[ES!] Kuro Kiryu – Management Story


With Chiaki

Location: Downtown

(…Right, I bought everything I need; time to head back to school.)

Oh! Is that you, Kiryu!? What’s up, what were you doing? Were you shopping?

Ooh, Morisawa. I was just done buyin’ a knitting needle and some wool from the handicrafts store.

Are you going to knit something? My mother sometimes knits on her days off, too—she tried making me wear the sweater she made once.

But there was a huge heart knitted right in the middle, and it was honestly too embarrassing for me to wear… So I gave it to my dad instead.

That so? Haha, ain’t that nice—You get on well with your family~♪

I was also thinkin’ of knittin’ a plushie for my fami—my li’l sis, actually, so I bought some materials for that, too.

Sounds like it’s become a fad to have a knitted plushie at her school, so I figured it’d be too cruel for her to be the only one without one.

Mhm, mhm! Your little sister is so fortunate to have such a wonderful big brother!

Haha, ya really think a brother like me is fortunate to have~?

But well, I do plan to do whatever I can for her to feel that way about me.