ABYSS – The Sea Of ⬛ Trickling Down (Chapter 1–8)
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Winter
Location: Funeral Venue

Thirteen years back since ES’s 1st year of establishment. Within the city, at a funeral venue…
I aaam~ free!1
(Now, what to do! It is time to think, Souma! There is only half of my appointed free time left! That means, um, around thirty minutes!)
(I must use this time wisely on something— I must do something! Or it would be a waste!)
…However, as of this moment, I am simply hungry.
I feel as though Father forgot about my meal.
(What shall I do…? It is not possible to fight when you’re hungry.)
(Usually, Mother prepares the meal for me… However, she is soon to give birth to my adorable little brother.)
(Due to “pregnancy,” she cannot move. That is why it is an unavoidable matter. She cannot walk such long distances while dragging her heavy body.)
(—Even if it is the funeral of a prestigious person that our clan cannot disregard.)
(Indeed, I have heard that someone passed away.)
(That person is said to be an important, highly-esteemed figure.)
(Ah, no… I will be reprimanded if I say “person,” won’t I?)
(Because I heard that that person is “God”.)
(…A funeral, for God? Does God die, too? Mm~?)
(Well, if God truly is to die, then surely they did! My father and mother would never be mistaken with their words!)
(Uu, thinking is only making me hungrier. I am starving… Not even the great Taikō himself would expect someone to starve to death in this prosperous modern Japan…)
(Maybe I should ask Father to make food for me~… But he seemed busy, and he always says that a man mustn’t be in the kitchen.)
(Mm, then I have no choice but to search for food on my own.)
(I should be able to find something nutritious, be it insect or beast.)
(Ah, no. Now that I look, there is food lined up all around.)
(Am I hallucinating…?)
(I do not understand, but this must be divine grace! In other words, erm, God has come to help!)
(I will show my gratitude and eat well.)
(…Is it alright to eat this without permission? Will I be reprimanded? But there is nobody around for me to get permission…?)
(Besides… Uuu~ I am very hungry!)
Thank you for the food.
(Munch, munch)… Uuu, what a dense flavor. Mother’s meals are much more gentle to the taste.
(Ah! Someone is coming! Oh no, if someone sees me sneaking food, it would be shameful! It is a lowly deed that is unbecoming of a samurai son!)
(I-I must hide somewhere… The curtains hanging off that table should hide me effectively.)
(Hurry, Souma! Ei-yah—!)
—wah, oh?
mm~? mm~? mm~?
…? …?
(What? Who!? A ruffian~!?)
(Who is this!? What strange attire…?)
is someone there? is it mikejima?
(Huh? Eh? What was that?)
(Their voice has a strange reverberation… I could not pick up what was said.)
this is not… mikejima. the smell is different.
(licks)… mm, the taste is different, too.
Eeeeek!? W-What are you doing all of a sudden!? Are you a youkai!?
who may you be?
I-I ask the same in return — who are you? What are you doing here?
kanata is not doing anything.2
in a way, kanata is doing not doing anything.
do you not understand, human child?
are kanata’s words hard to understand?
K-Katana? No, you said “Kanata,” correct? Is that—…?
—Mikejima makes his arrival when you least expect it!
Sound of a punch
Whooops, I got ahead of myself and punched him, but who even is this kid? Do you know, God?3
kanata is not god yet, so kanata does not know anything.
and. mikejima, you are late to return.
Sorryyy~ It was a liiittle tough to figure out a sneaky entry route—
(W-Who is this? Who even are they? They seem to be children around my age…?)
(Ahh, no… I already felt so dizzy from starvation, now I feel myself fading from the punch…)
(A-A blunder… I feel—faint…)
Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Academy’s Marine Life Club Room

Present time. 1st year of ES’s establishment, early February…
Man, that was seriously a disaster, Souma-kun!
That seriously freaked me out~ I show up to the club room after so long, and the first thing I see is you collapsed on the floor, covered in blood.
I thought a murder happened here, y’know? I almost called the police.
…You are unreasonably noisy as always, Hakaze-dono. Is there any way you could shut that mouth of yours?
You don’t sound so good, Souma-kun. You okay? Are you anemic?
I am ashamed of myself. Of all people to see me in this unsightly shape, it is Hakaze-dono…
Aww, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, though~ It was just an accident, right?
Right, what was it… You were cleaning the club room, when something like an urn fell on your head, right?
Mm… Truly a disaster.
Even though I actually conduct myself in a proper manner every day, unlike you…
I’ve been taking things seriously lately, too~ Really, I mean it! I’ve been so serious that my old fans have been spreading a theory that I’ve been replaced by someone else.
