WILDLAND – Tetora Mini Talk: Stylish Sports Equipment

Hehe. It’s as you said, Anego — The design on those trousers are pretty nice too!
A junior from the Karate Club told me ‘bout this sports equipment site. They sell a lotta good products, huh~
Sports stuff quickly wear out, so the more good shops and sites I can look through, the better~♪
The black T-shirt, huh? Yeah, it’s nice ‘cuz it’s black, and looks pretty stylish at that too.
Aight, I’m gonna buy this T-shirt!
‘Course it’s gonna be good, it’s something Anego recommends! I trust your choices~♪
Ahh, the towel with a yuruchara printed on it, right?
It’s cute, but I think Midori-kun would like that sorta design more.
I’ll order this for him while I’m orderin’ other stuff, too. And then I’ll give it to Midori-kun as a present the next time I see him!

On my next day off, I’m plannin’ on checking out a physical store with Hiiro-kun.
When I told Narukami-senpai and HiMERU-san ‘bout it, they told me that if I send ‘em a photo, they’ll check if it looks stylish or not.
But to be honest, I’m not that concerned ‘bout whether or not my sports clothes look stylish…
True, it’s a luxury that I can get advice from ‘em, since they’re both fashionable people.
Uu~myu. I didn’t wanna take up their time, so I didn’t plan on contacting ‘em, but…
Aight, I think I’ll rely on ‘em just a li’l after all!
As in, building up on your hard work every day is important, whether for karate or fashion, right?
There’s no harm in being fashionable as someone who works a job that involves being in public, and it’s a great opportunity to get advice ‘bout it, so I’ll ask ‘em.
If I get to buy somethin’ good, I’ll be sure to show ya too, Anego~♪

Ah— Shinobu-kun messaged me…? I’ll have to excuse myself for a moment.
Aight, it was just a reminder that Ryuseitai’s having a gathering soon.
We’ve all been busy lately, after all. So it looks like he went through the effort of sending me a reminder!
This is… a box of sweets?
A staff member bought it as an apology, but nobody is using the box now? You sure it’s alright I take this…?
Got it! Then I’d be glad to take it! I’ll happily eat it along with everyone in Ryuseitai!
Ah, we’re gonna go have lunch together today!
Morisawa-senpai found a restaurant with tasty food, so he invited us to join him ‘cuz he wanted to go with everyone.
That’s why I skipped breakfast today, so I could enjoy my meal even more! I’m lookin’ forward to it!