Supervillain – Chiaki Mini Talk: Hungry Hero

Oh? Hello, Anzu! Are you on your way home after finishing work, too?
I also just finished up with my meeting about the show.
Mhm, this is perfect timing for both of us! How about we eat dinner together?
Hmm… Well, I had to film a scene for a drama, so I'm starving!
If you're alright with it, I'd love to eat something filling! French fries sounds really good right about now!
Yep! I had to film a scene for a drama, too, so I didn't get to have a proper lunch.
But don't worry, I haven't been overworking myself! I'm doing great!
Ohh! That's the spirit! You're that hungry, huh?
Ahh… You also skipped on lunch… I know I'm the last person to be saying this, but you shouldn't overwork yourself!

They say hunger is the best sauce in the world, and they were right! Everything tastes super delicious when you're hungry!
I could count this as a reward for finishing up my work, even. You worked hard the whole day too, right?
Then please eat to your hearts content, to restore your energy for tomorrow!
Mhm, that's the spirit! I'll also eat just as much to recharge myself for tomorrow.
As a hero, I have to ensure I can always rush over to anyone's call for help!
Of course! The reason we always have a tomorrow is to make it a better day than today!
For the sake of the world, and for the sake of everyone — I have to grow stronger without wasting a single second of my day, in order to become a better hero!
Hahaha! If it's too much for you, let me know. I'm always ready to help if you ever need it!
…Although, I also think I ordered a little too much for myself.
Whew, I'm stuffed! I'm sure this'll make me have all the energy I need to get by tomorrow!
Heheh, Anzu, you also seem happy after a full meal! It's really such a fortunate feeling to eat to our heart's content, isn't it?
……I wonder if everyone in Ryuseitai is also eating properly…
Yeah… The five of us haven't been able to get together for a while now, so…
While there are a few of us who show up, there are some who I haven't seen in a while. I can't help but worry about them in the end…
I want to believe in that, too… However, the person who put Ryuseitai in this position is—… No, I shouldn't look like this in front of Anzu.
…Alright! I'm going to go for a run to refresh myself!
A souvenir…? But there are a few who haven't been showing up, so I don't know when I'd be able to give it to them…
No…! I shouldn't give up before even trying. Thank you, Anzu! I'll try to look for something on my way back home!