Hmph. You are obviously not someone else. You may have been frivolous for a long span of time, but you had virtue, as well.
If they are truly spreading such rumors, then it can be assumed that they do not know you as a person.
Souma-kun, are you growing to understand me? Me?
…No, I do not understand you. Not now, nor in the past.
A blockhead like me, able to understand others… Something like that is but a dream.
What’s wrong? You’re really gloomy~ There isn’t really anyone in the Marine Life Club as always, so are you feeling lonely all by yourself? Should I show up more often?
That is unwarranted help. How exhausting.
Um, I’m just worried about you…
I haven’t fallen so far down so as to need your worry.
Nevertheless, Hakaze-dono, perhaps there is purpose in your arrival.
Help me with tidying the club room. I was knocked unconscious by an unnecessary accident, so nothing has been cleaned up yet.
Ehh~ What a pain…
Souma glares
Ah, um, yes, got it, I’ll help.
Don’t glare at me, it’s scary… You’ll cause misunderstandings if you do that, okay?
I was not glaring at you. However, I could not help but stare at the urn that fell on me — I feel as though I’ve seen it before.
Ahh, I remember; it was the funeral venue of that day.
This urn looks exactly the same as the one in that funeral venue— No, rather, I feel that it is somewhat similar to it.
Ueh!? Hold on, what!? An urn from a funeral venue…? That means…
Indeed, this may be a cremation urn.
Ueeehhh… W-Why’s there something like that in our club room!?
Perhaps the previous club president, Shinkai-dono, left it behind accidentally?
No, no matter how little common sense he may have, there is no way he would casually take such an important item out of his household.
Mm~ What a mystery…
Actually, he is the very definition of mystery to me, be it now or long ago…
Location: Funeral Venue

zz, zz…♪
God~ God~ Wake up!
kanata has told you before, mikejima. kanata is not god yet.
Mhm, you’re not God, you’re a little baby. Sooo why were you asleep?
kanata does not know why, either. kanata fell asleep without realizing.
kanata is easily influenced by humans. kanata is easily dyed, like water.
that is why, being by this sleeping child made kanata sleep… maybe.
Who even is he? I punched him out of reflex ‘cause he was about to touch God, buuut…
Well, whatever. Anyway, I got eeeverything prepared.
Just like I thought, the old men are starting to talk to each other at the banquet, to decide what to do next.
We might be able to sneak off to see the remains if we go now.
kanata can meet mother?
ah— no. kanata must not call her by “mother”. kanata will be scolded.
It doesn’t make sense that they get angry over that. What’s wrong with calling your mother by “mother”?
but. mother is god.
……mother is god. so why did mother die?
do you know, mikejima?
kanata does not.
I dunno why, either. I’m an idiot, after aaall~
I’m pretty incompetent, unlike my little sister. They always scold me while saying that.
always being scolded. both kanata and mikejima.
Mhm, that’s why we were able to become friends.
Mm… Mmm~…?
Uh-oooh, this kid’s about to wake up.
Should I hit him agaaain? Enjoy your time in dreamlaaand~♪
c-cease doing anything scary. kanata shivers when seeing you hit humans.
this child has not done anything wrong. you must not hit.
Sure, sure. As God commands~♪
……Y-You two, who are you?
Oh crap! Ugh, now he’s awake!
Y-You ruffian… I will call over an adult!
We can’t have thaaat…
Fuhaha! Okay, I’ve got nooo choice! I’ll just have to keep your mouth shut — permanently~♪
Y-You dare try to kill me!? C-Curse you, y-you barbarian!
The heck… He talks weird.
God is also weird; am I the ooonly one here who’s proper?
I mean, I knew that already, buuut… Things really are crazy over here, huh…
Chapter 3

A few minutes later. In the mansion, at the far end of the funeral venue…
Alright, mission start!
Right, God, listen carefully. We’re now undercover agents. We’re gonna sneak in without anyone noticing us, and destroy the secret weapon the adults are hiding.
I saw a movie like that once.
movie… i do not understand, but what is important is that mikejima seems to be having fun.
kanata is having fun, too. does this mean… this is, fun?
kanata feels shaky.
That’s ‘cause God is usually holed up inside that dark liiittle den. Just being able to move your body around must feel good.
it is tiring, though. kanata’s legs feel heavy.
I’ll carry ya on my back.
that is most helpful. mikejima is a good kid~
It’s just ‘cause I’d hate to get dragged down and fail the mission after how long it took to get here. It’d be especially bad if my parents caught us. They’ll probably get super angry at me.
kanata apologizes for such a troublesome request, mikejima.
I don’t miiind. I get how you feel, aaand I’m having fun as well.
(—The other day, “Kanata-kun’s” mom passed away — the one who was worshiped as a living god in our religion.)
