Comet Show – Midori Mini Talk: Topics About That Guy

(Let's search for… "Morisawa, Chiaki"…)
(Huh, there really are a lot of people talking about his casting role in the new tokusatsu show… Where the heck did they get this info from, anyway…?)
…Huh, Anzu-san? Good afternoon…
Eh, nothing much… I was just thinking about how I can't seem to keep up with things lately…
I was looking through social media just now, and people are already talking about upcoming shows for winter and spring… When it's not even October yet…
I get so depressed whenever I come across stuff like that… But I guess it's my own fault for looking up stuff on social media in the first place…
Oh, you should blame Morisawa-senpai for that. I was just searching up his name on social media…
I tend to search his name every once in a while, but I've been doing it way more often lately because I'm frustrated that he's barely concerned about us nowadays…
Thanks to that, I have all his talk shows memorized in my head… Ugh, this sucks, I'm not even a fan of him or anything…

What am I doing? …Not much. I've got nothing to do right now…
Ryuseitai's on a hiatus, so I was planning to laze around at home after classes were over, but my parents kicked me out…
I'd only stand out if I stuck around the shopping district, though, so… That's how I ended up here.
I don't have any. I feel too awkward practicing all alone in an ES practice room…
Also, there'd be no point to it, anyway. I wouldn't be able to tell how well I'm doing with my choreography on my own…
Our formation and how we present ourselves together is really important, y'know… I wouldn't be able to tell if I'm doing that properly or not at all…
I do get jobs related to my greengrocer background…
But I can't have people think of me as the greengrocer boy over being an idol or hero, so I only do it every once in a while…
My parents are super happy about it, though, so lately I've been trying to think of it as a way to repay them for everything.

…Ah, please check this out. This soft drink ad just showed up on my social media feed.
It's showing Morisawa-senpai in full… Oh, he's gotten a lot of comments from his fans, too.
Let's see… "I'm wishing you the best, Chiaki-kun"… "I love you, Chiaki-kun!"… Man, he sure is popular…
Ohhh, you're the one who suggested this to him?
I mean, I guess it does suit his image and all, but… since I know what he's actually like, I can't help but feel like everyone's being tricked…
We're talking about the guy who literally yells "Okaa-saaaaaaaan!!!" to the ocean, y'know…?
No, not really… It's just… He feels so far away…
He was always pestering me day in and out last year… So why is it so hard just to meet up with him now…? It makes no sense to me…
I should give him an earful or two the next time we meet, don't you think? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea…
Translation Notes
- ↑ Obligatory note, since googling “gravure” often results in risque modeling—The type of gravure modeling this refers to is more akin to the fanservice of looking cool or suave in photoshoots to appeal to the viewers.