[ES!!] A Detour Encounter
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Jun encounters Tori and Midori at the bookstore…
This story is connected to the card [Purchasing New Book] Jun Sazanami.
Story Release Date: February 10, 2021
Season: Summer
Location: Shopping Mall 1F

(I've finally arrived at the bookstore and all, but the manga I came here for isn't anywhere to be found, huh~?)
(It wasn't in the storefront, so I thought it might've been in the new releases corner… but maybe they're all sold out.)
(Well, if that's the case, I guess I should go to a different… — Oh!)
(Found it! And it's the last copy, too — that was close~)
……Woah there.
Ah, I'm so sorry. Oh— you're that guy from Eden…
Oh hey, Takamine-kun, I was wondering who it was. 'Sup~
Huh? Ah, um, hi… Ughhh, you sound so cheery… You like this manga too, Sazanami-senpai…?
I sure do~ I'm even here to grab it on release day.
On that note, what d'ya mean by cheery? Do I really look all that peppy to you?
That's what your tennis racket bag made me think… Tennis players have that party animal energy…
Heeey, just how long are you two gonna stand around chatting for?

Whoops, excuse m… Oh, Himemiya-kun, since when were you here?
All this time, actually! You just couldn't see me because the too-tall Takamine was in the way, okay?
I'm sorry for being so tall… I'm such an eyesore to people… I wish I could just disappear so I stay out of everyone's way…
Yeah, yeah, enough of that. That's the last copy, right? If you don’t grab it soon, someone else is gonna nab it, y'know?
Good point. Here you go, Takamine-kun.
Wha— Please buy it for yourself, Sazanami-senpai. You had your hand on it first…
It's fine, really~ I know some other bookstores, so I'll just pop by 'em for a peek and think of it as exercise.
I can't put you through that trouble. If I did, I'd be toast the moment some CosPro higher-up found out…
Ermmm… How about I join you…?
Nah, you've already got a copy right here. Please go ahead and buy it, Takamine-kun.
You guys seriously aren't getting anywhere… Takamine, you can get it and then just pass it around in the Archives Circle, right?
That's why I came with you in the first place, after all ♪
Great idea~ I'm all for it. Takamine-kun seems like he'd be up for sharing, after all.
Here's half the cash, so kindly go on and buy the last copy, Takamine-kun.
Sigh… Alright then. I'll go and pay for it…
A few minutes later…
I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I bought it without a hitch…
But are you really okay with letting me of all people take it…?
Of course. Please don't worry so much about it.
I never really had the habit of collecting manga in the first place, anyway. Back at my parents' place, I wasn't allowed anything besides idol-related stuff so I couldn't keep any.
When I absolutely had to read some, I'd wait for when the volumes came out and then drop by a manga cafe to read 'em, y'see~
Seriously…? Not being able to read manga at home… That sounds like a nightmare…
It's not all that weird, you know? Even I only got to properly read manga by borrowing from the new Prez, after all.
And even after joining Archives, I had to read in secret until Yuzuru stopped nagging my head off for it.
Wow… I can't believe you guys weren't even free to read manga…
Just the thought of being thrown into a life like that overwhelms me with depression… I could never live without the freedom to at least enjoy my hobbies.
We were talking about manga, so how'd this convo get so dark…? I was expecting something way more casual…
The same way you'd mention your daily lunchbox having broccoli in it…
Broccoli? That stuff's good for building muscle, y'know~ I have it all the time.
Oh, then… Here you go. This is thanks for letting me have the manga…
Huh? You walk around carrying broccoli with you?
Ahh, yeah… Not just broccoli, though.
Having nothing but veggies is boring. If only you could pull out some sweets, too.
You're asking for the impossible. Sweets aren't veggies, y'know…
Um, if you ever feel like eating a certain veggie, please tell me. I'm from a greengrocer, so… I'll get you as much as you want.
Ooh. Having you tell me that's gonna be a big help~ I'll keep it in mind for the match comin' up soon.
A match?
I'm in the tennis club, see. We're gonna be having a practice match with Yumenosaki sometime.
Seriously? I'd heard something about us having a match, but our opponents are gonna be Reimei?
Hmm? You're in the tennis club?
That's pretty surprising. Since you're in Archives, I thought you'd be the type to be in something like a handicrafts or culture club instead.
Geez, look who's talking! You know we're in the same circle, right?
Our school's tennis club isn't all that serious, y'see. This coming practice match is gonna be more for fun than anything else.
But well, since it's a match, we don’t plan on losing, of course ♪
Oh, you've really said it now, huh~? I'll be the one to kick all your butts…!
Ugh, that's right. You play tennis too, Himemiya-kun…
I'm surrounded by extroverts… I'm not even depressed anymore, now I just feel like dying…
Broccoli's just the thing in times like these, actually. I heard it helps even with depression.
Here ya go.
T-Thank you… Wait, this is the one I just gave you…
Please keep it for yourself. I still have lots on me.
Seriously? Just how many vegetables do you have in that bag? Forget what happens next in the manga, I'm even more invested in this, y'know?