(Today is her funeral. As for me, I’m trying to get Kanata-kun to at least meet with her remains, ‘cause the pitiful Kanata-kun unfortunately couldn’t get to meet her in her final moments.)
(Yeah… I’m not wrong to do this, am I? This is justice, riiight?)
(I’m an ally of justice who saves pitiful kids.)
(I’m nothing like my father and mother.)
what is wrong? is kanata heavy?
Nope, you’re suuuper light! Are you sure you’re eating enough food?
kanata is eating, but… kanata is performing shōjin kessai.4
Shojin-what now?
shōjin kessai.
Mhm, dunno it! I don’t think about things I don’t know!
I’ll look it up on the net later. Anyway, the remains should be in the room right at the end of the hall.
But it’s the remains of God, so there might be people patrolling the place in case someone tries to mess around.
If there’s anyone like that, I’ll act as a decoy and attract their attention.
That’s when you can sneak inside the room and meet with your mother, Kanata-san.5
mm. that is most helpful, mikejima.
thank you for always being kind to kanata.
kanata would like to repay you, but kanata is not god yet, so kanata cannot do anything. how useless…
I don’t need any repayment! I’m just doing what’s natural to do as a human being! Heh~♪
i see. this is natural for a human being.
being kind to someone is natural.
then, kanata loves human beings.
(…What are those two doing? They managed to run away earlier, but I am going to get an explanation from them this time!)
(They are sneaking about in the corners of this mansion… Are they thieves? Then I shall punish them for their misconduct! It will act as revenge for the uncouth behavior earlier, as well!)
(However… Looking at them again, they truly are strange.)
(Especially that blue-haired child… What is that pompous attire?)
(It does not appear to be what a regular human would wear.)
(It is much more like that of an exorcist’s from an illustrated, fictional story; or a celestial maiden, or even a god—)
(…God? Ah, didn’t that child call oneself “God”…?)
human child.
…!? Huh!? W-When did you appear behind me!?
A blunder once again! I did not notice any presence!
shh~… silence. kanata does not understand much, but it seems that it will be a problem if kanata is caught right now.
it is called hide-and-seek. do you understand?
mm. one must hide without being caught. look, this place should be good.
I-I must hide behind this cabinet? Even me? Why?
(Wait, is this child simply from the neighborhood? It seems that a hide-and-seek game is occuring—…)
(Oh yes, didn’t I find this child concealed out of sight earlier?)
(That is a relief, then.)
(No, no, no, wait. No normal child would be casually walking around in such strange attire.)
(There is something about this child that is not normal.)
ah, mikejima is calling. so, kanata must go now.
Ah— Wait—
there, there. ♪
…? W-Why are you patting me?
does it no longer hurt? our mikejima was rude earlier, yes?
but. please forgive mikejima.
because, mikejima is always doing the right thing.
Chapter 4
The following chapter contains mentions of child abuse.
Location: Yumenosaki Academy’s Marine Life Club Room
Back to the present…
That is everything that I witnessed.
Mhm. I dunno if my comprehension level’s low, or your explanation’s bad, but it doesn’t really make any sense.
So what are you getting at…? Is it just that you met two strange kids at someone’s funeral long ago, or…?
Ahh, no, I forgot to mention their names, but… I believe the children I encountered were Shinkai-dono and Mikejima-dono.
Oh yeah, those two are childhood friends, aren’t they?
Kanata-kun often happily talks about “Mikejima” this or “Mikejima” that, so there was a time I was kinda jealous.
Not that there’s really any point to feeling jealous… I can’t win against something that’s been built up for so long.
Indeed… I could have also been in such a position, but I would continue to only cross paths with them, you see.
My family is not typically involved with Shinkai-dono’s household in the first place. Mikejima-dono’s household is full-time work, whereas we, the Kanzaki household, are much more akin to part-time work.
I don’t really get it. You really are bad at explaining, aren’t you, Souma-kun?
You’re simply slow-witted.
Either way, that matters not… What is important here is the supposed “cremation urn” that hit my head.
Ahh, yeah. So is that really a cremation urn?
I do not know… I mustered the courage to open the lid and check inside, but…
To my surprise, it was empty. There were no ashes or remains of the departed.
Ah, really? Whew. It’s not all gross or anything, but—
I seriously didn’t wanna think that we’d spent three years in this club room, without ever realizing that the remains of someone we don’t know were in here, too.
But really, I just don’t get it. What is this urn, then?
It’s unclear, but I believe it has some connection to Shinkai-dono’s household.
Look, it has their family crest— Well, I am not sure if I can call it that, but there is a symbol carving that identifies the urn as theirs.
