Supervillain – Shinobu Mini Talk: What An Evil Ninja Is

I have watched historical dramas with an evil magistrate, but how would an evil ninja be like…?
Hmm… Not to mention, ninjas' very livelihood is in working within the shadows. I feel as though that is evil-like in of itself…
Mm—!? I sense a presence behind me… Ah, it was you, Anzu-dono!?
This is just the fruits of my intense ninja training!
A ninja must never lower their guard! We live in a harsh world, after all!
Heh! ♪ I am a real ninja, after all!
I cannot continue to have you take the upper-hand!
You purposely tried to hide your presence!?
You wanted to help me with my ninja training…? Please tell me beforehand, then.
Mm? What was I pondering about? Ah, you heard me earlier?
You see, I may have to play the role of a villain in one of my jobs.
So I have been trying to decode what an evil ninja would be like.
Indeed… In the first place, to be a ninja is to serve your lord.
My image of an evil ninja would depend on the sort of evil person my lord would be…
Ah! Actually, it hasn't been decided yet if I will be a ninja.
I simply just hope I can be, that is all… Ehehe, perhaps I am getting a little too ahead of myself?
I-I am certain I can! As Ryusei Yellow, I cannot overlook the evil rampant in the world, but…
That is a different matter, and this is its own matter! A ninja never involves their personal affairs in their tasks!
That reminds me, did you have something to speak to me about, Anzu-dono?
You have been worried about everyone in Ryuseitai…? So you wanted to check up on me?
I very much appreciate you doing so, but I feel bad that we made you worry this much…
Of course I won't! Regardless, I have always believed in my comrades.
All for one, one for all! That is what makes us Ryuseitai!
I'm alright. Midori-kun seems to be aching a little, and it worries me, but…
I'm sure everyone will be alright, as well. Our hearts are always one and the same, after all.
I'm extremely grateful to hear that. I believe in everyone, but…
It feels much more reassuring when you have someone by your side during harsh times, doesn't it?