in Ryuseitai, so there’s no way I can just start venting all these negative thoughts—
Huh? You’ll back me up, Anzu-san?
No, I can’t make you do that for me… I mean, aren’t you busy?
Even if you do help me in coming back to idol work, there’s still a chance I’ll get cold feet at the last second, and run away before trying to talk with everyone in Ryuseitai…
Huh? Why’re you rummaging through your shopping bag all of a sudden…?
Candy…? You want to give it to me to feel better?
Sorry, I feel like I’m making you do so much for me…
You’re not bothered at all…? Mm, if that’s really how you feel, maybe I should ask for a little bit of your help…?
I mean, you’re the producer who took someone as unreliable as me, and turned me into an idol who can stand proud in front of an audience.
So… if it’s really alright, then I’d like your help.
Chapter 5
Location: StarPro Office (Conference Area)

Up next, the 7th edition of the ultimate Ryuseitai series—!
“Ryusei-Elbow,” the heroes that always fight by elbowing enemies!
Ooh, they’re all wearing a martial arts uniform with a hole on the elbow of their sleeves…! What a novel design!
However, I apologize for saying this, but this is starting to sound like a punchline!
fufufu, i personally [like] it~
i also thought up “ryusei-viperfish,” based on the [deep-sea creature]~♪
Nono, that looks terrifying…!? We’d just traumatize our fans if we showed them a fish that looks this insanely vicious…!
[viper-fish] live deep in the [ocean], where there is no light, so they have very big [eyes] and [mouth]~♪
that just makes them all the more adorable. don’t you think so, chiaki?
Yeah, um, this is too grotesque for me… It feels more like a design for a monster villain than a hero.
Still, it’s really nice that we can come up with so many new versions of Ryuseitai.
We only started doing this to see what we could do while waiting for Takamine’s return, but I think it was a great idea in general.
I feel like we’ll be able to present various powered up versions of Ryuseitai in the coming future~♪
Mhm, mhm! It made me realize that there is only so much I could come up with through a ninja theme.
I would like to apply the current trends to my ideas, so that I may display an entirely new form for us!
Alright, the practice room should be open to use now. We’ve played enough now; it’s time to head over to practice.
…Hm? I got a message from Anzu on Holdhands.
Hmm…? Takamine is coming soon, so we should wait at the office…?
I was so engrossed in our meeting that I didn’t notice the message at all. It seems like she messaged me an hour ago, so—
ah, midori and anzu-san. you were here all along?
Yeah, we just arrived a moment ago. You guys looked like you were having fun, so we just watched from afar.
Ahaha, must’ve been a weird discussion to listen to. But you could’ve just come up to us, y’know?
I’m sure that you just didn’t want to spoil our fun, right? You wanted to wait until we were done talking! How admirable of you, Takamine! ♪
……(Turns to leave)
Ah— Wait! I’m sorry if I offended you!
You really know how to hit on someone’s nerve…
Well, anyway… There’s something I’d like to talk to all of you about, is that alright?
Go for it! If it’ll help you stand back up once more, then I’m willing to be a stepping stone or an outlet for your thoughts!
There’s zero reason to be suffocating about this… Please just listen to me normally.
Umm, first, I’d like to address the commander position. I plan to do as best as I can in it.
I know I’m not really reliable, but I got to feel a bit more confident about it thanks to Anzu-san’s help.
So, in return, I’d like to ask all of you for a favor… I want everyone to represent my ideal hero vision alongside me.
Would you be willing to help me, no matter what that hero vision may be…?
‘Course! You’re completely free to let your own image color take form, just like I did with RB!
I, too, may ask everyone a similar request once it’s my turn to be commander. We all feel the same, so there is no need to hold back~♪
It’s not something as serious as Tetora-kun’s vision was, y’know…? Are you really sure…?
There’s no need to worry about that. You saw what we were doing earlier, didn’t you?
Of course, we intend to take this seriously no matter what, but that doesn’t mean Ryuseitai has to stick to only looking cool. Any form is the correct way to go about it, as long as it makes someone happy.
i also envision something much more [cute] for [fish-themed] idols. so you are free to [suggest] anything, midori.
so, what sort of ryuseitai would midori like us to be?
…Please take a look at this project planning.
I thought it up with Anzu-san. This is how I envision our new form of Ryuseitai.
Ohh…? The stage is overflowing with the color green…
Ah, I got it! We will protect nature… as RG!
That unit name doesn’t sound soft at all, so we’re not going with it.
And we can’t do something as impressive as protecting nature, anyway…
But it should be okay to have a form of justice that’s all about loving yurucharas, right? Because that’s the sort of Ryuseitai I thought up for us.
Chapter 6
Do you guys know about ‘Tropical Troppeys’?
You’ll find them in the documents. They’re a group of animal yurucharas who enjoy their lives on a tropical island.
To be more specific, they’re actually “mascot characters” that existed before the yurucharas you see today became a trend.6
But either way, they’re definitely one of the original sets of mascot characters.