It is considered impious for other households — or rather, for human beings — to use it.
You explain it like Kanata-kun isn’t a human being, huh…
I do not know how much you know about them, but Shinkai-dono’s family is a peculiar household.
And to the unusual Shinkai clan — The Kanzaki household and Mikejima-dono’s household are subordinates.
I would like you to understand those relationships between us, at the very least.
Shinkai-dono is like the lord, and we are like the vassals.
Mhm. We’re a pretty old household too, so I know there are some anachronic relationships like that to this day.
We’re all modern kids, so it all sounds absurd, y’know~ But I know it holds a heavy weight to some people.
So yeah, even if it’s something you can’t understand, you still gotta respect it.
That is the correct mindset to have. You have pleasant things to say sometimes, Hakaze-dono.
Oh? Souma-kun complimented me! What a rarity, maybe it’ll even rain tomorrow?6
Do not make a fool of me… Regardless, this is a peculiar twist of fate.
What do you mean? Could you not use such outdated terminology for everything?
There was a similar uproar back then, too.
A case that was supposed to contain the remains, ashes, or corpse of the deceased— was found to be empty when the lid was opened.
It may be a mere coincidence, but strangely, the scenarios overlap.
Mm? I thought this was gonna be a locked-room murder, but it’s actually a vanishing body twist?
What are you talking about?
The drama I’m acting in is your typical mystery, so~
Fufu. It is easy to be influenced by the roles we play in our work. Whenever I work as an actor, I grow emotionally attached to the role I am playing, and become one with it.
I remember a specific moment when this occurred to me, as well. Just the other day, when I returned to my family’s home, I accidentally uttered a harsh line from a role I had played in a movie—
And my mother and little brother were frightened of me, saying “Our eldest son became a delinquent!”
Sounds like an interesting story, but we’re going waaay off-topic here~
Mm, my apologies…
…As I mentioned earlier, it seems that at the time, Shinkai-dono and Mikejima-dono’s aim was to visit the remains of the figure who passed away.
But the remains they were trying to meet disappeared — is what happened?
It seems so. When Shinkai-dono and Mikejima-dono opened the coffin and peeked in, they did not find any body laid to rest there.
Naturally, everyone in the area caused a huge uproar.
Because of that, not only were the two who secretly went to see the remains suspected of being the culprits who hid it— But I, also, was suspected, as I was in the vicinity.
I was severely chastised and interrogated, and for a while I was even forbidden to roam about freely.
And naturally, for that exact reason, I lost contact with Shinkai-dono and Mikejima-dono, whom I did not typically have much interaction with.
Woah, woah, wait. Isn’t that way too severe!? I doubt you were the culprits behind it, and even if you were, you were just kids.
You were chastised…? That’s so awful. It’s way too old-fashioned.
It was only as far as a spanking, though. It was the first time I saw my father with such a terrifying expression, that I have nightmares of it to this day.
Ahh~ The more old-fashioned a family is, the scarier the dad, right? He comes from a time when the patriarchy was strong, after all. I totally getcha, it’s the same thing in my family~
Fufu. Perhaps we have a few things in common, more than expected.
Had I noticed sooner, we could have had some engaging topics to discuss.
True. We probably could’ve spent our days like normal high school kids, having fun badmouthing our teachers and parents.
There is not a single chance I’d ever badmouth my parents! I truly cannot get along with you after all…!
This kid’s real tricky…
Well, that is of no matter right now. This is simply in defense of my father rather than a continuation of the topic, but he was furious with me for a reason.
The missing remains belonged to a figure that, at the time, was worshiped as a living god for a religion.
Religion, huh… I did vaguely hear about how Kanata-kun’s family is something like that.
So you only vaguely know about it? Well, it is probably not an interesting story to get deeply involved with.
Regardless, since you are aware of that, I will cut the explanation short. To put it simply, it is not merely a story about how the remains disappeared.
It is about how God disappeared. The very foundation of our hearts.
It is only natural that it caused a huge uproar.
And to make matters worse… Shortly after that, further strange events began to occur—
Chapter 5
Location: Kanzaki Souma Residence

Flashback — Right after the funeral of Shinkai Kanata’s mother…
“Written Statement of Repentance”
“I, Kanzaki Souma, failed to obey my parents’ instructions, and in my profli…”
P… Pr… Prof-li-ga-t…
Ah, “profligate”. There it is. ♪
(Mm, you can find anything in a dictionary.)
(I must use the correct verbiage, or my feelings will not be properly conveyed.)
(Perhaps it would be wise to carry a dictionary with me from now on.)
(A dictionary in my right hand, and the katana in my left.)
