[ES!] Madara Mikejima – Management Story


With Mitsuru

Location: Near the Staff Office

Ohhh? Mitsuru-saaaan! What’s up, hm? Do you need to go to the staff office?

Aaalrighty then! Mama’s coming with you! It’ll be like a parent-teacher conference, and this way, you won’t have to feel nervous going in alone! ☆

Uurgh~ It’s got nothing to do with you, Buchou-dude… Also, I’m not feeling nervous.

That sooo! Sorry, sorry, I guess you’re just here by chance.

Um, not really. I do have to go in there, 'cuz like, I got scolded by Akiomi-sensei just now.

Ahhh, so you’re feeling down, not nervous. Mhm, mhm, it sucks to be scolded by a teacher, doesn’t it!

Do you like onigiri, Mitsuru-san? I got okaka onigiri and umeboshi onigiri with me! I’ll give you whicheeever you prefer! If you like both, then I’ll give you both…♪

Huh? Onigiri? I don’t like umeboshi, it’s too salty~ I guess I’d prefer the okaka one?

Okaka it is, then! I’ll eat the umeboshi! Time for a snaaack~☆

Wait, wait! The teachers’ll scold you for eating here! I don’t get you anyway! Why’re you suddenly asking me if I like onigiri?

Ahh, that's 'cause I looove onigiri! And eating your favorite food will cheer you riiight up! Though, onigiri isn’t your favorite, is it…

I’ll go buy you your favorite food! Eat it and cheer up! Smile! Fortune comes to those who smiiile! Hahahaha!! ☆

With Chiaki

Location: Classroom 3-A

Oh, if it isn't Chiaki-san! Good mooooorniiiiiing…☆

Ahh, Mikejima-san… Good morning, I see you're energetic as always.

Mmm~? You don't seem as energetic, though. What's wrong, something happen? I'll help you out if you need it!

Nothing happened, it's just… I'm feeling kind of depressed about our upcoming math class.

I know nothing will come out of being down, but I can't get myself back into the swing of things…

Ohh, reaaally? I thought you'd be good at math since you're such a hard worker. Guess I was wrong, huh?

Ahaha, I'm actually really bad at it, so I always make sure to study as much as possible.

We have a math quiz today, so I stayed up late last night studying.

But instead of giving me a confidence boost, all it did was make me feel light-headed from the lack of sleep…

Mmm…? It's just a quiz, riiight? You don't need to overthink it.

Hm, buuut if it'll help you out, we could study a bit together? There might be something I could teach you to prep you up!

R-Really? You'd be okay with that!? Thank you so much, Mikejima-san!

Hahaha, 'course! I'll aaalways help out a person in need!

Aaalrighty then, let's get to it! We've got this, Chiaki-san…♪