Ryuseitai Story List

Note: This is not a translation post!


Hi! In here you'll find a list of Ryuseitai stories to get you started on reading about them (or maybe to check what you haven't read so far!). I'll start by explaining a few things.

  • The most typical way to read Enstars stories is through release order. This is the general way fans experience or have experienced the storyline. Release order would mean starting from 2015 stories and then going up the years.
  • It helps to know where the story is placed in the timeline. The easiest way to know is to check the season the story happens in, is it Spring, Autumn, etc… Spring would mean it's a story pretty early into the year (like start of the school term), and Winter would mean late into the year (like new year or graduation season), so on and so forth. Seasons can be checked on the Wiki, but some translations/stories have the season mentioned.
  • For a general understanding of the release order of all Enstars stories, that can be found on the Wiki: ! Era!! Era. As for a chronological order of Ryuseitai's stories, please see this list by citrinesea (it also lists Akatsuki's!), or the timeline on the Wiki!

Ryuseitai Story List


  • The list is in story release order.
  • There are a lot of stories listed, so I've bolded the ones that help with understanding Ryuseitai's storyline and development.
  • Some stories don't have all of Ryuseitai in it, but are related to Ryuseitai's storyline. I'll mention which unit members appear!
  • A lot of non-Ryuseitai stories cover a decent chunk of their individual development and character as well. I'll add these as bonus stories, for people who want more to read.
  • Some stories will have translation links in the list. If a listed story doesn't have a link, please check the translation masterlist here: EVENT/SCOUT TRANSLATIONSIDOL/FEATURE TRANSLATIONS
    • If a translation can't be found in the above masterlist, try searching online with keywords such as "Enstars translation (story name)".
  • This is not an exhaustive list and could still be further improved. I'll continue to update and add more stories! Please feel free to contact me about the list on retrospring or on Twitter.

2015 Stories

  • Hero Show
  • Pirate Festival
  • Morning Practice → Only has Midori, Chiaki and Kanata.
  • Tough Guy → Only has Chiaki, Midori and Tetora.
  • Christmas Live
    • For Shinobu and Kanata, bonus story to read is Crash Course!

2016 Stories

  • Strawberry Colored Holiday → Only has Shinobu and Midori in it. Note: This is a post-graduation story that was written before Enstars decided to create the agencies.
  • Triumph of the Emperor
  • Supernova
    • In my opinion, Hero Show acts as a prequel to this story!
  • Beach Match
  • Scroll of the Elements (Translation by citrinesea)
  • Holiday Party

2017 Stories

2018 Stories

2019 Stories

2020+ Stories (!! Era)

  • Idol Story 1 → Their individual character stories that were released with !! Era are a great way to start reading !! Era stories. For translations of some of them: Chiaki - Midori.
    • Bonus stories are their Idol Story 2, which involve either one Ryuseitai member or all of them! Here are Kanata's and Midori's.
  • !! Era 1st Main Story (Full translation can only be found on the Official English version of the game) → Ryuseitai is only in a few chapters but what happens to them here is pretty important! Here is a translation of a few chapters some appear in.
  • Motor Show
    • For Tetora, bonus story to read is Turn of the Century Wars!
  • Comet Show
  • Submarine → Related to Scroll of the Elements and Meteor Impact!
  • Ninja Clan → Related to Scroll of the Elements!
  • SS Finals → Ryuseitai isn't in all the chapters but their scenes are good!
  • Supervillain
    • For Tetora and Midori, bonus story to read is High and Low!
    • For Tetora and Shinobu, bonus story is Black Jack!
    • And for Tetora only, bonus story is Dragon's Head!
  • Parallel World → Ryuseitai appear in only one chapter, and the link is a translation of only that chapter.
  • Tropical
  • Stella Maris
    • For Kanata, bonus story to read is ABYSS!
    • For Shinobu, bonus stories are Atlantis and 2x2!
  • VS★GOURMET → Mainly focuses on Chiaki, but the rest of Ryuseitai also appear and hold a very crucial role in Chiaki's activities!

Feature Scouts (!! Era)

Bonus Content

Please don't forget to check the translation masterlist if there is no provided translation link: EVENT/SCOUT TRANSLATIONSIDOL/FEATURE TRANSLATIONS

Please feel free to contact me about the list on retrospring or on Twitter! Happy reading!