(Mhm, I would be unstoppable. ♪)
(Though, they are both too heavy for my stature, as I am still small…)
(And that katana — my family’s heirloom that I will one day inherit — is a heritage I can only gaze at from afar during Shinto rituals. It is forbidden to even touch it.)
(However, I hope to someday become someone worthy of equipping such possessions.)
(A reputable samurai who rightly carries a sword on his waist.)
(And that is another reason why I must reflect on myself and train more right now.)
Let’s see… “and in my profligate behavior, violated a taboo, and disgraced my family name.”
“Henceforth, I swear that I will reflect upon myself and amend my behavior, so that I never make the same error again.”
Mhm, it is complete. The content and brushwork are excellent — I am quite satisfied with this.
Now to deliver this to Fathe—
(Mm? Is there a guest? Father is speaking to someone…?)
(I mustn’t disturb them, so I shall wait a bit. I do not want to be berated again.)
…Oh, there is a cat in the garden.
What a preciously adorable calico cat.7
Now, now, you will not find fish here. You will need to go someplace else if you would like to hunt some.
You will get severely reprimanded if you trifle with a human’s belongings~ You naughty kitty.
(Mm… I do not mean to eavesdrop, but Father’s voice is so loud that I can somewhat hear what they are discussing.)
(…H-Hold on, my name was mentioned. How embarrassing…! Is he complaining about his inadequate son in front of the guest…?)
(Father~! I have properly reflected on myself! I will never repeat the same mistake again!)
(Please forgive me alrea— Mm?)
(“God”? Did you say “God,” Father?)
(—As I understand it, the strange child I encountered at the funeral venue that day is God.)
(That child certainly did have such an air, that the notion of it is explicable.)
(And although my household is not to do with a shrine, but rather one of samurai, it seems that we have been involved in Shinto rituals for generations.)
(I have had the opportunity to observe many Shinto rituals myself, and I have gone through various kinds of training all for this very reason—)
(It is all to ensure that, when the time comes, I will hold the ritual dedicated to God safely.)
(Father has not stated any of this, but that appears to be the case.)
(And on that day, I unknowingly encountered an eminent being whom I will eventually serve.)
(An upper-class, superior being that is forbidden to speak to.)
(Therefore, it is only natural that I was reprimanded. Were this any generation earlier, even decapitation would be a lenient punishment — For I had done something unforgivable.)
(I have reflected on myself properly… I swear to never defile God’s eyes ever again.)
(Ah, but that God was wearing a blindfold of some sort, so I was likely not visible to the eye…)
(Which feels a little lonely to think about…)
(God’s fingertips that touched my head that day were gentle, soft, and warm.)
(Even when I was not aware that that being was God — I felt something sacred towards that being.)
(Is that what God is meant to be?)
(If so, then is it not wonderful to serve and worship God?)
(Mm~? What has Father been talking about for the past while?)
(“Abisu”? What is “Abisu”?)8
(Father and the guest keep saying that word.)
(There is an extraordinary air to their conversation… It is as if they are military commanders about to head to a great battle. How magnificent.)
(But what is “Abisu”? I have never heard of this word.)
(Heh, however… In my hand is a dictionary!)
(I can search for any words I do not know immediately. It is crucial that I identify everything around me that I do not know, and grow to understand all of it.)
(A… Ab… Abisu. Abisu… Oh, there it is.)
(Its meaning is…?)
(Erm, it means “hell” in English.)
(It also means the “deep”— How do I read this kanji again? Umm, I believe I saw it in one of my books, and struggled with it even then, so I had to look it up on the dictionary as well…?)
(Ah, that’s right! “Abyss”! Abisu means the “deep abyss”!)9
(The pitch-dark depths, extremely deep within the ocean.)
(It also means the “deep sea”?10 Hmhm, how enlightening.)
Chapter 6
The following chapter contains mentions of child abuse.
Location: Abode of God

At the same time, at a facility for the religious group — Known as “Abode of God”…
bored~ bored, bored~ boooreeed~
so bored, kanata could melt.
……what is mikejima doing.
god is bored, you know.
—Did you call for this Mikejima here, O Holy God?
Just kidding. Heya, you suuure look bored, God.
—wah! unh?
Are you alright!? You trip a lot, God… You a little kid?
uu… kanata is still not used to this place… kanata does not know where everything is, so kanata tripped and fell.
it hurts… kanata hit one’s forehead. it is throbbing.
If you’re God, then you need to bear with it.
mm… it is as mikejima says. kanata will bear with it.
(sniff, sobs)… but, it hurts… maybe bearing with it is, not possible…
Ahh~ You’re bleeding… Don’t move, I’ll disinfect it.