‘Tropical Troppeys’?
They’re a group of characters aimed at children, and have been active for a long time, right? I do recall seeing them in commercial breaks whenever I was watching super sentai shows.
There was a cartoon for them too, wasn’t there…? The episodes were just five minutes long, but I do remember watching a few.
I know them, as well. I used to have ‘Tropical Troppeys’-themed stationery when I was young.
They were even selling merchandise of them near Midori-kun’s home. I bought a few with Tetora-kun when we came by his home.
Oh yeah, I remember now! So those guys are the same yurucharas that Midori-kun’s talkin’ ‘bout, huh?
i also did not know about them, like tetora. but they look very cute~♪
Aren’t they…!? Their sloppy and adorable appearance is to die for…!
I personally really love Armajiro. It’s got a peaceful nature to it, and I just love how it curls up and then gets carried around by Bearbonk…!
And Mr. Slothy is so soft-looking in every way, it’s just adorable! It would talk so little in the cartoon, that I’d always wonder when’s the next time it will say s—
…I need to finish talking about the project? Ahh, I’m sorry, Anzu-san!
I couldn’t hold back the joy of making new fans for “Tropical Troppeys,” that I almost derailed the topic…♪
Anyway, despite how absolutely adorable they are, they’ve announced that they’re going to take a hiatus… and that was why I fell into a deep hole of heartbreak…
It felt like I had lost a group of close friends who I thought would always stay by my side no matter what… It was so shocking to me that I couldn’t get myself to deal with anything.
So that’s why you were depressed the past few days…
Yeah… I’ve known them practically all my life, and they’d always give me relief like they were family. I could watch over them peacefully ‘cause they didn’t have much variation in merchandising, if that makes sense…
But in the end, that stability is sadly what caused them to take a hiatus…
That’s why I wanted to try and do something for them, and had Anzu-san help me… So we sent a request to them asking if we could do a collab together.
Oh, I see where you’re going with this. That’s why there are pages about our unit in the planning; it was to send it to the company.
A yuruchara sentai squad… That sounds really interesting.
It’s not a sentai squad, though.
Heheh, while it may not be sentai-related, it is still a form of heroism. A hero that cherishes the love of yurucharas suits you, Midori-kun. It’s really cool!
Yeah, I think it’s pretty neat, too. The whole thing screams “Midori-kun”.
The only thing is, I don’t feel like I have a good grasp on what that vision looks like…? I don’t really know much ‘bout yuruchara, so the most I can understand is what you compiled in this plannin’…
For RB, it was basically the opposite of Ryuseitai’s image, so we made ourselves look more like villains… But what would we need to do for a yuruchara-themed image?
Ah, for that… I’m not too confident in my plan, but… I did compile some stuff in the documents.
I didn’t have enough time to write up everything, but I’m in the middle of thinking up how to do a collaboration between us and the yurucharas.
you thought [very carefully] about this, yes? as expected from the [yuruchara] lover~
I didn’t think up anything special, really… I was pretty worried if I could actually pull it off, so I kept asking Anzu-san for help until I thought up something that gave me enough confidence…
Besides, I’m not bold enough to try and convince people through sheer force the same way Morisawa-senpai does with sentai hero stuff…
…No, I’m getting negative again. I need to get myself together…
Anyway, that’s enough about me. I think you guys just need to start by learning more about them.
I compiled a bunch of other yurucharas as well, though I chose them based purely on bias…
It should help you get an understanding of yurucharas, and even soothe you with their relaxing softness.
I’m sure you’ll all come to understand the beauty of yurucharas once you get to know them.
The new Ryuseitai that I thought up is… “Yuruseitai”…!7
Translation Notes
- ↑ Mitsuru is roommates with Midori (along with Ibara and Tsumugi).
- ↑ In Japanese, the names are as follows: Kumagon, Namakesan, Arumajirou, Kiwi, Kamohasshii. Because it’s unclear which animal some of them are if left in Japanese, I decided to give them an English equivalent name. All these mascots can be seen in the MV of this event.
- ↑ This title is mentioned in Midori’s Idol Story 1, too.
- ↑ If you’d like to learn more about Kanata’s Ryuseitai, please read Stella Maris, which is set after this story.
- ↑ Referring to the event story Ninja Clan.
- ↑ What Midori loves is yuruchara (yuru means “loose,” “soft,” “laid-back,” etc). Yuruchara’s defining features are that they have very peculiar designs, ranging from bizarre-cute to adorkable, as well as being used all across Japan for PR purposes, in companies, prefectures, etc… And Midori personally loves the designs that are most odd-looking and vague. For more information please see this.
- ↑ The yuru comes from yuruchara, the bizarre-looking mascots that Midori loves so much. Yuru was combined with seitai, which can be translated to “Soft/Laid-back/Mascot Star Squad” (depending on how you want to interpret the word yuru here).