I also get into fights a lot with my paren— I mean, the bad guys, and get injured. That’s why I always carry first aid with me so I can do basic treatment.
injured? is mikejima alright?
kanata is the one who tripped, but mikejima seems to be in pain, too.
did mikejima’s father and mother scold mikejima again?
Ahh~ Well, yeah, they’re still nagging me about what happened the other day.
Like, “why did you ever think it was a good idea to take the very being you’re supposed to protect outside?” and stuff.
My parents were also criticized a lot by other worshipers, apparently. So basically, they’re just whining ‘cause their reputation was damaged.
That’s basically what it means when you’re told to “never cause trouble for others.”
there, there.
…Were you even listening to me, God?
Don’t pat me. The disinfectant liquid on your hand is dripping down on me, and making my eyes sting.
sorry. but mikejima seemed to be suffering.
do not cry… mikejima did nothing wrong.
everything is kanata’s fault. because kanata wanted to meet mother.
I’m not crying, and we didn’t even get to meet her in the end, which seeeriously sucks.
Nothing went right. The entire mission was a failure.
But… Why did the remains disappear, anyway…?
kanata does not know. however, the chief priest11 — as in, father — said it was the abyss’s doing.
I don’t know nor care if it’s ABYSS or Ebisu12, but does it even actually exist in the first place?
kanata does not know that, either… kanata is not god yet, so kanata does not know anything.
Hmph… Whatever, anyway — You’re saying that I didn’t do anything wrong, but it is naturally my fault as well, y’know?
That’s why I got reprimanded. I broke a taboo, after all.
taboo… why is kanata not allowed to go outside?
is it because kanata could trip and get hurt? and therefore, everyone is worried for kanata?
It’s probably ‘cause the air of mystique would fade away. God is distant, always hidden behind the bamboo blinds, or anything similar.
And ‘cause God can’t be seen, the delusions grow stronger, giving the impression that God is very sacred.
Those misconceptions by the worshipers are what keeps this religion alive, that’s all.
That’s why you, who will eventually become God, are hidden from the world. ‘Cause if anyone were to meet you in person, they’d find out that you’re dumb and stupid, and a kid just like me.
dumb? stupid? what do these words mean?
It means pretty and cute!
ah, kanata understands… good, then. ehehe~♪
Mm~ God really is dumb… So dumb that it’s amusing.
praise kanata more. worship kanata more~ ehe, ehe~♪
Haha. …Aaalright, I’m done treating ya. But as always, your hair is sooo long that it was hard to do. It’s a real hindrance~
mm. kanata also thinks it is a hindrance.
when sleeping, kanata sometimes accidentally eats the strands, and it becomes difficult to breathe. it is a problem. kanata will die if kanata cannot breathe.
I’ll cut your hair in secret eventually.
it is not allowed. one must not cut one’s hair. nor take off this blindfold.
it is forbidden. if the taboo is broken, mikejima will be scolded again.
kanata does not want mikejima to be scolded… to be hurt or sad.
I see… Thank you.
But I really just can’t leave you as you are right now, y’know~?
kanata is satisfied. it is boring, but mikejima makes it go away.
but. that is exactly why kanata was so scared that kanata might not see mikejima ever again.
You’re such a spoiled kid, God~ Do you feel lonely without me?
that should be obvious.
I see. …Buuut the thing is, it’s actually forbidden to meet with God. I sneaked out of my cram classes again to come here.
I already understand every single thing from elementary school, so it’s boooring. That’s why I came over to play.
w-will you be alright? mikejima broke a taboo again? you will be scolded…
I’ll be fine as long as they don’t find out~ Hahaha!
when kanata becomes god, kanata will change many regulations. kanata will make sure no scolding happens, even when mikejima and kanata are getting along together.
so wait a bit. it will be okay.
you probably only need to be patient for a little longer.
I see. Then I’ll wait without expecting too much.
mm. keep that expectation.
it will all be okay. because god does not lie.
Chapter 7
(munch, munch munch, munch munch)…♪
There, there, is it tasty? They juuust launched these snacks.
it is tasty. the things mikejima always brings are tasty, so kanata likes them.
Snacks, yeah?
Well, that makes sense — you’re not usually given any proper food, ‘cause you say you gotta do that shōjin kessai…
Ah— I know what “shōjin kessai” means now, ‘cause I thoroughly looked it up!
mm. kanata will become god. so shōjin kessai is necessary.
When you become God, you might not be allowed to eat snacks anymore, y’knoow?
In fact, if I never snuck any snacks over here for you, I feel like God would’ve neeever gotten in contact with any snacks or entertainment.
mm… but, well, that is unavoidable. that is what it means to be god.
You’re completely brainwashed…
…ah, kanata finished eating it already.
there are no more tasty things. sadly…
mikejima. even when kanata becomes god, will mikejima still bring snacks in secret again?
Mm~ I might not be able to promise that, y’knoow? Once you become God, you’ll probably have way more security and surveillance here, so it may be a lot harder to get close to God, yeaah?
it will be okay. because mikejima can do anything.
I can’t do everything, though~? I’m not God, after all.
even if you cannot do everything, mikejima can do so many things that kanata likes.
mikejima~ do that again. the one mikejima likes.
the one called ‘ally of justice’. the interesting one of singing and dancing.
Now that he’s satisfied himself with snacks, the next thing on the list is a show, huh… What a big shot~ He’s deeefinitely a God in that regard.
Also, you really like seeing me act like an ally of justice, dont’chaaa, God?
mm. it is fun, so kanata likes it.
But God, you don’t seem to really understand what an ally of justice is about, do you?
Allies of justice and idols are different — They’re not typically the type to sing and dance, y’knoow?
but, they say interesting things, and do interesting moves.
Well, it’s true that tokusatsu allies of justice also possess the characteristics of performing those sorts of shows.
After all, part of its business is to present something in a fascinating way to attract merchandise sales.
But the ally of justice I yearn to become aren’t existences meant to be for entertainment… They’re allies of justice who fight against evil — who crush the strong and save the weak.
(……Unlike my father, who only colludes with evil while he puts on a mask of justice.)
then, that is the same as kanata.
after all, kanata’s duty is to defeat the evil things13, as well.
kanata is also what you call an ally of justice.
Heh! You, an ally of justice? When all you ever do is trip and cry?
When you can’t even walk unless I hold your hand? You, who’d probably immediately die if I wasn’t there to protect you?
is it not okay? mikejima will also become an ally of justice someday, right?
if kanata were to also become ‘that’, then kanata and mikejima would aaalways be… together~♪
…You’re gonna become God, aren’t you? Sooo isn’t it impossible for you to become an ally of justice in the future?
ah, right. this is a problem. kanata cannot become both god and ally of justice… if only kanata could split into two.
Maybe we could pluck off your legs. A body miiight grow from them! ♪
d-do not say something so terrifying. mikejima is mean sometimes.
You make it sound like I’m typically kiiind~
mikejima is kind. mikejima is number one in kanata’s world.
Me, number one? The world God lives in has suuuch a tiny population, huh…
mm. there are not many people in kanata’s world. kanata is rarely able to meet family, and the worshipers are always far away.
that is why kanata is always lonely.
hey, mikejima… do not go anywhere.
stay by kanata’s side forever.
Sure, sure~ If that’s God’s order, then I’ll gladly abide by it~♪
mmrph… this is a serious request, you know…
Chapter 8
Location: Yumenosaki’s Marine Life Club Room
Present time…
…!? Get down, Hakaze-dono!
Huh? Huh? Where’d this come from!?
Why are you dawdling about!?
Woah, woah—! Don’t grab me by the neck and push me down~! If someone saw us, they’ll mistake Souma-kyun and I as being really close, y’know!?
This is not the time for jests! I have always despised that about you!
Uh, of course I’m gonna feel confused if you randomly start acting like we’re in an action manga, though?
We’re in a peaceful era of Japan, y’know~ I’m not the weird one here — it’s Souma-kun, ‘kay?

—Hahaha! Too bad, so sad! I couldn’t throw a surprise attack on ya!
Oh, speak of the devil; it’s Mikejima-kun!
Hahaha! I thought you were completely distracted, but you stiiill managed to pick up on the sign of bloodlust, huh?
Even though when I first met you, you pathetically fainted without putting up a fight.
You’ve really grown, Souma-san. Big bro’s so impressed!
You are no brother of mine. I see that you say nothing but nonsense as always, Mikejima-dono. Rather, the majority of Yumenosaki alumni are like that.
And what are you even here for in the first place? This is our Marine Life Club’s dominion!
Hahaha, and I see that you’re living in a historical drama, as always. That makes me laugh.
Unlike me, you didn’t become disillusioned with yourself and give up — You’re stiiill properly living in the ideal dreams from your childhood.
When I think of it that way, I get a little jealous.
What’s this all about, all of the sudden…?
Ohh, Kaoru-san’s here, too? I couldn’t see him behind Souma-san.
It’s preeetty rare for graduates to meet each other in Yumenosaki~ Fate’s so interestingly strange!
It’s unclear why, but Hakaze-dono frequently visits the club room for some reason.
You should learn from him, Mikejima-dono. According to my friend, Adonisu-dono, Tenma has been feeling lonely.
Ehh, I don’t wanna be caught in something annoying again…14
I’ve already stopped trying to act like the “admirable guy who constantly makes an effort for the lonely.”
Besides, I barely have any good memories of Yumenosaki, and I’d rather not even have to come here in the first place.
But well, I can’t avoid it this time. Things would only get unnecessarily troublesome if I left it as is.
Souma-san. Hand over that urn you’ve got in your hands.
This urn…? What is it exactly?
You don’t need to know.
Hmph, you are always like this. Perhaps you feel the need to be secretive and mystique, but that attitude will only further raise suspicion.
I’m doing this out of consideration for you, though… So that you don’t get involved in some stupid mess.
What a joke! I have been involved since the very day I was born.
This urn is related to Shinkai-dono’s household, is it not? Then it should be a matter of concern to me, as well.
Yet why do you always, always exclude me from everything?
That’s ‘cause it has nothing to do with you… You Kanzaki folks have a special standpoint, independent from any hierarchy within the faith.
You’re watchdogs of religion, sent by the government of those times. The remnants of samurai on standby, who were ordered to slice off God if the religion or God themself ever causes harm to the government.
The reason for your existence and your household’s history is entirely different from us, the Mikejimas, who’ve been designated as the caretakers of God from the very beginning, and have been assigned this duty within the religion.
Heh, look at me, now I’m starting to talk in historical drama lingo~
How about, instead, we talk about reality — a much more grounded topic?
That urn is evidence of a crime. Kanata-san and I talked it out and agreed to hide it in this club room, way back when.
We even installed an alarm system to immediately alert us if someone tried to take it out, y’see…
And I happened to be nearby, so that’s why I was able to rush over here so quickly.
This urn is evidence of a crime…?
Yup, so I can’t have you get curious, and then take it to an outside police or appraiser to look into it, Souma-san.
That’d only bring to light the despicable past that we worked so hard to bury, deep within the darkness — the bottom depths of the abyss.15
That’s why I came rushing here before it’s too late. Hahaha!
The despicable past?
Ah, did I pique your interest insteaaad? Curiosity kills the cat, y’knoow?
Nah, actually… In your case, I feel like it’d be way easier if I just explain everything, instead of keeping it a secret—
Since it’s you we’re talking about, I feel like you’d be convinced to help us with our “cover-up”.
Cover-up? This crime stuff sounds really shady, but is it even okay for me to hear any of this? I can leave if I shouldn’t.
Either way’s fine by me. In fact, you might empathize with the story even more than Souma-saaan.
Y’know what, I’m in the mood. This might be a sign of something, so I’m gonna do something I don’t usually do — I’ll explain everything from top to bottom.
The case’s gonna expire soon anyway, and it’s way too heavy a burden to carry all by ourselves.
—Let’s start from the beginning: when God died.
That was a scheme created by a secret organization that existed in our religion, and that organization was called “ABYSS”.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Young Souma speaks around the same as present Souma, in old-fashioned Japanese (de-aru). Sometimes he speaks a bit more child-like than present Souma would.
- ↑ Young Kanata speaks differently from the present. While he does talk in hiragana only, there are no quotation marks around any of his words, possibly due to how short his sentences are. He also refers to himself in third-person (kanata instead of his first-person pronoun in the present time, boku). Last but not least, he speaks in old-fashioned Japanese, as well as using an imperative, commanding tone, akin to a high-being ordering those below him. Present Kanata, in comparison, speaks in polite speech, including his requests (always saying kudasai when asking someone to do something).
- ↑ Young Madara speaks around the same as present Madara, with his elongated vowels at the end of the sentence. Sometimes he speaks a bit more child-like than present Madara would.
- ↑ Shōjin kessai, known as a purification ritual, is to abstain from consumption of food for the sake of purifying/clearing the soul and body.
- ↑ This “Kanata-san” may or may not be a mistake, as young Madara has only been calling Kanata by “God” up until now (and “Kanata-kun” only in his head). For now I’ll stick to the original script as is.
- ↑ This is said when something happening is so rare, that it might be a sign of an unlikely rain.
- ↑ Calico cat is called mikeneko (三毛猫) in Japanese, the same kanji for mike-jima.
- ↑ This is literally written as abisu, since it’s originally an English word.
- ↑ The word here is shin-en (深淵), the Japanese word for abyss.
- ↑ This is the same word as Kanata’s last name, shinkai, which also means deep sea.
- ↑ A shrine priest, to be exact, also known as the head/manager priest in charge of rituals (guuji).
- ↑ Ebisu is the Japanese god of fishing.
- ↑ Also translated as “bad thing” or “villain” in other translations.
- ↑ Referring to Myriad of Colors and Flowers. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ The word used here is shin-en, which was mentioned in Chapter 5.